Scottish Canals Navigation and Safety Q&A

13/05/24 – Note of Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety Committee

Those Present:- Tommy Thomson, Alasdair Hamilton,  Mark Smith– Scottish Canals                              Neil Kitchener – Elspeth Soutar – LCA
QuestionAnswer from SCSC Answer
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 04-09-2023 No Change, awaiting the arrival of the dredging team on the Union.   06-11-2023. This work is planned for the winter period, along with clearing the entrances to some of the outfall weirs.   29-01-2024.  A work boat is proceeding along the Union Canal and should start work in mid-February.   04-03-24.  Work has started, workboat is also removing trees.Points between Edinburgh and Broxburn have been lengthened but nesting birds have delayed the rest.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.   Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes The dredging report for the Forth and Clyde and the dredging plan for this season were never issued.   06-11-2023 Dredging on the Union Canal has been delayed till next financial year due to budgetary restrictions. It is hoped that work will be carried out next year. Dredging in the River Carron in front of sea lock 1 is scheduled for this winter, subject to approval from SEPA. The dredging plan for the F&C will be sent out for review and comment shortly.   29-01-2024.  A national plan and programme for dredging is being developed at present. It will be issued in due course.   Craigmarloch feeder stream has been cleaned out.   The licence for the dredging works in the River Carron at Sealock 1 has been issued and work will start in February   F&C dredging report is being prepared. for issue and discussion shortly.   04-03-24. Sea Lock 1 on the River Carron should be complete by the end of March. No dredging is planned on the Union this year. The dredging plan for the Forth and Clyde will be published shortly. SC are considering reducing the declared depth on the F&C to 1400mm or 1500mm rather than the current 1800mm. It is only 1400mm on the Glasgow Branch.  The skippers guide will be updated when the depth has been decided. Voyager has a draft of 1450mm and occasionally hits the bottomThe entrance to Sea Lock 1 was completed in March. Dredging has been included in the budget for this year and will be carried out over the winter once the floating plant has been refurbished. Most of the work will be on the Union but a few hotspots on the F&C will be removed. The F&C dredging plan will be issued before the next meeting.

62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     04-09-2023 No Change. Capital budget required for rebranding still work in progress. Probably next year   06-11-2023 Work is being programme but awaiting budgetary approval. Costs may be reduced by using adhesive signs over the existing boards.   29-01-2024. Budget restrictions until end of March. Possible progress next financial year   04-03-24.  Capital funding is now available and work on updating the signage will start soon. Signs on the River Carron to be replaced this monthSafety signage will be updated shortly. Extra No Fishing signs will be added at Auchinstarry. Depth gauge signs on the River Carron still to be completed.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 04-09 2023 Delayed due to no manning resource.   06-11-2023 Tommy Thomson to chase maintenance supervisor but the work is low priority.   29-01-2024. This work is low priority. However, missing/damaged rubbing strips create a hazard at a number of bridges and locks. SC to inspect all areas and review which are urgent.   04-03-24. Still low  priorityFenders to be added at Prince Charlies Bridge. Following inspections, protruding bolts to be removed where timber rubbing strips have rotted away.

66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.     Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October each year. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.   03-07-2023  Lock 21 to 38 are now operational but low water levels may still impact navigation down to Bowling Lock 8 has been completed and Locks 16 to Lock 3 are now operational but low water levels are restricting navigation to every other day. Lock 5 will be refurbished next winter. Sea Lock 1 is operational but the river channel needs to be dredged to provide full access.                05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works. 13-05-24 Bywashes to be installed over winter.   13-05-24 Bridge is now operational     13-05-24 Lock is now working okay. No other work planned.   13-05-24 . Still to be completed. Looking at rebuilding the spillway but water will be kept low till work complete in 26/27                       13-05-24 Lock 5 gates now replaced. 29-01-24 Lock 16 gates to be replaced next winter following temporary repair. SC has developed a long term strategy for gate replacement across the network.   13-05-24 Work to Sea Lock 1 now complete.   13-05-24 The Falkirk Wheel overhaul is now complete.   13-05-24 Resurfacing works for the Clydebank towpath now complete. 13-05-24 Temporary repair to the balance beam on the Kelpies Lock completed.

67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.   04-09-2023 There is good access onto the pontoons at each lock. Most people prefer weekends but a few could make weekdays. Neil to propose dates for Tommy to choose allowing for 4 to 6 per session   06-11-2023 Neil Kitchener to suggest dates for training, both weekend and mid week, probably in February.   29-01-2024. Possible dates for using The Duckling at Lock 20 and Gypsy Princess at Glasgow/Maryhill sent to Tommy to confirm dates for lock training as well as bridge operation around Glasgow.   04-03-24.  Tommy to confirm dates for training, both weekend and midweekThree sessions held and 12 people were trained in lock operation last month. The RF card has to be renewed before the Glasgow Branch bridges can be user operated. Training/refreshing will then be organised.
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 06-11-2023 Helenslea is ¾ complete but more material has been ordered. Spiers Wharf is next followed the linear pontoon at Southbank. Sea locks 1 and 2 require thicker grade materials which has been cut, they will be upgraded over the winter. The demasting pontoon on the River Carron has still to be inspected.   29-01-2024 Awaiting delivery of more GRP but may not be available till June. Sequence will be Southbank, Spiers Wharf then Bowling.   04-03-24.  Materials are available for Southbank. Work on Seagull Trust and the linear pontoons will start soon. Walkways in the marina will be pressure washed, pending receipt of new materials. Spiers Wharf and Bowling to follow.Delivery of additional materials awaited, work will restart at the end of summer. Southbank will be started when resources are available but walkways have been pressure washed. Seagull Trust are to add a handrail to their access ramp.
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 03-07-2023 No Change Also issues at Cadder   04-09-2023 No Change, also issues at Cadder budget issues   06-11-2023 Billy King to review need to change location or provide protection. There are also issues with telemetry at Calder Crescent near Hub 8.   29-01-2024. Fendering to be installed before Easter.   04-03-24.  No ChangeAlasdair to check and report back
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 04-09-2023 – Obstruction has been identified and confirmed by dredger. Solution to be determined.   06-11-2023 Proposal still being developed.   29-01-2024. No information, Alasdair will review and report back   04-03-24.  Removal of underwater obstructions may endanger the stability of the wall so pontoons will probably be installed. No budget allocated yet although access is essential for user operation of the bridge.Alasdair to review progress on scheme and report back.

115. Q Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 04-09-2023 Replacement over the winter   06-11-2023 Programmed for this winter.   29-01-2024. Shortage of materials means it won’t be repaired this year but maybe when Spiers Wharf is being redecked. SC to review whether Ocho would make a contribution to the costs.   04-03-24  No Change.Low priority, work will concentrate on essential pontoons used by boaters.

124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and other areas.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 04-09-2023 Campbell Christie in hand of broker for sale. Wooden Spoon, owner has paid to refloat boat. Kingfisher, SC have now taken possession. Contractor engaged to refloat boat. Lowland Dream, no info. New Venture, SC are applying for a Section 8 order to take possession. Concern was expressed that some insurance policies may exclude the cost of refloating vessels.   06-11-2023 Campbell Christie as been sold. Contractor failed to lift Kingfisher, will try again. Kadama which sank at Auchinstarry has been refloated and along with Moles boat and one other are subject to a Section 8 order. They have been moved to the jetty in readiness for removal to the compound anu ultimate sale. Alma has been lifted out at Carron sea lock. Note was sent to all LCA members to check details of insurance cover.    29-01-2024. A number of other boats have sunk recently.   SC are currently serving Section 8 orders on a number of boats which have either defaulted in payments or are particularly dangerous.   SC are proposing a Boatwatch scheme so boaters can alert the owners and SC of boats in imminent danger of sinking. Mark Smith will prepare a scheme for consultation. It may include provision of ropes, spill kits and maybe pumps at various locations along the network.   Blue Hue and John Hume have been sold and will be lifted out of the water this week.   04-03-24.  Old Spot, Campbell Christie, Blue Hue and John Hume have been sold and removed from the canal. Kingfisher is still underwater. Three boats are moored alongside the jetty at Auchinstarry awaiting a decision about disposal with two more undergoing Section 8. One boat at Southbank has sunk. Work on the proposed Boatwatch scheme is progressing, awaiting clarification of rules etc.5 boats are scheduled for removal from Auchinstarry shortly, for sale or scrapping. An attempt to lift Kingfisher at Bowling failed, review meeting next week. Contact details for the Boatwatch scheme have been issued but no details have been added to SC website or information sent out to boaters yet. Nicola to action.

125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 04-09-2023 Progress has been made, and work is ongoing between Linn’s Mill and Ratho   06-11-2023 Work is ongoing and will continue over the winter. There has been a noticeable improvement in some areas.   29-01-2024. Work is progressing but bridges and winding holes remain a priority.   Work to clear the undergrowth from the towpaths is ongoing.   04-03-24.  Work is ongoing with Panacea and SC workboats.Panacea is continuing with the work. Lochrin workboat is available for use by other societies
126. Q. Fallen tree and overhanging shrubs blocking visibility to the west of Craigmarloch Bidge on F&C.04-09-2023 Contractor appointed, removal in next two weeks   06-11-2023 Another tree has come down and once costs are approved, they will both be removed. There are also similar issues on the Monkland Canal.   29-01-2024.A number of large trees blew down in the recent storms and SC are arranging for a contractor to remove them. There will be an order of priority so that boaters are able to access pump out and fuelling facilities etc.   04-03-24.  Work to remove all fallen trees has been contracted out and work is proceeding according to a priority schedule. Hope to be complete by the end of March.Still not removed, Tommy to chase subcontractor.
127. Water levels on the F&C are low which seriously affects boats moored to bank. The stability of some pontoons is endangered and some boats are resting on the bed.03-07-2023 Water levels have been affected by recent dry spell, running down reservoirs for resilience improvements and repairing lockgates. Hope to see improvement but SEPA restrictions also impact levels. The Wheel has also been affected but Bowling is back up to level.   04-09-2023 The recent hot dry spell has still caused problems and boat movement to the Kelpies and Bowling are restricted to conserve water. Extraction limits from reservoirs are restricted by SEPA.   06-11-2023 Water levels are much better following heavy recent rain. Work is still being carried out on Townhead Reservoir to safeguard the embankments and spillway.   29-01-2024. The Smart Canal in Glasgow is being commissioned and calibrated next week ready for automatic operation. This which will affect water levels in the summit pound for a week or so.   Gates to Locks 20 and 21 will be replaced next winter which should reduce water loss. SC are reviewing whether to instal by-washes on some locks.   The water level in Townhead reservoir will be reduced whilst it is being upgraded so there may be a shortfall in water supply during the summer. It is hoped that Hillend reservoir will provide adequate backup to avoid restricted operations down to the Kelpies and Bowling   04-03-24.  The smart canal has been commissioned and is now in automatic mode. Bypasses to control levels on the summit pound are planned for Locks 20 and 21. Townhead reservoir has still to be upgraded. Hopefully, the new construction scheme will minimise the risk of low water levels this summer.Townhead is still unresolved, there may be issues with lack of water if we have a dry summer.
128. Emergency escape ladders at Southbank Marina are not well sited or adequately signed.04-09-2023 Work forecast for October.   06-11-2023 Ladder has been sourced and installation is scheduled for this winter.   29-01-2024. The work is scheduled for mid February. SC to consider fixing high visibility fluorescent tape or similar so that they can be readily identified.   04-03-24.  Ladder ordered for installation before end of March.Ladder received, to be fitted shortly

129 Q. Weed growth is causing problems with navigation on both canals. Please provide update on progress with weed cutting.
29-01-24. Repairs to the 4 Berky weedcutters are ongoing and SC hope to have 3 working full time with one spare in reserve starting before Easter.   The Truxors will be used to deal with hot spots.   SC are seeking to arrange sufficient finance and crews to operate 7 days a week, with a fall back of 5 days out of 8.   None of the current equipment is suitable for dealing with small floating duckweed which seriously impacts engines with raw water cooling systems   04-03-24. 2 Birkies are working now and 47 tonnes of weed has been removed in the past three weeks The third Birky will be operational in two weeks time with the fourth one repaired by mid may. The Truxors are also working.Repairs on the 65/20 Berky almost complete then it will be sent to Bowling. A first cut over the length of both canals has been completed and the Truxors are dealing with hotspots. No real progress on preventing reeds breaking away from bank forming weedbergs. Tommy to review whether any consideration was given to the suggestion of adding carp to the canals to reduce weed growth. 7 boats have transited the F&C this year.
133.Q The fittings in the facilities block at Edinburgh need attention.04-09-2023 Paula to inspect the facilities when she visits on 12th September.   06-11-2023 A Health and Safety inspection of all facilities has been carried out across the network and work will be prioritised.   29-01-2024. SC’s H&S team has carried out an audit of all facility blocks across the network and will provide a copy of the report in due course.   A deep clean of blocks Is planned.   04-03-24.  Report still not issued, work is prioritised and is progressing slowlyMark to check when redacted report will be issued, including what remedial work is proposed. A budget of £50.000 is required for work to be carried out over winter.
134.Q The bank at Linlithgow visitor mooring has slumped into the canal.06-11-2023 To be inspected and remedial work proposed.   29-01-2024. Inspection carried out but no date fixed for repair yet.   04-03-24.  Assessment completed but no date for repair.May be issues with power cables in the bank. A contractor is scheduled to inspect the area next week and submit proposal for remedial work.
136. Q. Provision of wheelchair access to pontoons at Lock 1629-01-2024. Tommy is to visit site and discuss options with Alex.   04-03-24.  Solution has been agreed with boater and work should be completed by the end of the month.The area has been prepared and work should be complete in next two weeks.
137.Q. River Carron demasting crane pontoons are in urgent need of repair29-01-2024. The demasting crane has been relocated to Sealock No1. The pontoons may be condemned following a thorough inspection.   04-03-24.  The demasting crane is redundant once Sealock 1 is operational and it will be removedDate for removal to be confirmed, barrier to prevent access to be installed.
138. The pontoon in Southbank Marina capsized during the refloating of Ceinwyn The pontoon is still upside down, Mark is expecting Pierre to refloat it.

Next Meeting 1st July 2024.  14.00 to 15.00hrs

Those Present:- Tommy Thomson, Alasdair Hamilton, – Scottish Canals Scott Castel, Neil Kitchener – LCA
QuestionAnswer from SCSC Answer
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 27-07-2023 Narrowboat Farm now complete, dredging plant working on Forth and Clyde and will be deployed to undertake bank repair works in Kirkintilloch.   04-09-2023 No Change, awaiting the arrival of the dredging team on the Union.   06-11-2023. This work is planned for the winter period, along with clearing the entrances to some of the outfall weirs.   29-01-2024.  A work boat is proceeding along the Union Canal and should start work in mid-February.Work has started, workboat is also removing trees.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.   Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes The dredging report for the Forth and Clyde and the dredging plan for this season were never issued.   Some dredging work was carried out at the Claypits and Stockingfield bridge.   Although dredging on the Union Canal was forecast for the spring, apart from dressing the bank at Narrowboat Farm to allow the boats to moor, nothing has been done in spite of numerous complaints. The arisings from NBF were cast into the main channel and now form an obstruction to navigation.   The section from Linlithgow to Bridge 41 and around Winchburgh are particularly bad.   Issues with budgets, staff shortages and priority being given to the Caledonian Canal mean that dredging is unlikely to take place this winter.   06-11-2023 Dredging on the Union Canal has been delayed till next financial year due to budgetary restrictions. It is hoped that work will be carried out next year. Dredging in the River Carron in front of sea lock 1 is scheduled for this winter, subject to approval from SEPA. The dredging plan for the F&C will be sent out for review and comment shortly.   29-01-2024.  A national plan and programme for dredging is being developed at present. It will be issued in due course.   Craigmarloch feeder stream has been cleaned out.   The licence for the dredging works in the River Carron at Sealock 1 has been issued and work will start in February   F&C dredging report is being prepared. for issue and discussion shortly.  Sea Lock 1 on the River Carron should be complete by the end of March. No dredging is planned on the Union this year. The dredging plan for the Forth and Clyde will be published shortly. SC are considering reducing the declared depth on the F&C to 1400mm or 1500mm rather than the current 1800mm. It is only 1400mm on the Glasgow Branch.  The skippers guide will be updated when the depth has been decided. Voyager has a draft of 1450mm and occasionally hits the bottom.

62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   03-07-2023 No Change Still awaiting confirmation of rebranding.   04-09-2023 No Change. Capital budget required for rebranding still work in progress. Probably next year   06-11-2023 Work is being programme but awaiting budgetary approval. Costs may be reduced by using adhesive signs over the existing boards.   29-01-2024. Budget restrictions until end of March. Possible progress next financial yearCapital funding is now available and work on updating the signage will start soon. Signs on the River Carron to be replaced this month
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 03-07-2023 Delayed due to no manning resource.   04-09-2023 No Change   06-11-2023 Tommy Thomson to chase maintenance supervisor but the work is low priority.   29-01-2024. This work is low priority. However, missing/damaged rubbing strips create a hazard at a number of bridges and locks. SC to inspect all areas and review which are urgent.Still low priority

66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October each year. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.   03-07-2023  Lock 21 to 38 are now operational but low water levels may still impact navigation down to Bowling Lock 8 has been completed and Locks 16 to Lock 3 are now operational but low water levels are restricting navigation to every other day. Lock 5 will be refurbished next winter. Sea Lock 1 is operational but the river channel needs to be dredged to provide full access.   29-01-2024.              05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works.   07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.     Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2023-2024 to complete full overhaul      06-11-2023. Still to be completed.                       06-11-23 Lock 5 gates to be replaced this winter. 29-01-24 Lock 16 gates to be replaced next winter following temporary repair. SC has developed a long term strategy for gate replacement across the network.   29-01-24. Licence from SEPA issued.   The Falkirk Wheel is closed from the end of October for a major overhaul which will take 4/5 months.   29-01-24 resurfacing works are plan for the towpath in the Clydebank area. 04-03-24 The wheel is scheduled for reopening by 29th March. Gates on Lock 5 are scheduled for 25th March. The balance beam on the Kelpies Lock should be repaired in time for Kelpies 10.

67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.   03-07-2023 Neil to check with interested boaters for their preferred dates and arrange with Tommy Thomson. Need to check whether access from the pontoon to the bank is suitable.   04-09-2023 There is good access onto the pontoons at each lock. Most people prefer weekends but a few could make weekdays. Neil to propose dates for Tommy to choose allowing for 4 to 6 per session   06-11-2023 Neil Kitchener to suggest dates for training, both weekend and mid week, probably in February.   29-01-2024. Possible dates for using The Duckling at Lock 20 and Gypsy Princess at Glasgow/Maryhill sent to Tommy to confirm dates for lock training as well as bridge operation around Glasgow.Tommy to confirm dates for training, both weekend and midweek.
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 06-11-2023 Helenslea is ¾ complete but more material has been ordered. Spiers Wharf is next followed the linear pontoon at Southbank. Sea locks 1 and 2 require thicker grade materials which has been cut, they will be upgraded over the winter. The demasting pontoon on the River Carron has still to be inspected.   29-01-2024 Awaiting delivery of more GRP but may not be available till June. Sequence will be Southbank, Spiers Wharf then Bowling.Materials are available for Southbank. Work on Seagull Trust and the linear pontoons will start soon. Walkways in the marina will be pressure washed, pending receipt of new materials. Spiers Wharf and Bowling to follow.
109 Q Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 27-07-2023 – Works have been deferred due to failures elsewhere, should budget allow the works will be undertaken in autumn 2023   04-09-2023 No Change, budget issues   06-11-2023 Costs and proposals have been received and await sign off by Historic Scotland. Work is prioritised for next year.   29-01-2024. Contractor is preparing to concrete the wall for completion next week.Work completed.
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 03-07-2023 No Change Also issues at Cadder   04-09-2023 No Change, budget issues   06-11-2023 Billy King to review need to change location or provide protection. There are also issues with telemetry at Calder Crescent near Hub 8.   29-01-2024. Fendering to be installed before Easter.No Change.
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes The bridge failed to open 2 weeks ago and defective wiring has been replaced.   27-07-2023 – Obstruction has been identified and confirmed by dredger. Solution to be determined.   04-09-2023 Feed back required   06-11-2023 Proposal still being developed.   29-01-2024. No information, Alasdair will review and report backRemoval of underwater obstructions may endanger the stability of the wall so pontoons will probably be installed. No budget allocated yet although access is essential for user operation of the bridge.

115. Q Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 03-07-2023 Material has been cut, awaiting date for installation.   04-09-2023 Replacement over the winter   06-11-2023 Programmed for this winter.   29-01-2024. Shortage of materials means it won’t be repaired this year but maybe when Spiers Wharf is being redecked. SC to review whether Ocho would make a contribution to the costs.  No Change

124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and other areas.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 03-07-2023 Old Spot has been removed from canal. Campbell Christie is now floating, decision on it’s future awaited. Kingfisher is still underwater but SC have taken possession, hope to remove by August.   04-09-2023 Campbell Christie in hand of broker for sale. Wooden Spoon, owner has paid to refloat boat. Kingfisher, SC have now taken possession. Contractor engaged to refloat boat. Lowland Dream, no info. New Venture, SC are applying for a Section 8 order to take possession. Concern was expressed that some insurance policies may exclude the cost of refloating vessels.   06-11-2023 Campbell Christie as been sold. Contractor failed to lift Kingfisher, will try again. Kadama which sank at Auchinstarry has been refloated and along with Moles boat and one other are subject to a Section 8 order. They have been moved to the jetty in readiness for removal to the compound anu ultimate sale. Alma has been lifted out at Carron sea lock. Note was sent to all LCA members to check details of insurance cover.    29-01-2024. A number of other boats have sunk recently.   SC are currently serving Section 8 orders on a number of boats which have either defaulted in payments or are particularly dangerous.   SC are proposing a Boatwatch scheme so boaters can alert the owners and SC of boats in imminent danger of sinking. Mark Smith will prepare a scheme for consultation. It may include provision of ropes, spill kits and maybe pumps at various locations along the network.   Blue Hue and John Hume have been sold and will be lifted out of the water this week.Old Spot, Campbell Christie, Blue Hue and John Hume have been sold and removed from the canal. Kingfisher is still underwater. Three boats are moored alongside the jetty at Auchinstarry awaiting a decision about disposal with two more undergoing Section 8. One boat at Southbank has sunk. Work on the proposed Boatwatch scheme is progressing, awaiting clarification of rules etc.

125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 03-07-2023.Work is ongoing but maybe affected by bird nesting season.   04-09-2023 Progress has been made, and work is ongoing between Linn’s Mill and Ratho   06-11-2023 Work is ongoing and will continue over the winter. There has been a noticeable improvement in some areas.   29-01-2024. Work is progressing but bridges and winding holes remain a priority.   Work to clear the undergrowth from the towpaths is ongoingWork is ongoing with Panacea and SC workboats.
126. Q. Fallen tree and overhanging shrubs blocking visibility to the west of Craigmarloch Bidge on F&C.03-07-2023 Contractor instructed but he is currently working on removing large tree blocking canal near Avon Aquaduct.   04-09-2023 Contractor appointed, removal in next two weeks   06-11-2023 Another tree has come down and once costs are approved, they will both be removed. There are also similar issues on the Monkland Canal.   29-01-2024.A number of large trees blew down in the recent storms and SC are arranging for a contractor to remove them. There will be an order of priority so that boaters are able to access pump out and fuelling facilities etcWork to remove all fallen trees has been contracted out and work is proceeding according to a priority schedule. Hope to be complete by the end of March.
127. Water levels on the F&C are low which seriously affects boats moored to bank. The stability of some pontoons is endangered and some boats are resting on the bed.03-07-2023 Water levels have been affected by recent dry spell, running down reservoirs for resilience improvements and repairing lockgates. Hope to see improvement but SEPA restrictions also impact levels. The Wheel has also been affected but Bowling is back up to level.   04-09-2023 The recent hot dry spell has still caused problems and boat movement to the Kelpies and Bowling are restricted to conserve water. Extraction limits from reservoirs are restricted by SEPA.   06-11-2023 Water levels are much better following heavy recent rain. Work is still being carried out on Townhead Reservoir to safeguard the embankments and spillway.   29-01-2024. The Smart Canal in Glasgow is being commissioned and calibrated next week ready for automatic operation. This which will affect water levels in the summit pound for a week or so.   Gates to Locks 20 and 21 will be replaced next winter which should reduce water loss. SC are reviewing whether to instal by-washes on some locks.   The water level in Townhead reservoir will be reduced whilst it is being upgraded so there may be a shortfall in water supply during the summer. It is hoped that Hillend reservoir will provide adequate backup to avoid restricted operations down to the Kelpies and BowlingThe smart canal has been commissioned and is now in automatic mode. Bypasses to control levels on the summit pound are planned for Locks 20 and 21. Townhead reservoir has still to be upgraded. Hopefully, the new construction scheme will minimise the risk of low water levels this summer.
128. Emergency escape ladders at Southbank Marina are not well sited or adequately signed.03-07-2023 Tommy and Safety Advisor to review.   04-09-2023 Work forecast for October.   06-11-2023 Ladder has been sourced and installation is scheduled for this winter.   29-01-2024. The work is scheduled for mid February. SC to consider fixing high visibility fluorescent tape or similar so that they can be readily identifiedLadder ordered for installation before end of March.

129 Q. Weed growth is causing problems with navigation on both canals. Please provide update on progress with weed cutting.
Repairs to the 4 Berky weedcutters are ongoing and SC hope to have 3 working full time with one spare in reserve starting before Easter.   The Truxors will be used to deal with hot spots.   SC are seeking to arrange sufficient finance and crews to operate 7 days a week, with a fall back of 5 days out of 8.   None of the current equipment is suitable for dealing with small floating duckweed which seriously impacts engines with raw water cooling systems2 Birkies are working now and 47 tonnes of weed has been removed in the past three weeks The third Birky will be operational in two weeks time with the fourth one repaired by mid may. The Truxors are also working.
132 Q There have been numerous reports of rats in Edinburgh04-09-2023 These are probably caused by the disturbance of the new building work in the area. Extermination treatment to be extended to cover the mooring areas.   06-11-2023 Pest controllers have baited the area and work is ongoing.   29-01-2024. Weekly visits by the pest control team are taking placeNo Change
133.Q The fittings in the facilities block at Edinburgh need attention.04-09-2023 Paula to inspect the facilities when she visits on 12th September.   06-11-2023 A Health and Safety inspection of all facilities has been carried out across the network and work will be prioritised.   29-01-2024. SC’s H&S team has carried out an audit of all facility blocks across the network and will provide a copy of the report in due course.   A deep clean of blocks Is planned.Report still not issued, work is prioritised and is progressing slowly.
134.Q The bank at Linlithgow visitor mooring has slumped into the canal.06-11-2023 To be inspected and remedial work proposed.   29-01-2024. Inspection carried out but no date fixed for repair yet.Assessment completed but no date for repair.
135. Q. Plans by Sustrans to sell off land at Causeway End may adversely affect the basin and residents.06-11-2023 Issues include dangerous trees, protected orchids and badgers. Seppi to forward link to planning application, SC to investigate.   29-01-2024. Sale is unlikely to proceed due to poor access.Plot sold but no info on purchaser or plans for the site.
136. Q. Provision of wheelchair access to pontoons at Lock 1629-01-2024. Tommy is to visit site and discuss options with Alex.Solution has been agreed with boater and work should be completed by the end of the month.
137.Q. River Carron demasting crane pontoons are in urgent need of repair29-01-2024. The demasting crane has been relocated to Sealock No1. The pontoons may be condemned following a thorough inspection.The demasting crane is redundant once Sealock 1 is operational and it will be removed

04/03/24 – Note of Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety Committee

Next Meeting 6th May 2024.  14.00 to 15.00hrs.

29/01/24 –Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety Committee

Those Present:- Tommy Thomson, Alasdair Hamilton, Phil Hannah – Scottish Canals Christine Cameron, Neil Kitchener – LCA
QuestionAnswer from SCSC Answer
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 01-05-2023 Works were delayed due to plant breakdown and availability of staff. Plan to undertaken in late May/early June. 03-07-2023 Dredger still on F&C   27-07-2023 Narrowboat Farm now complete, dredging plant working on Forth and Clyde and will be deployed to undertake bank repair works in Kirkintilloch.   04-09-2023 No Change, awaiting the arrival of the dredging team on the Union.   06-11-2023. This work is planned for the winter period, along with clearing the entrances to some of the outfall weirs.A work boat is proceeding along the Union Canal and should start work in mid-February.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.   Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes The dredging report for the Forth and Clyde and the dredging plan for this season were never issued.   Some dredging work was carried out at the Claypits and Stockingfield bridge.   Although dredging on the Union Canal was forecast for the spring, apart from dressing the bank at Narrowboat Farm to allow the boats to moor, nothing has been done in spite of numerous complaints. The arisings from NBF were cast into the main channel and now form an obstruction to navigation.   The section from Linlithgow to Bridge 41 and around Winchburgh are particularly bad.   Issues with budgets, staff shortages and priority being given to the Caledonian Canal mean that dredging is unlikely to take place this winter.   06-11-2023  Dredging on the Union Canal has been delayed till next financial year due to budgetary restrictions. It is hoped that work will be carried out next year. Dredging in the River Carron in front of sea lock 1 is scheduled for this winter, subject to approval from SEPA. The dredging plan for the F&C will be sent out for review and comment shortly.A national plan and programme for dredging is being developed at present. It will be issued in due course.   Craigmarloch feeder stream has been cleaned out.   The licence for the dredging works in the River Carron at Sealock 1 has been issued and work will start in February   F&C dredging report is being prepared. for issue and discussion shortly.  

62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   01-05-2023 Full review required on all Scottish Canals signage due to rebranding.   03-07-2023 No Change Still awaiting confirmation of rebranding.   04-09-2023 No Change. Capital budget required for rebranding still work in progress. Probably next year   06-11-2023 Work is being programme but awaiting budgetary approval. Costs may be reduced by using adhesive signs over the existing boards.Budget restrictions until end of March. Possibly progress next financial year.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 03-07-2023 Delayed due to no manning resource.   04-09-2023 No Change   06-11-2023 Tommy Thomson to chase maintenance supervisor but the work is low priority.This work is low priority. However, missing/damaged rubbing strips create a hazard at a number of bridges and locks. SC to inspect all areas and review which are urgent.

66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October each year. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.   03-07-2023  Lock 21 to 38 are now operational but low water levels may still impact navigation down to Bowling Lock 8 has been completed and Locks 16 to Lock 3 are now operational but low water levels are restricting navigation to every other day. Lock 5 will be refurbished next winter. Sea Lock 1 is operational but the river channel needs to be dredged to provide full access.                05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works.   07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.     Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2023-2024 to complete full overhaul      06-11-2023. Still to be completed.                       06-11-23 Lock 5 gates to be replaced this winter. 29-01-24 Lock 16 gates to be replaced next winter following temporary repair. SC has developed a long term strategy for gate replacement across the network.   29-01-24. Licence from SEPA issued.   The Falkirk Wheel is closed from the end of October for a major overhaul which will take 4/5 months. 29-01-24 resurfacing works are plan for the towpath in the Clydebank area.

67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.   01-05-23 Missed dates February to mid April New dates to be agreed   03-07-2023  Neil to check with interested boaters for their preferred dates and arrange with Tommy Thomson. Need to check whether access from the pontoon to the bank is suitable.   04-09-2023 There is good access onto the pontoons at each lock. Most people prefer weekends but a few could make weekdays. Neil to propose dates for Tommy to choose allowing for 4 to 6 per session   06-11-2023 Neil Kitchener to suggest dates for training, both weekend and mid week, probably in February,Possible dates for using The Duckling at Lock 20 and Gypsy Princess at Glasgow/Maryhill sent to Tommy to confirm dates for lock training as well as bridge operation around Glasgow.
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing   06-11-2023 The lights and buoys in the river have been surveyed and a quote is expected shortly. Work should be carried out over winter.All lights upgraded and operational.
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 06-11-2023 Helenslea is ¾ complete but more material has been ordered. Spiers Wharf is next followed the linear pontoon at Southbank. Sea locks 1 and 2 require thicker grade materials which has been cut, they will be upgraded over the winter. The demasting pontoon on the River Carron has still to be inspected.Awaiting delivery of more GRP but may not be available till June. Sequence will be Southbank, Spiers Wharf then Bowling.
109 Q Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 01-05-2023 No Change awaiting costings and approval to carry out the work in next financial year.   27-07-2023 – Works have been deferred due to failures elsewhere, should budget allow the works will be undertaken in autumn 2023   04-09-2023 No Change, budget issues   06-11-2023 Costs and proposals have been received and await sign off by Historic Scotland. Work is prioritised for next year.Contractor is preparing to concrete the wall for completion next week.
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 01-05-2023 Work ongoing by McKenzie Engineering. Also issues at Cadder.   03-07-2023 No Change   04-09-2023 No Change, budget issues   06-11-2023 Billy King to review need to change location or provide protection. There are also issues with telemetry at Calder Crescent near Hub 8Fendering to be installed before Easter.
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 01-05-2023 Hope to investigate removal of rocks or improve the fendering when the dredging at Claypits is completed. Alasdair to talk to Craig.   The bridge failed to open 2 weeks ago and defective wiring has been replaced.   27-07-2023 – Obstruction has been identified and confirmed by dredger. Solution to be determined.   04-09-2023 Feed back required   06-11-2023 Proposal still being developed.No information, Alasdair will review and report back

115. Q Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 01-05-2023 Still awaiting installation.   03-07-2023 Material has been cut, awaiting date for installation.   04-09-2023 Replacement over the winter   06-11-2023 Programmed for this winter.Shortage of materials means it won’t be repaired this year but maybe when Spiers Wharf is being redecked. SC to review whether Ocho would make a contribution to the costs.  

124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and other areas.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 01-05 2023 Campbell Christie has been refloated.   03-07-2023  Old Spot has been removed from canal. Campbell Christie is now floating, decision on it’s future awaited. Kingfisher is still underwater but SC have taken possession, hope to remove by August.   04-09-2023 Campbell Christie in hand of broker for sale. Wooden Spoon, owner has paid to refloat boat. Kingfisher, SC have now taken possession. Contractor engaged to refloat boat. Lowland Dream, no info. New Venture, SC are applying for a Section 8 order to take possession. Concern was expressed that some insurance policies may exclude the cost of refloating vessels.   06-11-2023 Campbell Christie as been sold. Contractor failed to lift Kingfisher, will try again. Kadama which sank at Auchinstarry has been refloated and along with Moles boat and one other are subject to a Section 8 order. They have been moved to the jetty in readiness for removal to the compound anu ultimate sale. Alma has been lifted out at Carron sea lock. Note was sent to all LCA members to check details of insurance cover. A number of other boats have sunk recently.   SC are currently serving Section 8 orders on a number of boats which have either defaulted in payments or are particularly dangerous.   SC are proposing a Boatwatch scheme so boaters can alert the owners and SC of boats in imminent danger of sinking. Mark Smith will prepare a scheme for consultation. It may include provision of ropes, spill kits and maybe pumps at various locations along the network.   Blue Hue and John Hume have been sold and will be lifted out of the water this week.

125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 01-05-2023 Work is ongoing.   03-07-2023.Work is ongoing but maybe affected by bird nesting season.   04-09-2023 Progress has been made, and work is ongoing between Linn’s Mill and Ratho   06-11-2023 Work is ongoing and will continue over the winter. There has been a noticeable improvement in some areas.Work is progressing but bridges and winding holes remain a priority.   Work to clear the undergrowth from the towpaths is ongoing.
126. Q. Fallen tree and overhanging shrubs blocking visibility to the west of Craigmarloch Bidge on F&C.03-07-2023 Contractor instructed but he is currently working on removing large tree blocking canal near Avon Aquaduct.   04-09-2023 Contractor appointed, removal in next two weeks   06-11-2023 Another tree has come down and once costs are approved, they will both be removed. There are also similar issues on the Monkland Canal.A number of large trees blew down in the recent storms and SC are arranging for a contractor to remove them. There will be an order of priority so that boaters are able to access pump out and fuelling facilities etc.
127. Water levels on the F&C are low which seriously affects boats moored to bank. The stability of some pontoons is endangered and some boats are resting on the bed.03-07-2023 Water levels have been affected by recent dry spell, running down reservoirs for resilience improvements and repairing lockgates. Hope to see improvement but SEPA restrictions also impact levels. The Wheel has also been affected but Bowling is back up to level.   04-09-2023 The recent hot dry spell has still caused problems and boat movement to the Kelpies and Bowling are restricted to conserve water. Extraction limits from reservoirs are restricted by SEPA.   06-11-2023 Water levels are much better following heavy recent rain. Work is still being carried out on Townhead Reservoir to safeguard the embankments and spillway.The Smart Canal in Glasgow is being commissioned and calibrated next week ready for automatic operation. This which will affect water levels in the summit pound for a week or so.   Gates to Locks 20 and 21 will be replaced next winter which should reduce water loss. SC are reviewing whether to instal by-washes on some locks.   The water level in Townhead reservoir will be reduced whilst it is being upgraded so there may be a shortfall in water supply during the summer. It is hoped that Hillend reservoir will provide adequate backup to avoid restricted operations down to the Kelpies and Bowling
128. Emergency escape ladders at Southbank Marina are not well sited or adequately signed.03-07-2023 Tommy and Safety Advisor to review.   04-09-2023 Work forecast for October.   06-11-2023 Ladder has been sourced and installation is scheduled for this winterThe work is scheduled for mid February. SC to consider fixing high visibility fluorescent tape or similar so that they can be readily identified.

129 Q. Weed growth is causing problems with navigation on both canals. Please provide update on progress with weed cutting.
03-07-2023 The four Birkies and two Truxors are currently working in various areas.   04-09-2023 Weed is a real problem on sections of the Union Canal, particularly around Winchburgh and Linlithgow to Bridge 41. There are large areas where reeds have significantly reduced the width of the channel and floating weedbergs which have broken away from the bank often form an obstruction to navigation. The Falkirk Berky has broken down and needs a major overhaul, out of commission till October. The new Berky has blown hydraulic hoses and awaits repair. Although weed has been cut between Hillhead and Twechar, there is a lot of cut weed floating on the surface impeding navigation. The conveyor is faulty   06-11-2023 At the moment, all 4 Berkies are out of action due to breakdowns, even the new Berky which is suffering from manufacturing defects. Engineers are coming over from Germany next week to analyse the defects and propose solutions. The two Truxors are working well on the Union Canal. SC is working to repair the fleet and start work before the growing season in the springRepairs to the 4 Berky weedcutters are ongoing and SC hope to have 3 working full time with one spare in reserve starting before Easter.   The Truxors will be used to deal with hot spots.   SC are seeking to arrange sufficient finance and crews to operate 7 days a week, with a fall back of 5 days out of 8.   None of the current equipment is suitable for dealing with small floating duckweed which seriously impacts engines with raw water cooling systems
132 Q There have been numerous reports of rats in Edinburgh04-09-2023 These are probably caused by the disturbance of the new building work in the area. Extermination treatment to be extended to cover the mooring areas.   06-11-2023 Pest controllers have baited the area and work is ongoingWeekly visits by the pest control team are taking place.
133.Q The fittings in the facilities block at Edinburgh need attention.04-09-2023 Paula to inspect the facilities when she visits on 12th September.   06-11-2023 A Health and Safety inspection of all facilities has been carried out across the network and work will be prioritised.SC’s H&S team has carried out an audit of all facility blocks across the network and will provide a copy of the report in due course.   A deep clean of blocks Is planned.
134.Q The bank at Linlithgow visitor mooring has slumped into the canal.06-11-2023 To be inspected and remedial work proposed.Inspection carried out but no date fixed for repair yet.
135. Q. Plans by Sustrans to sell off land at Causeway End may adversely affect the basin and residents.06-11-2023 Issues include dangerous trees, protected orchids and badgers. Seppi to forward link to planning application, SC to investigateSale is unlikely to proceed due to poor access.
136. Q. Provision of wheelchair access to pontoons at Lock 16 Tommy is to visit site and discuss options with Alex.
137.Q. River Carron demasting crane pontoons are in urgent need of repair The demasting crane has been relocated to Sealock No1. The pontoons may be condemned following a thorough inspection.

06/11/23 –Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Currently dredging in Glasgow then heading for NBF and the Union by end of April.   01-05-2023 Works were delayed due to plant breakdown and availability of staff. Plan to undertaken in late May/early June. 03-07-2023 Dredger still on F&C   27-07-2023 Narrowboat Farm now complete, dredging plant working on Forth and Clyde and will be deployed to undertake bank repair works in Kirkintilloch.   04-09-2023 No Change, awaiting the arrival of the dredging team on the Union.This work is planned for the winter period, along with clearing the entrances to some of the outfall weirs.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.   Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   The dredging report for the Forth and Clyde and the dredging plan for this season were never issued.   Some dredging work was carried out at the Claypits and Stockingfield bridge.   Although dredging on the Union Canal was forecast for the spring, apart from dressing the bank at Narrowboat Farm to allow the boats to moor, nothing has been done in spite of numerous complaints. The arisings from NBF were cast into the main channel and now form an obstruction to navigation.   The section from Linlithgow to Bridge 41 and around Winchburgh are particularly bad.   Issues with budgets, staff shortages and priority being given to the Caledonian Canal mean that dredging is unlikely to take place this winter.Dredging on the Union Canal has been delayed till next financial year due to budgetary restrictions. It is hoped that work will be carried out next year. Dredging in the River Carron in front of sea lock 1 is scheduled for this winter, subject to approval from SEPA. The dredging plan for the F&C will be sent out for review and comment shortly.

62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Full review required on all Scottish Canals signage due to rebranding.   01-05-2023 No Change   03-07-2023 No Change Still awaiting confirmation of rebranding.   04-09-2023 No Change. Capital budget required for rebranding still work in progress. Probably next yearWork is being programme but awaiting budgetary approval. Costs may be reduced by using adhesive signs over the existing boards.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 01-05-2023 Delayed due to no manning resource.   03-07-2023 No Change   04-09-2023 No ChangeTommy Thomson to chase maintenance supervisor but the work is low priority.

66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October each year. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.   03-07-2023  Lock 21 to 38 are now operational but low water levels may still impact navigation down to Bowling Lock 8 has been completed and Locks 16 to Lock 3 are now operational but low water levels are restricting navigation to every other day. Lock 5 will be refurbished next winter. Sea Lock 1 is operational but the river channel needs to be dredged to provide full access. Sea Lock 2 should be back in operation by mid July after the rams have been installed.                    05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works.   07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.   Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2023-2024 to complete full overhaul      06-11-2023. Still to be completed.     A date for meeting to discuss winter works has been confirmed for 7th November.               06-11-23 Lock 5 gates to be replaced this winter. Lock 16 gates may be replaced this winter. SC has developed a long term strategy for gate replacement across the network     Dredging at Sea lock 1 is dependent on licence   Sea lock 2 is now operational.   The Falkirk Wheel is closed from the end of October for a major overhaul which will take 4/5 months The Smart Canal will be commissioned over the winter period.

67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.   01-05-23 Missed dates February to mid April New dates to be agreed   03-07-2023  Neil to check with interested boaters for their preferred dates and arrange with Tommy Thomson. Need to check whether access from the pontoon to the bank is suitable.   04-09-2023 There is good access onto the pontoons at each lock. Most people prefer weekends but a few could make weekdays. Neil to propose dates for Tommy to choose allowing for 4 to 6 per sessionNeil Kitchener to suggest dates for training, both weekend and mid week, probably in February, .
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing  The lights and buoys in the river have been surveyed and a quote is expected shortly. Work should be carried out over winter.    
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Ratho, Auchinstarry, Falkirk Wheel linear and Carmuirs have been completed. Falkirk Wheel basin is in progress. Kelpies and the Sealock are awaiting extra materials. Remaining timber decking is being power washed.   01-05-2023 Work ongoing.   03-07-2023 Carol Bell is progressing work on the Kelpies with her volunteers. Further deliveries of materials expected then Spiers Wharf and Bowling to follow.   04-09-2023 Work at Bowling is due to start this week, followed by pontoons at the sea locks. Need to order more materials. The demasting pontoon in the Carron needs to be removed from the water to repair the hull.Helenslea is ¾ complete but more material has been ordered. Spiers Wharf is next followed the linear pontoon at Southbank. Sea locks 1 and 2 require thicker grade materials which has been cut, they will be upgraded over the winter. The demasting pontoon on the River Carron has still to be inspected.
109 Q Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 No Change awaiting costings and approval to carry out the work in next financial year.   01-05-2023 No Change   27-07-2023 – Works have been deferred due to failures elsewhere, should budget allow the works will be undertaken in autumn 2023   04-09-2023 No Change, budget issuesCosts and proposals have been received and await sign off by Historic Scotland. Work is prioritised for next year.
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 06-03-2023 Work ongoing by McKenzie Engineering. Also issues at Cadder.   01-05-2023 No Change   03-07-2023 No Change   04-09-2023 No Change, budget issuesBilly King to review need to change location or provide protection. There are also issues with telemetry at Calder Crescent near Hub 8
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Hope to investigate removal of rocks or improve the fendering when the dredging at Claypits is completed. Alasdair to talk to Craig.   The bridge failed to open 2 weeks ago and defective wiring has been replaced.   01-05-2023 No Information   27-07-2023 – Obstruction has been identified and confirmed by dredger. Solution to be determined.   04-09-2023 Feed back requiredProposal still being developed.

115. Q Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Still awaiting installation.   01-05-2023 No Information   03-07-2023 Material has been cut, awaiting date for installation.   04-09-2023 Replacement over the winter.Programmed for this winter.

124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and other areas.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 06-03-2023 Kingfisher is being lifted out by the owner, checked and refloated in two weeks time. No info on other boats.   01-05 2023 Campbell Christie has been refloated.   03-07-2023  Old Spot has been removed from canal. Campbell Christie is now floating, decision on it’s future awaited. Kingfisher is still underwater but SC have taken possession, hope to remove by August.   04-09-2023 Campbell Christie in hand of broker for sale. Wooden Spoon, owner has paid to refloat boat. Kingfisher, SC have now taken possession. Contractor engaged to refloat boat. Lowland Dream, no info. New Venture, SC are applying for a Section 8 order to take possession. Concern was expressed that some insurance policies may exclude the cost of refloating vessels.We understand that more boats have sunk recently. Update Please   Campbell Christie as been sold. Contractor failed to lift Kingfisher, will try again. Kadama which sank at Auchinstarry has been refloated and along with Moles boat and one other are subject to a Section 8 order. They have been moved to the jetty in readiness for removal to the compound anu ultimate sale. Alma has been lifted out at Carron sea lock. Note was sent to all LCA members to check details of insurance cover. 

125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.
For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Work is ongoing.   01-05-2023 No Information   03-07-2023.Work is ongoing but maybe affected by bird nesting season.   04-09-2023 Progress has been made, and work is ongoing between Linn’s Mill and RathoWork is ongoing and will continue over the winter. There has been a noticeable improvement in some areas.
126. Q. Fallen tree and overhanging shrubs blocking visibility to the west of Craigmarloch Bidge on F&C.03-07-2023 Contractor instructed but he is currently working on removing large tree blocking canal near Avon Aquaduct.   04-09-2023 Contractor appointed, removal in next two weeksAnother tree has come down and once costs are approved, they will both be removed. There are also similar issues on the Monkland Canal.
127. Water levels on the F&C are low which seriously affects boats moored to bank. The stability of some pontoons is endangered and some boats are resting on the bed.03-07-2023 Water levels have been affected by recent dry spell, running down reservoirs for resilience improvements and repairing lockgates. Hope to see improvement but SEPA restrictions also impact levels. The Wheel has also been affected but Bowling is back up to level.   04-09-2023 The recent hot dry spell has still caused problems and boat movement to the Kelpies and Bowling are restricted to conserve water. Extraction limits from reservoirs are restricted by SEPA.Water levels are much better following heavy recent rain. Work is still being carried out on Townhead Reservoir to safeguard the embankments and spillway.
128. Emergency escape ladders at Southbank Marina are not well sited or adequately signed.03-07-2023 Tommy and Safety Advisor to review.   04-09-2023 Work forecast for October.Ladder has been sourced and installation is scheduled for this winter.

129 Q. Weed growth is causing problems with navigation on both canals. Please provide update on progress with weed cutting.
03-07-2023  the four Birkies and two Truxors are currently working in various areas.   04-09-2023 Weed is a real problem on sections of the Union Canal, particularly around Winchburgh and Linlithgow to Bridge 41. There are large areas where reeds have significantly reduced the width of the channel and floating weedbergs which have broken away from the bank often form an obstruction to navigation. The Falkirk Berky has broken down and needs a major overhaul, out of commission till October. The new Berky has blown hydraulic hoses and awaits repair. Although weed has been cut between Hillhead and Twechar, there is a lot of cut weed floating on the surface impeding navigation. The conveyor is faultyAt the moment, all 4 Berkies are out of action due to breakdowns, even the new Berky which is suffering from manufacturing defects. Engineers are coming over from Germany next week to analyse the defects and propose solutions. The two Truxors are working well on the Union Canal. SC is working to repair the fleet and start work before the growing season in the spring
130 Q. The traffic lights in the old Falkirk Tunnel are unreliable03-07-2023 Tommy to review and advise   04-09-2023 M&E instructed to investigate and report backNo complaints have been received recently so maybe an intermittent fault has been corrected. Tommy to check.
131.Q. There are headroom restrictions under the new road bridge near Winchburgh04-09-2023 Inadequate warning signs and poor communications, no details on the website. Temporary works still to be removed.Temporary works now removed and no longer obstruct navigation.
132 Q There have been numerous reports of rats in Edinburgh04-09-2023 These are probably caused by the disturbance of the new building work in the area. Extermination treatment to be extended to cover the mooring areas.Pest controllers have baited the area and work is ongoing.
133.Q The fittings in the facilities block at Edinburgh need attention.04-09-2023 Paula to inspect the facilities when she visits on 12th SeptemberA Health and Safety inspection of all facilities has been carried out across the network and work will be prioritised.
134.Q The bank at Linlithgow visitor mooring has slumped into the canal. To be inspected and remedial work proposed.
135. Q. Plans by Sustrans to sell off land at Causeway End may adversely affect the basin and residents. Issues include dangerous trees, protected orchids and badgers. Seppi to forward link to planning application, SC to investigate

Next Meeting 1st January 2024.  14.00 to 15.00hrs.

04/09/23 –Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 09-01-2023 No change as dredging ongoing at Glasgow end.   06-03-2023 Currently dredging in Glasgow then heading for NBF and the Union by end of April.   01-05-2023 Works were delayed due to plant breakdown and availability of staff. Plan to undertaken in late May/early June. 03-07-2023  Dredger still on F&C   27-07-2023 Narrowboat Farm now complete, dredging plant working on Forth and Clyde and will be deployed to undertake bank repair works in Kirkintilloch. No Change, awaiting the arrival of the dredging team on the Union.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.   Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 09-01-2023 Dredging at Claypits and then moving to Narrowboat farm.   06-03-2023 Comments from the boaters following the dredging report for the Union were submitted to Alasdair. Response from SC expected by end of April. Samples being taken to determine suitability for disposal of arisings. First draft of the dredging report for the F&C awaited.   01-05-2023  Dredging in the River Carron to be undertaken in late summer. Production of dredging plans are ongoing.   03-07-2023  The bank at Narrowboat Farm has been remodelled by the Truxters to allow the boats to moor. The material was cast into the channel and will be removed when the dredging team pass by.   27-07-2023  – Dredging plans to be issued by end of August.  The dredging report for the Forth and Clyde and the dredging plan for this season were never issued.   Some dredging work was carried out at the Claypits and Stockingfield bridge.   Although dredging on the Union Canal was forecast for the spring, apart from dressing the bank at Narrowboat Farm to allow the boats to moor, nothing has been done in spite of numerous complaints. The arisings from NBF were cast into the main channel and now form an obstruction to navigation.   The section from Linlithgow to Bridge 41 and around Winchburgh are particularly bad.   Issues with budgets, staff shortages and priority being given to the Caledonian Canal mean that dredging is unlikely to take place this winter.


62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     09-01-2023 Full review required on all Scottish Canals signage due to rebranding.   06-03-2023 No Change.   01-05-2023 No Change   03-07-2023  No Change Still awaiting confirmation of rebranding.  No Change. Capital budget required for rebranding still work in progress. Probably next year
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Delayed due to no manning resource.   01-05-2023 No Change   03-07-2023  No Change  No Change
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   07-11-2022 Winter works to see more short-term closures as we undertake more works to Lock gates and fabric of the canal.  Winter works are only 20 weeks long, have short working days and generally the worst weather possible.  Events should generally be either planned to happen before the second week in November or only target unaffected areas of the canal.  The focus of operational winter works this year will be Lock Gate refurbishment and pontoon re-decking.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October each year. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.   06-03-2023  Lock 8 gates badly damaged by a car. New gates ordered, hope for replacement by June. Locks 11, 12 and 13 have been replanked, Lock 5 still to be done.   01-05 2023 – Survey works and replanking of the gates at lock 36 are now complete, contractor will demobilise and be off site by end of May. Lock 8 gates have arrived on site and install is underway.   03-07-2023  Lock 21 to 38 are now operational but low water levels may still impact navigation down to Bowling Lock 8 has been completed and Locks 16 to Lock 3 are now operational but low water levels are restricting navigation to every other day. Lock 5 will be refurbished next winter. Sea Lock 1 is operational but the river channel needs to be dredged to provide full access. Sea Lock 2 should be back in operation by mid July after the rams have been installed.                  05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works.   07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.   Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2023-2024 to complete full overhaul      06-03-2023. Still to be completed.       09-01-2023 Boaters notified of closure till end of March by SC on 06-12-2022.                       A date for meeting to discuss winter works in mid October has to be confirmed.                                                   Gates at Lock 5 will be replaced over the winter.   Dredging at Sea lock 1 is dependent on licence   Sea lock 2 is now operational.     The Falkirk Wheel will be closed from the end of October for a major overhaul which will take 4/5 months The Smart Canal will be commissioned over the winter period.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.   01-05-23 Missed dates February to mid April New dates to be agreed   03-07-2023  Neil to check with interested boaters for their preferred dates and arrange with Tommy Thomson. Need to check whether access from the pontoon to the bank is suitable.  There is good access onto the pontoons at each lock. Most people prefer weekends but a few could make weekdays. Neil to propose dates for Tommy to choose allowing for 4 to 6 per session
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.      For info only.  
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Ratho, Auchinstarry, Falkirk Wheel linear and Carmuirs have been completed. Falkirk Wheel basin is in progress. Kelpies and the Sealock are awaiting extra materials. Remaining timber decking is being power washed.   01-05-2023 .Work ongoing.   03-07-2023  Carol Bell is progressing work on the Kelpies with her volunteers. Further deliveries of materials expected then Spiers Wharf and Bowling to follow.  Work at Bowling is due to start this week, followed by pontoons at the sea locks. Need to order more materials. The demasting pontoon in the Carron needs to be removed from the water to repair the hull.
109 Q Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 No Change awaiting costings and approval to carry out the work in next financial year.   01-05-2023 No Change   27-07-2023 – Works have been deferred due to failures elsewhere, should budget allow the works will be undertaken in autumn 2023  No Change, budget issues
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   09-01-2023 Work ongoing by McKenzie Engineering. Also issues at Cadder.   06-03-2023 No change   01-05-2023 No Change   03-07-2023  No Change  No Change, budget issues
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Hope to investigate removal of rocks or improve the fendering when the dredging at Claypits is completed. Alasdair to talk to Craig.   The bridge failed to open 2 weeks ago and defective wiring has been replaced.   01-05-2023 No Information   27-07-2023 – Obstruction has been identified and confirmed by dredger. Solution to be determined.    Feed back required.
115. Q Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-03-2023 Still awaiting installation.   01-05-2023 No Information   03-07-2023  Material has been cut, awaiting date for installation.  Replacement over the winter.
124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and other areas.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 06-03-2023 Kingfisher is being lifted out by the owner, checked and refloated in two weeks time. No info on other boats.   01-05 2023 Campbell Christie has been refloated.   03-07-2023  Old Spot has been removed from canal. Campbell Christie is now floating, decision on it’s future awaited. Kingfisher is still underwater but SC have taken possession, hope to remove by August.  Campbell Christie in hand of broker for sale. Wooden Spoon, owner has paid to refloat boat. Kingfisher, SC have now taken possession. Contractor engaged to refloat boat. Lowland Dream, no info. New Venture, SC are applying for a Section 8 order to take possession. Concern was expressed that some insurance policies may exclude the cost of refloating vessels.
125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.09-01-23  Team have been trained in use of pole and chainsaws. Areas all to be identified and will be cut back as soon as possible.   06-03-2023  Work is ongoing.   01-05-2023 No Information   03-07-2023..Work is ongoing but maybe affected by bird nesting season.Progress has been made, and work is ongoing between Linn’s Mill and Ratho.
126. Q. Fallen tree and overhanging shrubs blocking visibility to the west of Craigmarloch Bidge on F&C.03-07-2023  Contractor instructed but he is currently working on removing large tree blocking canal near Avon Aquaduct.  Contractor appointed, removal in next two weeks.
127. Water levels on the F&C are low which seriously affects boats moored to bank. The stability of some pontoons is endangered and some boats are resting on the bed.03-07-2023  Water levels have been affected by recent dry spell, running down reservoirs for resilience improvements and repairing lockgates. Hope to see improvement but SEPA restrictions also impact levels. The Wheel has also been affected but Bowling is back up to level.The recent hot dry spell has still caused problems and boat movement to the Kelpies and Bowling are restricted to conserve water. Extraction limits from reservoirs are restricted by SEPA.
128. Emergency escape ladders at Southbank Marina are not well sited or adequately signed.03-07-2023  Tommy and Safety Advisor to review.Work forecast for October.
129 Q. Weed growth is causing problems with navigation on both canals. Please provide update on progress with weed cutting.03-07-2023  the four Birkies and two Truxors are currently working in various areas.Weed is a real problem on sections of the Union Canal, particularly around Winchburgh and Linlithgow to Bridge 41. There are large areas where reeds have significantly reduced the width of the channel and floating weedbergs which have broken away from the bank often form an obstruction to navigation. The Falkirk Berky has broken down and needs a major overhaul, out of commission till October. The new Berky has blown hydraulic hoses and awaits repair. Although weed has been cut between Hillhead and Twechar, there is a lot of cut weed floating on the surface impeding navigation. The conveyor is faulty.  
130 Q. The traffic lights in the old Falkirk Tunnel are unreliable03-07-2023 Tommy to review and adviseM&E instructed to investigate and report back
131.Q. There are headroom restrictions under the new road bridge near Winchburgh Inadequate warning signs and poor communications, no details on the website. Temporary works still to be removed.
132 Q There have been numerous reports of rats in Edinburgh These are probably caused by the disturbance of the new building work in the area. Extermination treatment to be extended to cover the mooring areas.
133.Q The fittings in the facilities block at Edinburgh need attention. Paula to inspect the facilities when she visits on 12th September.

Next Meeting 6th November 2023.  14.00 to 15.00hrs.

03/07/23 –Meeting.between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 07-11-2022 This can only be completed if and when the equipment is in the correct place and funding and manning resource is available.   09-01-2023 No change as dredging ongoing at Glasgow end.   06-03-2023 Currently dredging in Glasgow then heading for NBF and the Union by end of April.   01-05-2023 Works were delayed due to plant breakdown and availability of staff. Plan to undertaken in late May/early June.03-07-2023  Dredger still on F&C 27-07-2023 Narrowboat Farm now complete, dredging plant working on Forth and Clyde and will be deployed to undertake bank repair works in Kirkintilloch.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.   Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 Dredging being carried out at Stockingfield. Dredging sides of canal dependent on bird nesting season which will curtail this activity.   09-01-2023 Dredging at Claypits and then moving to Narrowboat farm.   06-03-2023 Comments from the boaters following the dredging report for the Union were submitted to Alasdair. Response from SC expected by end of April. Samples being taken to determine suitability for disposal of arisings. First draft of the dredging report for the F&C awaited.   01-05-2023  Dredging in the River Carron to be undertaken in late summer. Production of dredging plans are ongoing.  03-07-2023  The bank at Narrowboat Farm has been remodelled by the Truxters to allow the boats to moor. The material was cast into the channel and will be removed when the dredging team pass by. 27-07-2023  – Dredging plans to be issued by end of August.  
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     09-01-2023 Full review required on all Scottish Canals signage due to rebranding.   06-03-2023 No Change.   01-05-2023 No Change  03-07-2023  No Change Still awaiting confirmation of rebranding.  
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 Delayed due to no manning resource.   09-01-2023  No change.   06-03-2023 No Change.   01-05-2023 No Change  03-07-2023  No Update  
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Possible closure of East and West F&C to allow works on gates and cills.     07-11-2022 Winter works to see more short-term closures as we undertake more works to Lock gates and fabric of the canal.  Winter works are only 20 weeks long, have short working days and generally the worst weather possible.  Events should generally be either planned to happen before the second week in November or only target unaffected areas of the canal.  The focus of operational winter works this year will be Lock Gate refurbishment and pontoon re-decking.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October each year. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.   06-03-2023  Lock 8 gates badly damaged by a car. New gates ordered, hope for replacement by June. Locks 11, 12 and 13 have been replanked, Lock 5 still to be done.   01-05 2023 – Survey works and replanking of the gates at lock 36 are now complete, contractor will demobilise and be off site by end of May. Lock 8 gates have arrived on site and install is underway                  05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works.   07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.   Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2023-2024 to complete full overhaul      06-03-2023. Still to be completed.     Ongoing Winter works 2022-2023. Locks 11,12,31,32 and 36 survey ongoing for new gates subject to 2023 budget.   09-01-2023 Boaters notified of closure till end of March by SC on 06-12-2022.                                                         03-07-2023  Lock 21 to 38 are now operational but low water levels may still impact navigation down to Bowling Lock 8 has been completed and Locks 16 to Lock 3 are now operational but low water levels are restricting navigation to every other day. Lock 5 will be refurbished next winter. Sea Lock 1 is operational but the river channel needs to be dredged to provide full access. Sea Lock 2 should be back in operation by mid July after the rams have been installed.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Training to be rolled out for user operation in Glasgow as a priority (TT)   07-11-2022 Timings and dates to be arranged between Neil Kitchener and Tommy Thomson.   Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.   09-01-2023 Dates and times to be agreed between T.Thomson and Neil Kitchener. Duckling available mid February to mid April.   01-05-23 Missed dates February to mid April New dates to be agreed  03-07-2023  Neil to check with interested boaters for their preferred dates and arrange with Tommy Thomson. Need to check whether access from the pontoon to the bank is suitable.  
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   No plans for any more evac points due to resource, both manning and funding.   07-11-2022  Only to be carried out if dredger in that area.   09-01-2023 No change.   06-03-2023  No need for evac points if mooring rings fixed at Stockingfield.   01-05-2023 Rings being fitted at Stockingfield see Item 122  27-07-2023 – with the creation of the evac point at Stockingfield this can be closed?  
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.      For info only.  
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 Programme ongoing and has been quite successful to date. Still a few to complete , but manning resource still working on it. Work now ongoing at Falkirk Wheel and linear line at Falkirk Wheel. Carmuirs to complete and small section at Auchenstarry to complete.   09-01-2023 Work to complete at Falkirk Wheel. Finger pontoons at Auchenstarry, Ratho linear, Kelpies area and the sea locks.   06-03-2023 Ratho, Auchinstarry, Falkirk Wheel linear and Carmuirs have been completed. Falkirk Wheel basin is in progress. Kelpies and the Sealock are awaiting extra materials. Remaining timber decking is being power washed.   01-05-2023 .Work ongoing.03-07-2023  Carol Bell is progressing work on the Kelpies with her volunteers. Further deliveries of materials expected then Spiers Wharf and Bowling to follow.  
109 Q Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 Still awaiting costings from chosen contractor.   09-01-2023 No change. Resource issue.   06-03-2023 No Change awaiting costings and approval to carry out the work in next financial year.   01-05-2023 No Change27-07-2023 – Works have been deferred due to failures elsewhere, should budget allow the works will be undertaken in autumn 2023    
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 Still to be carried out.   09-01-2023 Work ongoing by McKenzie Engineering. Also issues at Cadder.   06-03-2023 No change   01-05-2023 No Change03-07-2023  No Change  
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 The area to be surveyed   09-01-2023 No change. Tyres still in place but possibility of dredging will be investigated when working at Claypits.   06-03-2023 Hope to investigate removal of rocks or improve the fendering when the dredging at Claypits is completed. Alasdair to talk to Craig.   The bridge failed to open 2 weeks ago and defective wiring has been replaced.   01-05-2023 No Information  27-07-2023 – Obstruction has been identified and confirmed by dredger. Solution to be determined.  
115. Q Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.   04-07-2022 Priority will be increased. SC to look at what is required to complete this action.   05-09-2022 Tommy Thomson will have a look at what is required.   07-11-2022 A GRP repair on this section will be carried out this year 2022.   09-01-2023. Has been measured for GRP repair. Material to be cut to size and fitted.   06-03-2023 Still awaiting installation.   01-05-2023 No Information03-07-2023  Material has been cut, awaiting date for installation.  
120 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of cantilever pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   05-09-2022  SC are still keen to progress this but cannot dedicate the resources to achieving consent and implementation in the short term.  Suggest fendering off the wharf and facilitating access with a gangway.   09-01-2023 Update required from Mark Smith as to if this is still required.   06-03-2023 No change   01-05-2023 No Change03-07-2023 The cantilever pontoon is no longer required and this can be closed out.  
122. Q. Positioning of mooring rings at new Stockingfield Bridge. 07-11-2022 Sean asked to liase with Alistair from SC ref best position to place mooring rings at this location. Sean checked out area and sent recommendations to Alistair at SC.   09-01-2023 Will be caught after dredging as a temporary measure. Until new pontoons placed in position.   06-03-2023 Hope to instal rings in next two weeks when Claypit dredging has been completed.   01-05-2023 Works have been scheduled and are due to be undertaken in conjunction with dredging operations.03-07-2023  The rings have still not been installed. 27-07-2023 – Works complete  
124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and other areas.09-01-2023  There are several boats which have sunk to a degree. All are known to SC. And have been made safe until resource to deal with them. Latest list is Kingfisher at Bowling. Campbell Christie at Falkirk Wheel. New Venture west of Port Buchan. Lowland Dream at Ratho   06-03-2023 Kingfisher is being lifted out by the owner, checked and refloated in two weeks time. No info on other boats.   01-05 2023 Campbell Christie has been refloated.03-07-2023  Old Spot has been removed from canal. Campbell Christie is now floating, decision on it’s future awaited. Kingfisher is still underwater but SC have taken possession, hope to remove by August.  
125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.09-01-23  Team have been trained in use of pole and chainsaws. Areas all to be identified and will be cut back as soon as possible.   06-03-2023  Work is ongoing.   01-05-2023 No Information03-07-2023..Work is ongoing but maybe affected by bird nesting season.
126. Q. Fallen tree and overhanging shrubs blocking visibility to the west of Craigmarloch Bidge on F&C. 03-07-2023  Contractor instructed but he is currently working on removing large tree blocking canal near Avon Aquaduct.  
127. Water levels on the F&C are low which seriously affects boats moored to bank. The stability of some pontoons is endangered and some boats are resting on the bed. 03-07-2023  Water levels have been affected by recent dry spell, running down reservoirs for resilience improvements and repairing lockgates. Hope to see improvement but SEPA restrictions also impact levels. The Wheel has also been affected but Bowling is back up to level.
128. Emergency escape ladders at Southbank Marina are not well sited or adequately signed. 03-07-2023  Tommy and Safety Advisor to review.
129 Q. Weed growth is causing problems with navigation on both canals. Please provide update on progress with weed cutting.. 03-07-2023  the four Birkies and two Truxters are currently working in various areas.
130 Q. The traffic lights in the old Falkirk Tunnel are unreliable 03-07-2023 Tommy to review and advise.

Next Meeting 5th September 2023.  14.00 to 15.00hrs.

01/05/23 –No actual Meeting, Notes based on responses from Scottish Canals

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes
07-11-2022 This can only be completed if and when the equipment is in the correct place and funding and manning resource is available.  
09-01-2023 No change as dredging ongoing at Glasgow end.  
06-03-2023 Currently dredging in Glasgow then heading for NBF and the Union by end of April.
01-05-2023 Works were delayed due to plant breakdown and availability of staff. Plan to undertaken in late May/early June
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.   Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes
05-09-2022  There are some dredging works planned for winter 22 on the Union Canals but these may be at risk depending on how long Lock gate works on the Falkirk Flight take. Our Maintenance Team have refurbished Lock 8 Top Gates and it is our plan to repeat this work on Locks 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15.  It is envisaged 9, 11 and 12 will be undertaken this year.  Lock gate improvements are a priority for water resilience and operation. Action to remain open pending update from AH  
07-11-2022 Dredging being carried out at Stockingfield.   07-11-2022 Dredging sides of canal dependent on bird nesting season which will curtail this activity.  
09-01-2023 Dredging at Claypits and then moving to Narrowboat farm.  
06-03-2023 Comments from the boaters following the dredging report for the Union were submitted to Alasdair. Response from SC expected by end of April. Samples being taken to determine suitability for disposal of arisings. First draft of the dredging report for the F&C awaited.  
01-05-2023  Dredging in the River Carron to be undertaken in late summer. Production of dredging plans are ongoing.  
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     09-01-2023 Full review required on all Scottish Canals signage due to rebranding.   06-03-2023 No Change.No Change
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
07-11-2022 Delayed due to no manning resource.  
09-01-2023  No change.  
06-03-2023 No Change.
No Change
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE  
12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Possible closure of East and West F&C to allow works on gates and cills.   05-09-2022 Pilling works at Brightons from October 2022 until March 2023, closure now required.   07-11-2022  the above is a moving target but no meetings have been scheduled. No change to all other items above.   07-11-2022 Winter works to see more short-term closures as we undertake more works to Lock gates and fabric of the canal.  Winter works are only 20 weeks long, have short working days and generally the worst weather possible.  Events should generally be either planned to happen before the second week in November or only target unaffected areas of the canal.  The focus of operational winter works this year will be Lock Gate refurbishment and pontoon re-decking.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October each year. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.   06-03-2023  Lock 8 gates badly damaged by a car. New gates ordered, hope for replacement by June. Locks 11, 12 and 13 have been replanked, Lock 5 still to be done.  
  Any changes to dates.         05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works. 07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.   Provisional works carried out by M&E     Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2022-2023 to complete full overhaul    06-03-2023. Still to be completed.     Ongoing Winter works 2022-2023. Locks 11,12,31,32 and 36 survey ongoing for new gates subject to 2023 budget.   09-01-2023 Boaters notified of closure till end of March by SC on 06-12-2022.                                                         01-05 2023 – Survey works and replanking of the gates at lock 36 are now complete, contractor will demobilise and be off site by end of May. Lock 8 gates have arrived on site and install is underway
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Training to be rolled out for user operation in Glasgow as a priority (TT)  
07-11-2022 Timings and dates to be arranged between Neil Kitchener and Tommy Thomson.   Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.  
09-01-2023 Dates and times to be agreed between T.Thomson and Neil Kitchener. Duckling available mid February to mid April.  
01-05-23 Missed dates February to mid April New dates to be agreed
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   No plans for any more evac points due to resource, both manning and funding.  
07-11-2022  Only to be carried out if dredger in that area.  
09-01-2023 No change.  
06-03-2023  No need for evac points if mooring rings fixed at Stockingfield.  
01-05-2023 Rings being fitted at Stockingfield see Item 122
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.  
02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.  
    For info only.  
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
07-11-2022 Programme ongoing and has been quite successful to date. Still a few to complete , but manning resource still working on it. Work now ongoing at Falkirk Wheel and linear line at Falkirk Wheel. Carmuirs to complete and small section at Auchenstarry to complete.  
09-01-2023 Work to complete at Falkirk Wheel. Finger pontoons at Auchenstarry, Ratho linear, Kelpies area and the sea locks.  
06-03-2023 Ratho, Auchinstarry, Falkirk Wheel linear and Carmuirs have been completed. Falkirk Wheel basin is in progress. Kelpies and the Sealock are awaiting extra materials. Remaining timber decking is being power washed.
01-05-2023 .Work ongoing
109  Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
07-11-2022 Still awaiting costings from chosen contractor.  
09-01-2023 No change. Resource issue.  
06-03-2023 No Change awaiting costings and approval to carry out the work in next financial year.
01-05-2023 No Change
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
07-11-2022 Still to be carried out.  
09-01-2023 Work ongoing by McKenzie Engineering. Also issues at Cadder.  
06-03-2023 No change
01-05-2023 No Change
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
07-11-2022 The area to be surveyed  
09-01-2023 No change. Tyres still in place but possibility of dredging will be investigated when working at Claypits.  
06-03-2023 Hope to investigate removal of rocks or improve the fendering when the dredging at Claypits is completed. Alasdair to talk to Craig.   The bridge failed to open 2 weeks ago and defective wiring has been replaced.
01-05-2023 No Information
115. Q Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.  
04-07-2022 Priority will be increased. SC to look at what is required to complete this action.  
05-09-2022 Tommy Thomson will have a look at what is required.  
07-11-2022 A GRP repair on this section will be carried out this year 2022.  
09-01-2023. Has been measured for GRP repair. Material to be cut to size and fitted.  
06-03-2023 Still awaiting installation.
01-05 2023 No Information
120 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of cantilever pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
05-09-2022  SC are still keen to progress this but cannot dedicate the resources to achieving consent and implementation in the short term.  Suggest fendering off the wharf and facilitating access with a gangway.  
09-01-2023 Update required from Mark Smith as to if this is still required.  
06-03-2023 No change
01-05-2023 No Change
122. Q. Positioning of mooring rings at new Stockingfield Bridge. 07-11-2022 Sean asked to liase with Alistair from SC ref best position to place mooring rings at this location. Sean checked out area and sent recommendations to Alistair at SC.  
09-01-2023 Will be caught after dredging as a temporary measure. Until new pontoons placed in position.  
06-03-2023 Hope to instal rings in next two weeks when Claypit dredging has been completed  
01-05-2023 Works have been scheduled and are due to be undertaken in conjunction with dredging operations  
124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and other areas.09-01-2023  There are several boats which have sunk to a degree. All are known to SC. And have been made safe until resource to deal with them. Latest list is Kingfisher at Bowling. Campbell Christie at Falkirk Wheel. New venture west of Port Buchan. Lowland Dream at Ratho  
06-03-2023 Kingfisher is being lifted out by the owner, checked and refloated in two weeks time. No info on other boats  
01-05 2023  Campbell Christie has been refloated  
125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.09-01-23  Team have been trained in use of pole and chainsaws. Areas all to be identified and will be cut back as soon as possible.  
06-03-2023  Work is ongoing  
01-05-2023 No Information

Next Meeting 3rd July 2023.  14.00 to 15.00hrs.

06/03/23 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes
07-11-2022 This can only be completed if and when the equipment is in the correct place and funding and manning resource is available.  
09-01-2023 No change as dredging ongoing at Glasgow end.  
06-03-2023 Currently dredging in Glasgow then heading for NBF and the Union by end of April.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.   Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes
05-09-2022  There are some dredging works planned for winter 22 on the Union Canals but these may be at risk depending on how long Lock gate works on the Falkirk Flight take. Our Maintenance Team have refurbished Lock 8 Top Gates and it is our plan to repeat this work on Locks 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15.  It is envisaged 9, 11 and 12 will be undertaken this year.  Lock gate improvements are a priority for water resilience and operation. Action to remain open pending update from AH  
07-11-2022 Dredging being carried out at Stockingfield.   07-11-2022 Dredging sides of canal dependent on bird nesting season which will curtail this activity.  
09-01-2023 Dredging at Claypits and then moving to Narrowboat farm.  
06-03-2023 Comments from the boaters following the dredging report for the Union were submitted to Alasdair. Response from SC expected by end of April. Samples being taken to determine suitability for disposal of arisings. First draft of the dredging report for the F&C awaited.  
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes    
09-01-2023 Full review required on all Scottish Canals signage due to rebranding.  
06-03-2023 No Change.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 Delayed due to no manning resource.   09-01-2023  No change.   06-03-2023 No Change.   
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Possible closure of East and West F&C to allow works on gates and cills.   05-09-2022 Pilling works at Brightons from October 2022 until March 2023, closure now required.   07-11-2022  the above is a moving target but no meetings have been scheduled. No change to all other items above.   07-11-2022 Winter works to see more short-term closures as we undertake more works to Lock gates and fabric of the canal.  Winter works are only 20 weeks long, have short working days and generally the worst weather possible.  Events should generally be either planned to happen before the second week in November or only target unaffected areas of the canal.  The focus of operational winter works this year will be Lock Gate refurbishment and pontoon re-decking.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October each year. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.   06-03-2023  Lock 8 gates badly damaged by a car. New gates ordered, hope for replacement by June. Locks 11, 12 and 13 have been replanked, Lock 5 still to be done.    Any changes to dates.         05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works. 07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.   Provisional works carried out by M&E     Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2022-2023 to complete full overhaul    06-03-2023. Still to be completed.     Ongoing Winter works 2022-2023. Locks 11,12,31,32 and 36 survey ongoing for new gates subject to 2023 budget.   09-01-2023 Boaters notified of closure till end of March by SC on 06-12-2022.    
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Training to be rolled out for user operation in Glasgow as a priority (TT)  
07-11-2022 Timings and dates to be arranged between Neil Kitchener and Tommy Thomson.   Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.  
09-01-2023 Dates and times to be agreed between T.Thomson and Neil Kitchener. Duckling available mid February to mid April.  
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   No plans for any more evac points due to resource, both manning and funding.  
07-11-2022  Only to be carried out if dredger in that area.  
09-01-2023 No change.  
06-03-2023  No need for evac points if mooring rings fixed at Stockingfield.  
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.  
02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.  
    For info only.  
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Jo Spragg will keep us updated on progress.  
05-09-2022  Boat has been removed from under water and is advertised for sale with interested parties sourced.   Being pumped out to keep afloat  
07-11-2022.  Old Spot up for sale through Boatshed Scotland with prospective buyers interested. Hope to be sold by end of 2022.   Buyer to remove boat from canal  
09-01-2023 Deposit paid by new buyer. Timing still to be worked out for removal of boat from canal.  
06-03-2023 Old Spot has now been removed from the canal and this item can now be closed  
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
07-11-2022 Programme ongoing and has been quite successful to date. Still a few to complete , but manning resource still working on it. Work now ongoing at Falkirk Wheel and linear line at Falkirk Wheel. Carmuirs to complete and small section at Auchenstarry to complete.  
09-01-2023 Work to complete at Falkirk Wheel. Finger pontoons at Auchenstarry, Ratho linear, Kelpies area and the sea locks.  
06-03-2023 Ratho, Auchinstarry, Falkirk Wheel linear and Carmuirs have been completed. Falkirk Wheel basin is in progress. Kelpies and the Sealock are awaiting extra materials. Remaining timber decking is being power washed.
109  Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
07-11-2022 Still awaiting costings from chosen contractor.  
09-01-2023 No change. Resource issue.  
06-03-2023 No Change awaiting costings and approval to carry out the work in next financial year.
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 Still to be carried out.   09-01-2023 Work ongoing by McKenzie Engineering. Also issues at Cadder.   06-03-2023 No change   
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
07-11-2022 The area to be surveyed  
09-01-2023 No change. Tyres still in place but possibility of dredging will be investigated when working at Claypits.  
06-03-2023 Hope to investigate removal of rocks or improve the fendering when the dredging at Claypits is completed. Alasdair to talk to Craig.   The bridge failed to open 2 weeks ago and defective wiring has been replaced.
115. Q Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.  
04-07-2022 Priority will be increased. SC to look at what is required to complete this action.  
05-09-2022 Tommy Thomson will have a look at what is required.  
07-11-2022 A GRP repair on this section will be carried out this year 2022.  
09-01-2023. Has been measured for GRP repair. Material to be cut to size and fitted.  
06-03-2023 Still awaiting installation.
120 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of cantilever pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
05-09-2022  SC are still keen to progress this but cannot dedicate the resources to achieving consent and implementation in the short term.  Suggest fendering off the wharf and facilitating access with a gangway.  
09-01-2023 Update required from Mark Smith as to if this is still required.  
06-03-2023 No change
122. Q. Positioning of mooring rings at new Stockingfield Bridge. 07-11-2022 Sean asked to liase with Alistair from SC ref best position to place mooring rings at this location. Sean checked out area and sent recommendations to Alistair at SC. 09-01-2023 Will be caught after dredging as a temporary measure. Until new pontoons placed in position.  
06-03-2023 Hope to instal rings in next two weeks when Claypit dredging has been completed  
123. Q. Shrubs protruding from wall on mooring space at Applecross workshop location.There is shrubbery growing from the wall adjacent to old workshop at Applecross offices. Can this be removed to allow a narrowboat to moor up close to wall. These shrubs used to be cut back every year, pre season starting for the entire length of canal. Why has this activity been stopped.  
07-11-2022  Tommy Thomson will arrange for these shrubs to be cut back.  
09-01-2023 T.Thomson will have this completed at start of new season.  
06-03-2023 Shrubbery removed and this item can be closed off.
124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and other areas.09-01-2023  There are several boats which have sunk to a degree. All are known to SC. And have been made safe until resource to deal with them. Latest list is Kingfisher at Bowling. Campbell Christie at Falkirk Wheel. New venture west of Port Buchan. Lowland Dream at Ratho  
06-03-2023 Kingfisher is being lifted out by the owner, checked and refloated in two weeks time. No info on other boats  
125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.09-01-23  Team have been trained in use of pole and chainsaws. Areas all to be identified and will be cut back as soon as possible.  
06-03-2023  Work is ongoing  

09/01/23 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   04-07-2022 Hermiston to Ratho completed. Resource issues with manning to continue when available.   07-11-2022 This can only be completed if and when the equipment is in the correct place and funding and manning resource is available.   09-01-2023 No change as dredging ongoing at Glasgow end.   
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 04-07-2022 No change. Report still outstanding. A. Hamilton to chase up.   05-09-2022  There is some dredging works planned for winter 22 on the Union Canals but these may be at risk depending on how long Lock gate works on the Falkirk Flight take.  Our Maintenance Team have refurbished Lock 8 Top Gates and it is our plan to repeat this work on Locks 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15.  It is envisaged 9, 11 and 12 will be undertaken this year.  Lock gate improvements are a priority for water resilience and operation.   Action to remain open pending update from AH   07-11-2022 Dredging being carried out at Stockingfield.     07-11-2022 Dredging sides of canal dependent on bird nesting season which will curtail this activity.   09-01-2023 Dredging at Claypits and then moving to Narrowboat farm.         
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     05-09-2022 Tommy Thomson to lead. When costed and resource available.   09-01-2023 Full review required on all Scottish Canals signage due to rebranding.   
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   04-07-2022 No Change.  A.Hamilton to chase up.   07-11-2022 Delayed due to no manning resource.   09-01-2023  No change.     
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.     Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Possible closure of East and West F&C to allow works on gates and cills.   05-09-2022 Pilling works at Brightons from October 2022 until March 2023, closure now required.   Access through Falkirk flight still restricted due to water issues.     07-11-2022  the above is a moving target but no meetings have been scheduled. No change to all other items above.   07-11-2022 Winter works to see more short-term closures as we undertake more works to Lock gates and fabric of the canal.  Winter works are only 20 weeks long, have short working days and generally the worst weather possible.  Events should generally be either planned to happen before the second week in November or only target unaffected areas of the canal.  The focus of operational winter works this years will be Lock Gates refurbishment and pontoon re-decking.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required                05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works. 07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.   Provisional works carried out by M&E     Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2022-2023 to complete full overhaul          Ongoing Winter works 2022-2023. Locks 11,12,31,32 and 36 survey ongoing for new gates subject to 2023 budget.   09-01-2023 Boaters notified by SC on 06-12-2022.    
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Training to be rolled out for user operation in Glasgow as a priority (TT)   07-11-2022 Timings and dates to be arranged between Neil Kitchener and Tommy Thomson.   Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.   09-01-2023 Dates and times to be agreed between T.Thomson and Neil Kitchener. Duckling available mid February to mid April.       
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   No plans for any more evac points due to resource, both manning and funding.   07-11-2022  Only to be carried out if dredger in that area.   09-01-2023 No change.       
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.        For info only.  
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Jo Spragg will keep us updated on progress.   05-09-2022  Boat has been removed from under water and is advertised for sale with interested parties sourced.   Being pumped out to keep afloat   07-11-2022.  Old Spot up for sale through Boatshed Scotland with prospective buyers interested. Hope to be sold by end of 2022.   Buyer to remove boat from canal   09-01-2023 Deposit paid by new buyer. Timing still to be worked out for removal of boat from canal.               
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-11-2022 Programme ongoing and has been quite successful to date. Still a few to complete , but manning resource still working on it. Work now ongoing at Falkirk Wheel and linear line at Falkirk Wheel. Carmuirs to complete and small section at Auchenstarry to complete.   09-01-2023 Work to complete at Falkirk Wheel. Finger pontoons at Auchenstarry, Ratho linear, Kelpies area and the sea locks.   
109  Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   05-09-2022 Contractor approached for costings. No replies yet.   07-11-2022 Still awaiting costings from chosen contractor.   09-01-2023 No change. Resource issue.   
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   04-07-2022  No change. 05-09-2022 No change. 07-11-2022 Still to be carried out. 09-01-2023 Work ongoing by McKenzie Engineering. Also issues at Cadder. 
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   05-09-2022 SC will not get to this anytime soon but  can provide versadoc fenders to increase the set-back to the wharf.  These would only be use as fendering, not for access.   in 2 weeks time. 07-11-2022 The area to be surveyed   09-01-2023 No change. Tyres still in place but possibility of dredging will be investigated when working at Claypits.     
115.     Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.   04-07-2022 Priority will be increased. SC to look at what is required to complete this action.   05-09-2022 Tommy Thomson will have a look at what is required.   07-11-2022 A GRP repair on this section will be carried out this year 2022.   09-01-2023. Has been measured for GRP repair. Material to be cut to size and fitted.     
118   Navigation of Speaker Martin,s Lock.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 17-01-2022   New hydraulic pump required to be fitted. Awaits resource after Falkirk Wheel MOT completed.   04-07-2022  Investigation of issues ongoing.   05-09-2022 All resources on lock gates   07-11-2022. This has been moved up in the priority list due to other issues in this area of the canal.   09-01-2023 The lock now fully functional. This action to be closed off.     
120 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   05-09-2022  SC are still keen to progress this but cannot dedicate the resources to achieving consent and implementation in the short term.  Suggest fendering off the wharf and facilitating access with a gangway.   09-01-2023 Update required from Mark Smith as to if this is still required.       
122. Q. Positioning of mooring rings at new Stockingfield Bridge.07-11-2022 Sean asked to liase with Alistair from SC ref best position to place mooring rings at this location.   07-11-2022 Update. Sean has checked out area and has sent recommendations to Alistair at SC.   09-01-2023 Will be caught after dredging as a temporary measure. Until new pontoons placed in position.       
123. Q. Shrubs protruding from wall on mooring space at Applecross workshop location.There is shrubbery growing from the wall adjacent to old workshop at Applecross offices. Can this be removed to allow a narrowboat to moor up close to wall. These shrubs used to be cut back every year, pre season starting for the entire length of canal. Why has this activity been stopped.   07-11-2022  Tommy Thomson will arrange for these shrubs to be cut back.   09-01-2023 T.Thomson will have this completed at start of new season.   
124. Q. Boat sunk at Ratho and one other area.09-01-2023  There are several boats which have sunk to a degree. All are known to SC. And have been made safe until resource to deal with them. Latest list is   Kingfisher at Bowling. Campbell Christie at Falkirk Wheel. Lowland Dream at west of Port Buchan.   
125 Q. Trees overhanging offside on Union Canal.09-01-23  Team have been trained in use of pole and chainsaws. Areas all to be identified and will be cut back as soon as possible. 

Next Meeting 6th March 2023.  14.00 to 15.00hrs.

07/11/22 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 Still awaiting report.   04-07-2022 Hermiston to Ratho completed. Resource issues with manning to continue when available.   05-09-2022  These are quite far down SC priority list but should be considered alongside dredging works and any close by landing points improved.  Alasdair Hamilton to review what can be undertaken as part of the dredging programme.   Action to remain open pending an update from AH   Also all resources being focused on replacement lock gates.  07-11-2022 This can only be completed if and when the equipment is in the correct place and funding and manning resource is available.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Hydrographic survey done on F&C last week. Report is still awaited for the results of the depth checking done on the Union last year   04-07-2022 No change. Report still outstanding. A. Hamilton to chase up.   05-09-2022  There is some dredging works planned for winter 22 on the Union Canals but these may be at risk depending on how long Lock gate works on the Falkirk Flight take.  Our Maintenance Team have refurbished Lock 8 Top Gates and it is our plan to repeat this work on Locks 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15.  It is envisaged 9, 11 and 12 will be undertaken this year.  Lock gate improvements are a priority for water resilience and operation.   Action to remain open pending update from AH      07-11-2022 Dredging being carried out at Stockingfield.     07-11-2022 Dredging sides of canal dependent on bird nesting season which will curtail this activity.   07-11-2022 Still looking at winter dredging works. All dependent on funding and manning resources.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     04-07-2022 Testing completed and successful. Costing to be carried out for new signage.   05-09-2022 Tommy Thomson to lead. When costed and resource available.    07-11-2022 Still awaiting costing due to the Scottish Canals logo being changed. This will increase costs and activity being carried out.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 First contractor failed to carry out the work. To go out to another contractor for costings. Awaiting which contractor to choose.   04-07-2022 No Change.  A.Hamilton to chase up.   05-09-2022 Low priority. No resource. i.e. people available.      07-11-2022 Delayed due to no manning resource.
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   07-03-2022 Stockingfield Bridge – works completed. Only dredging around bridge supports and cleaning up of area to be completed. September 2022 for official opening.     Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing 12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Possible closure of East and West F&C to allow works on gates and cills.     05-09-2022 Pilling works at Brightons from October 2022 until March 2023.   Water still an issue as Hillend reservoir run dry. Awaiting decent rainfall to refill.   Access through Falkirk flight still restricted due to water issues.     07-11-2022  the above is a moving target but no meetings have been scheduled. No change to all other items above.                  07-11-2022 Obstructions in channel have been removed.   07-11-2022 Dredging at Stockingfield ongoing with Sustrans.       06-09-21 Lock 20 and 21 gate survey completed. Awaiting quotes and funding for the other high priority gates along the canal. 05-09-2022 Next winter 2023/24 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works. 07-11-2022 Work delayed until 2023/24.   Provisional works carried out by M&E       Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2022-2023 to complete full overhaul    Ongoing Winter works 2022-2023.     Started Banton and Hillend. Also working on culverts.   Winter works to see more short-term closures as we undertake more works to Lock gates and fabric of the canal.  Winter works are only 20 weeks long, have short working days and generally the worst weather possible.  Events should generally be either planned to happen before the second week in November or only target unaffected areas of the canal.  The focus of operational winter works this years will be Lock Gates refurbishment and pontoon re-decking.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October. There should also be a presumption that navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   05-09-2022  List ready for discussions on training.   Hire fleet will still require assistance with Garscube Bridge which is still having issues with sensors and software   Training to be rolled out for user operation in Glasgow as a priority (TT)    07-11-2022 Timings and dates to be arranged between Neil Kitchener and Tommy Thomson.   Training will be carried out between locks 17/18/19 and 20.  
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Evac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.   05-09-2022 The pontoon at Bishopbriggs has been refurbished and there are no plans for more evac points. Recommend closure of this point.   No plans for any more evac points due to resource, both manning and funding.      07-11-2022  Only to be carried out if dredger in that area. May not be needed if mooring rings are installed at Stockingfield.
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.        For info only.  
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Jo Spragg will keep us updated on progress.   05-09-2022  Boat has been removed from under water and is advertised for sale with interested parties sourced.   Being pumped out to keep afloat        07-11-2022.  Old Spot up for sale through Boatshed Scotland with prospective buyers interested. Hope to be sold by end of 2022.   Buyer to remove boat from canal.
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   04-07-2022. 66% of Auchenstarry complete. Manning resource holding up further progress. Design issues to be resolved for Ratho Linear line.   05-09-2022 Winter works programme will be shared once complete.    07-11-2022 Programme ongoing and has been quite successful to date. Still a few to complete , but manning resource still working on it. Work now ongoing at Falkirk Wheel and linear line at Falkirk Wheel. Carmuirs to complete and small section at Auchenstarry to complete.
109  Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-03-21 This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   04-07-2022  No change. A. Hamilton to advise.   05-09-2022 Contractor approached for costings. No replies yet.  07-11-2022 Still awaiting costings from chosen contractor.  
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Awaiting a start date.   04-07-2022  No change.   05-09-2022 No change.  07-11-2022 Still to be carried out.
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   04-07-2022 No change.   05-09-2022 SC will not get to this anytime soon but  can provide versadoc fenders to increase the set-back to the wharf.  These would only be use as fendering, not for access.  07-11-2022 The area to be surveyed in 2 weeks time.
115.     Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.   02-05-2022 Awaiting resource. No plan at present to carry out repair. Priority 4 on work plan.   04-07-2022 Priority will be increased. SC to look at what is required to complete this action.   05-09-2022 Tommy Thomson will have a look at what is required.        07-11-2022 A GRP repair on this section will be carried out this year 2022.
118   Navigation of Speaker Martin,s Lock.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 17-01-2022   New hydraulic pump required to be fitted. Awaits resource after Falkirk Wheel MOT completed.   02-05-2022 Awaits response from SC for next steps to progress.   04-07-2022  Investigation of issues ongoing.   05-09-2022 All resources on lock gates    07-11-2022. This has been moved up in the priority list due to other issues in this area of the canal.
120 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes     01-11-2021 Mark Smith to update on progress.   04-07-2022 Mark to update on progress.   05-09-2022  SC are still keen to progress this but cannot dedicate the resources to achieving consent and implementation in the short term.  Suggest fendering off the wharf and facilitating access with a gangway.      07-11-2022 Update required from Mark Smith as to if this is still required.
122. Q. Positioning of mooring rings at new Stockingfield Bridge.07-11-2022 Sean asked to liase with Alistair from SC ref best position to place mooring rings at this location.07-11-2022 Update. Sean has checked out area and has sent recommendations to Alistair at SC.    
123. Q. Shrubs protruding from wall on mooring space at Applecross workshop location.There is shrubbery growing from the wall adjacent to old workshop at Applecross offices. Can this be removed to allow a narrowboat to moor up close to wall. These shrubs used to be cut back every year, pre season starting for the entire length of canal. Why has this activity been stopped.  07-11-2022  Tommy Thomson will arrange for these shrubs to be cut back.
124. Q. Trimming tree and undergrowth from the offside along the Union Canal.There are a number of areas along the canal where overhanging trees and undergrowth seriously impede navigation and visibility,07-11-22 The team have been trained in use of chainsaws and pole saws. Aim to tackle the most serious cases this winter before the bird nesting season.
125. Q. Boats sunk at Ratho, Port Buchan and Bowling.This is new and will be picked up at next meeting in January.NEW FOR NEXT MEETING.

05/09/22 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 Still awaiting report.   02-05-2022 Intention to work on these when equipment is on its way from Ratho to Glasgow and Bowling.   04-07-2022 Hermiston to Ratho completed. Resource issues with manning to continue when available.  These are quite far down SC priority list but should be considered alongside dredging works and any close by landing points improved.  Alasdair Hamilton to review what can be undertaken as part of the dredging programme.   Action to remain open pending an update from AH   Also all resources being focused on replacement lock gates.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Dredging at Ratho completed. 1000 tonnes of material dredged. Now heading towards Glasgow with work to complete at Narrowboat Farm.   Hydrographic survey done on F&C last week. Report is still awaited for the results of the depth checking done on the Union last year   04-07-2022 No change. Report still outstanding. A. Hamilton to chase up.    There is some dredging works planned for winter 22 on the Union Canals but these may be at risk depending on how long Lock gate works on the Falkirk Flight take.  Our Maintenance Team have refurbished Lock 8 Top Gates and it is our plan to repeat this work on Locks 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15.  It is envisaged 9, 11 and 12 will be undertaken this year.  Lock gate improvements are a priority for water resilience and operation.   Action to remain open pending update from AH    
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes       17-01-2022 Test Ongoing.   07-03-2022 Test still ok. Budgets for 2022 will determine how much can be progressed.   02-05-2022 Last test through warmer summer days and then order and fit new signs.   04-07-2022 Testing completed and successful. Costing to be carried out for new signage.    Tommy Thomson to lead. When costed and resource available.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 First contractor failed to carry out the work. To go out to another contractor for costings. Awaiting which contractor to choose.   04-07-2022 No Change.  A.Hamilton to chase up.    Low priority. No resource. i.e. people available.
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   07-03-2022 Stockingfield Bridge – works completed. Only dredging around bridge supports and cleaning up of area to be completed. September 2022 for official opening.     Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing 12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   Possible closure of East and West F&C to allow works on gates and cills.     05-09-2022 Pilling works at Brightons from October 2022 until March 2023.   Water still an issue as Hillend reservoir run dry. Awaiting decent rainfall to refill.   Access through Falkirk flight still restricted due to water issues.                    Obstructions in channel to be checked by contractor and removed.           06-09-21 Lock 20 and 21 gate survey completed. Awaiting quotes and funding for the other high priority gates along the canal. 05-09-2022 Next winter 2022/23 to complete as part of Smart Canal. Possible closure of East and West canal for gates and cill works.       Provisional works carried out by M&E       Temp repairs carried out. Winter 2022-2023 to complete full overhaul    Ongoing Winter works 2022-2023.     Started Banton and Hillend. Also working on culverts.   Winter works to see more short-term closures as we undertake more works to Lock gates and fabric of the canal.  Winter works are only 20 weeks long, have short working days and generally the worst weather possible.  Events should generally be either planned to happen before the second week in November or only target unaffected areas of the canal.  The focus of operational winter works this years will be Lock Gates refurbishment and pontoon re-decking.   Meeting to be held to discuss Winter Works and their implications for users. This should be scheduled for Early October. There should also be a presumption than navigation will be significantly affected during winter works each year so early engagement regarding events will be required.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 email for interested parties to send out again.   04-07-2022 List of interested parties to be sent to T.Thomson.  List ready for discussions on training.     Hire fleet will still require assistance with Garscube Bridge which is still having issues with sensors and software   Training to be rolled out for user operation in Glasgow as a priority (TT)
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Evac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.        The pontoon at Bishopbriggs has been refurbished and there are no plans for more evac points. Recommend closure of this point.   No plans for any more evac points due to resource, both manning and funding.
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.            For info only.  
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Jo Spragg will keep us updated on progress.        Boat has been removed from under water and is advertised for sale with interested parties sourced.   Being pumped out to keep afloat.
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Awaiting longer bolts for finger pontoons. Meanwhile cutting sections for other areas.   04-07-2022. 66% of Auchenstarry complete. Manning resource holding up further progress. Design issues to be resolved for Ratho Linear line.      Winter works programme will be shared once complete.    
109  Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-03-21 This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   02-05-2022 Still deciding on which contractor to choose and then do costings.   04-07-2022  No change. A. Hamilton to advise.      Contractor approached for costings. No replies yet.
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Awaiting a start date.   04-07-2022  No change.  No change.
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   02-05-2022 Still working on plan to overcome this issue.   04-07-2022 No change.    SC will not get to this anytime soon but  can provide versadoc fenders to increase the set-back to the wharf.  These would only be use as fendering, not for access.
113. Toilet issues at Auchenstary.  Too many non boaters using toilets. Chemical toilet facility blocked more often than not.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     New CCTV system for Marina will cover usage of this sluice block.   04-07-2022 CCTV will complete this action. Cold water flush to sluice being investigated.              Flush system being worked on at time of meeting. Still to complete using original cistern.
115.     Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.   02-05-2022 Awaiting resource. No plan at present to carry out repair. Priority 4 on work plan.   04-07-2022 Priority will be increased. SC to look at what is required to complete this action.        Tommy Thomson will have a look at what is required.  
118   Navigation of Speaker Martin,s Lock.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 17-01-2022   New hydraulic pump required to be fitted. Awaits resource after Falkirk Wheel MOT completed.   02-05-2022 Awaits response from SC for next steps to progress.   04-07-2022  Investigation of issues ongoing.    All resources on lock gates.
120 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes     01-11-2021 Mark Smith to update on progress.   04-07-2022 Mark to update on progress.      SC are still keen to progress this but cannot dedicate the resources to achieving consent and implementation in the short term.  Suggest fendering off the wharf and facilitating access with a gangway.

04/07/22 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 Still awaiting report.   02-05-2022 Intention to work on these when equipment is on its way from Ratho to Glasgow and Bowling.   04-07-2022 Hermiston to Ratho completed. Resource issues with manning to continue when available.   
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Dredging at Ratho completed. 1000 tonnes of material dredged. Now heading towards Glasgow with work to complete at Narrowboat Farm.   Hydrographic survey done on F&C last week. Report is still awaited for the results of the depth checking done on the Union last year   04-07-2022 No change. Report still outstanding. A. Hamilton to chase up.     
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes       17-01-2022 Test Ongoing.   07-03-2022 Test still ok. Budgets for 2022 will determine how much can be progressed.   02-05-2022 Last test through warmer summer days and then order and fit new signs.   04-07-2022 Testing completed and successful. Costing to be carried out for new signage.       
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 First contractor failed to carry out the work. To go out to another contractor for costings. Awaiting which contractor to choose.   04-07-2022 No Change.  A.Hamilton to chase up.     
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   07-03-2022 Stockingfield Bridge – works completed. Only dredging around bridge supports and cleaning up of area to be completed. September 2022 for official opening.       Winchburgh – Marina not open yet.   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing 12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.          Stockingfield Bridge – closures planned for;   1st November 2021 to 31st March 2022   Channel to be checked for obstructions 04-07-2022 Still to be completed. Held up due to Covid.           Any date for opening of Marina. Next season 2024 most probable date.             06-09-21 Lock 20 and 21 gate survey completed. Awaiting quotes and funding for the other high priority gates along the canal. 07-03-2022 Next winter 2022/23 to complete as part of Smart Canal.           Temp repairs ongoing week starting 09-05-2022 Winter 2022/23 to complete full overhaul.     Ongoing Winter works 2022-2023.     Started Banton and Hillhead. Also working on culverts.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 email for interested parties to send out again.   04-07-2022 List of interested parties to be sent to T.Thomson.    List ready for discussions on training.     Hire fleet will still require assistance with Garscube Bridge which is still having issues with sensors and software
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Evac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.   02-05-2022 May be caught when dredging equipment moving to Glasgow area. Bishopbriggs jetty is currently being refurbished   04-07-2022  Manning resource is an issue. Old decking removed. Awaiting costs for jetty decking replacement..   
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.    For info only.  
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Jo Spragg will keep us updated on progress.   04-07-2022. Legal completion in hand. Then plan to lift boat out. Hopefully this summer 2022.         
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Awaiting longer bolts for finger pontoons. Meanwhile cutting sections for other areas.   04-07-2022. 66% of Auchenstarry complete. Manning resource holding up further progress. Design issues to be resolved for Ratho Linear line.       
109  Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-03-21 This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   02-05-2022 Still deciding on which contractor to choose and then do costings.   04-07-2022  No change. A. Hamilton to advise.     
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Awaiting a start date.   04-07-2022  No change.     
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   02-05-2022 Still working on plan to overcome this issue.   04-07-2022 No change.     
113. Toilet issues at Auchenstary.  Too many non boaters using toilets. Chemical toilet facility blocked more often than not.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   New CCTV system for Marina will cover usage of this sluice block.   04-07-2022 CCTV will complete this action. Cold water flush to sluice being investigated.         
115.     Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.   02-05-2022 Awaiting resource. No plan at present to carry out repair. Priority 4 on work plan.   04-07-2022 Priority will be increased. SC to look at what is required to complete this action.         
118   Navigation of Speaker Martin,s Lock.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022   New hydraulic pump required to be fitted. Awaits resource after Falkirk Wheel MOT completed.   02-05-2022 Awaits response from SC for next steps to progress.   04-07-2022  Investigation of issues ongoing.     
119   Water Supply from Monklands Canal02-05-2022  Work was carried out over the winter but still more work is required to ensure supply.   04-07-2022  No change although a huge investigation has been carried out on the system.   
120 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   08/03/21 – CS to email MS. CS emailed MS on 09/03/21 6.30am response 9/3/21 – This is not essential work so is delayed hopefully to be planned for April/May   12/07/21 – still delayed. 06-09-21 – Still delayed.   01-11-2021 Mark Smith to update on progress.   04-07-2022 Mark to update on progress.   
121             Lock 36Temporary repairs now carried out. Lock back in operation. Survey ongoing on all F&C lock gates condition.     

Next Meeting 5th September 2022.  14.00 to 15.00hrs.

02/05/22 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022 Report still to be distributed by Alisdair Hamilton.   07-03-2022 Still awaiting report.   02-05-2022 Intention to work on these when equipment is o its way from Ratho to Glasgow and Bowling.     
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 Dredging extension as extra funds may be available.     07-03-2022 New Berky now fully operational. Sonar survey will be carried out as weedcutting progresses.   02-05-2022 Dredging at Ratho completed. 1000 tonnes of material dredged. Now heading towards Glasgow with work to complete at Narrowboat Farm.   Hydrographic survey done on F&C last week. Report is still awaited for the results of the depth checking done on the Union last year     
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes       17-01-22 Vinyl sticker holding up well. Will continue trial over winter to see how it works under winter conditions. Will only stick to metal objects.   17-01-2022 Test Ongoing.   07-03-2022 Test still ok. Budgets for 2022 will determine how much can be progressed.   02-05-2022 Last test through warmer summer days and then order and fit new signs.   
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022 Alisdair to check when work to be carried out.   02-05-2022 First contractor failed to carry out the work. To go out to another contractor for costings. Awaiting which contractor to choose.     
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   07-03-2022 Stockingfield Bridge – works completed. Only dredging around bridge supports and cleaning up of area to be completed. September 2022 for official opening.       Winchburgh – Marina not open yet.   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing 12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   02-05-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.    Dates remain as stated.         Stockingfield Bridge – closures planned for;   1st November 2021 to 31st March 2022   Channel to be checked for obstructions           Any date for opening of Marina. Next season 2023 most probable date.             06-09-21 Lock 20 and 21 gate survey completed. Awaiting quotes and funding for the other high priority gates along the canal. 07-03-2022 Next winter 2022/23 to complete as part of Smart Canal.           Work ongoing week starting 09-05-2022 Winter 2022/23 to complete.     Ongoing     Started Banton and Hillhead. Also working on culverts.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 LCA to contact interested parties from membership who wish to have self locking training.   02-05-2022 email for interested parties to send out again.    Training to continue into 2022.       Hire fleet will still require assistance with Garscube Bridge which is still having issues with sensors and software
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Evac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.   02-05-2022 May be caught when dredging equipment moving to Glasgow area. Bishopbriggs jetty is currently being refurbished   
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   02/05/22 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.       
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 SC to planning on how to remove boat from canal.   Jo Spragg will keep us updated on progress.     
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Awaiting longer bolts for finger pontoons. Meanwhile cutting sections for other areas.       
109  Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Will be worked on through winter 2021/22.   12-03-21 This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   02-05-2022 Still deciding on which contractor to choose and then do costings.     
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 Contractor and consultants being asked to look at positioning plan again.   02-05-2022 Awaiting a start date.     
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   01-11-2021  To be investigated and reported back on. New photos sent to SC by NK.   02-05-2022 Still working on plan to overcome this issue.     
113. Toilet issues at Auchenstary.  Too many non boaters using toilets. Chemical toilet facility blocked more often than not.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   02-05-2022 Sluice has been dug up and new pipework fitted. Now working well. Although cutlery was found in the outlet pipework after a further blockage. This has been cleared. Awaits mods to flush system.   New door lock fitted.   New CCTV system for Marina will cover usage of this sluice block.               
115.     Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Questions from boaters on when jetty which has hole in it will eventually be fixed. At Applecross Street. Will be discussed at next Safety and Navigation meeting.   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.   02-05-2022 Awaiting resource. No plan at present to carry out repair. Priority 4 on work plan.         
118   Navigation of Speaker Martin,s Lock.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022   New hydraulic pump required to be fitted. Awaits resource after Falkirk Wheel MOT completed.   02-05-2022 Awaits response from SC for next steps to progress. 
119   Water Supply from Monklands Canal02-05-2022  Work was carried out over the winter but still more work is required to ensure supply. 
07/03/22 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCA Nav and Safety Committee
QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022 Report still to be distributed by Alisdair Hamilton.   07-03-2022 Still awaiting report.       
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Dredging plan still to be completed   Dredging at Ratho to commence 14th February 2022. Equipment will then move to Glasgow end to dig out two evac points there.   07-03-2022 Dredging extension as extra funds may be available.     07-03-2022 New Berky now fully operational. Sonar survey will be carried out as weedcutting progresses.     
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.        For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2022 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.   17-01-22  No issues as yet as Bistro just opened.     LCA will keep an eye on issue and will update at next meeting.            No issues as yet.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes       17-01-22 Vinyl sticker holding up well. Will continue trial over winter to see how it works under winter conditions. Will only stick to metal objects.   17-01-2022 Test Ongoing.   Requires budget and planning to complete project if test passes.   07-03-2022 Test still ok. Budgets for 2022 will determine how much can be progressed.   
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Awaiting resources for rubbing strip as all personnel are working on Falkirk Wheel.   17-01-2022 Alisdair to check when work to be carried out.   07-03-2022 To go out to contractor for costings.     
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   07-03-2022 Stockingfield Bridge – works completed. Only dredging around bridge supports and cleaning up of area to be completed. September 2022 for official opening.       Winchburgh – Marina not open yet.   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing 12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   12-07-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.      Dates remain as stated.   Stockingfield Bridge – closures planned for;   1st November 2021 to 31st March 2022                     Any date for opening of Marina. Next season 2023 most probable date.             06-09-21 Lock 20 and 21 gate survey completed. Awaiting quotes and funding for the other high priority gates along the canal. 07-03-2022 Next winter 2022/23 to complete as part of Smart Canal.                   Winter 2022/23 to complete.           Started Banton and Hillhead. End March 2022 to complete. Also working on culverts.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 LCA to contact interested parties from membership who wish to have self locking training.    Training to continue into 2022.       Hire fleet will still require assistance with Garscube Bridge.
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022 Adverts out for full time staff and for seasonal staff.   6 seasonal staff to be recruited. West end of F&C canal will still be required to be supported by staff from East. No volunteers on west.           
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Evac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.   07-03-2022 May be caught when dredging equipment moving to Stockingfield.     
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   08/03/21 – CS to email MS. CS emailed MS on 09/03/21 6.30am response 9/3/21 – This is not essential work so is delayed hopefully to be planned for April/May   12/07/21 – still delayed. 06-09-21 – Still delayed. 17-01-2022 – Still delayed. 07-03-2022 _ still delayed.   07-03-2022 Mark Smith to update on progress..             
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   18/1/21 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.       
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 SC to planning on how to remove boat from canal.   Jo Spragg will keep us updated on progress.                 
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 Slow progress on this action. Material cut for further progress at Auchenstarry. Needs SC resource.         
109 Q. Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Will be worked on through winter 2021/22.   12-03-21 This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   01-11-2021    07-03-2022 March /April for available budget to complete the work. Early April 2022 to start the work.     
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07-03-2022 Contractor and consultants being asked to look at positioning plan again.     
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   01-11-2021  To be investigated and reported back on. New photos sent to SC by NK.   07-03-2022 Working on plan to overcome this issue.       
113. Toilet issues at Auchenstary.  Too many non boaters using toilets. Chemical toilet facility blocked more often than not.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Also raw sewage being emptied into chemical toilet disposal system.   CCTV has been purchased and is still to fit. Awaiting quotes for replacement of doors and locks.   01-11-2021  Work progressing on resolving issue. Design issue found. To be rectified.   17-01-2022 Out for costing.   07-03-2022 Work for repair of sluice being planned.       
115.     Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.Questions from boaters on when jetty which has hole in it will eventually be fixed. At Applecross Street. Will be discussed at next Safety and Navigation meeting.   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.   07-03-2022 T.Thomson to assess work required to repair.     
116   Composting toilet waste disposal.          What is SC policy for dispensing with waste from composting toilets.   07-03-2022 To be checked through old emails and minutes. 
118   Navigation of Speaker Martin,s Lock.    17-01-2022   New hydraulic pump required to be fitted. Awaits resource after Falkirk Wheel MOT completed.   Awaits response from SC for next steps to progress. 

17/01/22 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCA Nav and Safety Committee

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022 Report still to be distributed by Alasdair Hamilton.      Awaiting report      
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Dredging plan still to be completed   01-11-2021 Final electronics issue to be resolved on new Berky.  To be completed by end November 2021.   Dredging at Ratho to commence 14th February 2022. Equipment will then move to Glasgow end to dig out two evac points there.   Germans will be over in February to repair the new Berky electronic problems.   No sonar survey as yet until new Berky available.       
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.        For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.   17-01-22  No issues as yet as Bistro just opened. LCA will keep an eye on issue and will update at next meeting.    No issues as yet.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes       17-01-22 Vinyl sticker holding up well. Will continue trial over winter to see how it works under winter conditions. Will only stick to metal objects.   17-01-2022 Test Ongoing.   Requires budget and planning to complete project if test passes.   
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-22 SC work on surrounding slabs carried out, but requires a full relay of all slabs, due to long term settlement of surrounding area.   Awaiting resources for rubbing strip as all personnel are working on Falkirk Wheel.   17-01-2022 Alasdair to check when work to be carried out.     
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Closure due to banking work from 1st Nov 20 to 31st  March 21. There will be additional closures during actual bridge placement between May 21 to October 21.   8/3/21 – Piling finished next stage is the concrete abutments   Arches into a restaurant 01-11-2021 – awaiting new owner. 01-11-2021 New Arches restaurant awaiting new owner.   Winchburgh – Marina not open yet.   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing 12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   12-07-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.      Dates remain as stated.   Stockingfield Bridge – closures planned for;   1st November 2021 to 31st March 2022       These are for lifts over the canal. There will also be videos done to show how you move through Stockingfield during construction this season. First lift carried out on 06-09-21.                 Any date for opening of Marina. Next season 2022 most probable date.             06-09-21 Lock 20 and 21 gate survey completed. Awaiting quotes and funding for the other high priority gates along the canal. 17-02-2022 Next winter 2022/23 to complete as part of Smart Canal.                   Winter 2022/23 to complete.           Started Banton and Hillhead. End March 2022 to complete. Also working on culverts.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-09-21 Training to restart at Edinburgh Quay. Then to continue as resource available.   01-11-2021 Garscube Bridge handed over.  Training to continue into 2022.       Hire fleet will still require assistance with Garscube Bridge.
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022 Adverts out for full time staff and for seasonal staff.           
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Evac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.   06-09-21 – Work on two identified evac points will start beginning of winter period.   17-01-2022 Awaits dredging at Ratho to be completed first.   
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   08/03/21 – CS to email MS. CS emailed MS on 09/03/21 6.30am response 9/3/21 – This is not essential work so is delayed hopefully to be planned for April/May   12/07/21 – still delayed. 06-09-21 – Still delayed. 17-01-2022 – Still delayed.   17-01-2022 Mark Smith to update on progress.               
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   18/1/21 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.         
93. Q. Process for reporting a nav and safety issue. There is an emergency number and an email address. Please can we have time scales for responses both for acknowledgement and for resolution. The boaters should not be deciding what is and is not an emergency. Is a log being kept of reports and resolutions?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     17-01-22-2022.  Emergency call system worked with no issues over the Christmas and New year period.               
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022 SC to plan on how to remove boat from canal.   Jo Spragg will keep us updated on progress.       
96. Q. Emergency number was issued on SC website but there should have been communication directly to the boaters informing them. What process will you put in place in future? There seems to be a different number on the skippers guide.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022. New SC website and Skippers Guide to be checked and tested by boaters.       
100 Q. Biffa bin markings Some of the Biffa bins are not clear on what should be put in each. Biffa have said the labelling request must come from SC as their client. Please can you speak to them about this.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21  SC has discussed this with Biffa  and they have carried out site visits and are collating all of inventory with SC. Bins will be labelled and will show what items can be put in each bin. Much the same as local authority does   06-09-21 – Progress by Biffa. Now 80% completed.  CLOSED   As out for new tender.
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     17-01-2022 Working on pontoons alongside hard standing leading to facilities block. Then will complete the pontoon to rear of facilities block. Then remaining fingers of all remaining pontoons. Work is in hand and ongoing.                     
109 Q. Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Will be worked on through winter 2021/22.   12-07-21 This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   01-11-2021    17-01-2022 Being assessed for work programme. If canal closure is required, which looks unlikely at present, then would move to winter works 2022.       
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   17-01-2022 Contractor and consultants being asked to look at positioning plan again.     
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   01-11-2021  To be investigated and reported back on. New photos sent to SC by NK.   17-01-2022 Working on plan to overcome this issue.       
113. Toilet issues at Auchenstary.  Too many non boaters using toilets. Chemical toilet facility blocked more often than not.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Also raw sewage being emptied into chemical toilet disposal system.   CCTV has been purchased and is still to fit. Awaiting quotes for replacement of doors and locks.   01-11-2021  Work progressing on resolving issue. Design issue found. To be rectified.   17-01-2022 Out for costing.       
114.Incident at Applecross Street where paddle boarder cut foot on object under water. SC aware and have put up barriers at the scene. Will be discussed at next Safety and Navigation meeting.   01-11-2021  Area in question has been isolated to prevent access.    CLOSED
115.     Spiers Wharf Jetty, seating area.Questions from boaters on when jetty which has hole in it will eventually be fixed. At Applecross Street. Will be discussed at next Safety and Navigation meeting.   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.   17-01-2022 T.Thomson to assess work required to repair.     
116   Composting toilet waste disposal.          What is SC policy for dispensing with waste from composting toilets.   17-01-2022 To be checked through old emails and minutes. 
117   Ratho basin escape ladder.17-01-2022 Escape ladder at Ratho basin is broken. Awaiting more information and photographs to pass to SC. 
118   Navigation of Speaker Martin’s Lock.    17-01-2022   New hydraulic pump required to be fitted. Awaits resource after Falkirk Wheel MOT completed. 
Next Meeting 7th March 2022.

01/11/21 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and LCS Nav and Safety Committee


QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-09-21 Data now collated. Awaiting final report.   01-11-2021 Report to be distributed by Alisdair Hamilton.         
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Dredging plan still to be completed   06-09-21 £50,000 put aside for dredging of Union Canal winter works.   06-09-21 New Berky now undergoing sea trials on F&C to check that all safety upgrades working.   01-11-2021 Final dredging plan due December 2021. Will then be issued.   01-11-2021 Final electronics issue to be resolved on new Berky.  To be completed by end November 2021.       
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.        For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.   06-09-21  No issues as yet as Bistro just opened. LCA will keep an eye on issue and will update at next meeting.   01-11-2021 To be checked in 2022 season.No issues as yet.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes       12-07-21 Vinyl sticker has been obtained and positioned at Kelpies by T.Thomson. Will be monitored and reviewed at next meeting in September.   06-09-21 Vinyl sticker holding up well. Will continue trial over winter to see how it works under winter conditions.   01-11-2021 Ongoing.     
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Still resource issue but planned for having completed for over the Summer/Winter.   06-09-21  SC working on surrounding slabs as they are a safety issue. Will then get to the rubbing strip.   01-11-2021 Alisdair to check when work to be carried out.     
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Closure due to banking work from 1st Nov 20 to 31st  March 21. There will be additional closures during actual bridge placement between May 21 to October 21.   8/3/21 – Piling finished next stage is the concrete abutments   Arches into a restaurant 01-11-2021 – awaiting new owner. 01-11-2021 New Arches restaurant awaiting new owner.   01-11-2021 Highline at Bowling completed and officially opened.   Winchburgh – mainline canal now open for navigation. Breakthrough complete. Marina not open yet.   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing 12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2022   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   12-07-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.   01-11-2021 Work due to start mid November 2021.  Any changes to dates or additions to be made.?     Stockingfield Bridge – closures planned for;   1st November 2021 to 31st March 2022       These are for lifts over the canal. There will also be videos done to show how you move through Stockingfield during construction this season. First lift carried out on 06-09-21.                 Any date for opening of Marina. Next season 2022 most probable date.             06-09-21 Lock 20 and 21 gate survey completed. Awaiting quotes and funding for the other high priority gates along the canal. 01-11-2021 Next winter to complete as part of Smart Canal.                       Alisdair to check if complete.          
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-09-21 Training to restart at Edinburgh Quay. Then to continue as resource available.   01-11-2021 Garscube Bridge handed over.  Training to continue into 2022.       Hire fleet will still require assistance with Garscube Bridge.
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Go Forth & Clyde have been awarded this and they have been tuped over from Re-Union. This tender is covering the East only.   Still short on seasonals and no volunteers for West as yet. 12-07-21- Scottish Canals will cover the West this season and to be booked through Boat Movements.   06-09-21 -6 seasonals short.   01-11-2021 Awaits outcome of FOI to SC.     
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Evac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.   06-09-21 – Work on two identified evac points will start beginning of winter period.   01-11-2021 Site visit completed. Assessment completed. Awaiting start date.   
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   08/03/21 – CS to email MS. CS emailed MS on 09/03/21 6.30am response 9/3/21 – This is not essential work so is delayed hopefully to be planned for April/May   12/07/21 – still delayed. 06-09-21 – Still delayed.   01-11-2021 Mark Smith to update on progress.                   
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   18/1/21 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information. Left on here for benefit of transits information.         
93. Q. Process for reporting a nav and safety issue. There is an emergency number and an email address. Please can we have time scales for responses both for acknowledgement and for resolution. The boaters should not be deciding what is and is not an emergency. Is a log being kept of reports and resolutions?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   08/03/21 – the process will be staying the same. SC do have an internal log of issues and resolutions.   12-07-21 Tommy will take this away and speak to Richard Millar on update from call centre discussions.   12-07-21 SC setting up real time testing sessions.   06-09-21 SC have had no problems with emergency number since initial problem. Problems seem to occur around Christmas time. So real time exercises will be carried out at this time. TT to confirm this with RM.   Dates will not be given out.   01-11-2021  No change.           
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-09-21 – SC now have control of boat and arrangements being made to lift out. No date set yet.   01-11-2021 SC to plan on how to remove boat from canal.               
96. Q. Emergency number was issued on SC website but there should have been communication directly to the boaters informing them. What process will you put in place in future? There seems to be a different number on the skippers guide.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   06-09-21 – No sign of updated skippers guide yet. DW to contact Nicola at SC for update.   01-11-2021 Still being updated before review. Not expected until start of next year.   Some hard copies will be printed when reprint agreed.   
100 Q. Biffa bin markings Some of the Biffa bins are not clear on what should be put in each. Biffa have said the labelling request must come from SC as their client. Please can you speak to them about this.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21  SC has discussed this with Biffa  and they have carried out site visits and are collating all of inventory with SC. Bins will be labelled and will show what items can be put in each bin. Much the same as local authority does   06-09-21 – Progress by Biffa. Now 80% completed.  CLOSED   As out for new tender.
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   All pontoons in the basin will be completed in order of priority. Linear line first.   06-09-21 – Linear line completed. Residentials moorings at Facilities block to be started next, then remaining pontoons in marina.   01-11-2021 Work to start early November on other pontoons in Marina. Then onto Ratho.   
109 Q. Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes Will be worked on through winter 2021.   12-07-21 This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   01-11-2021    Out for tender to 3 contractors. If funding is an issue, then decision will be made in April/ May 2022.   Work would then possibly move to winter of 2022l   Could stop any movement to the canal during winter if coffer dams required.         
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21 Discussions held with project manager and new plans drawn up. Will not change the positions of any already fitted. These will have protection fitted to prevent damage.   06-09-21 – Contractor to confirm design and then carry out work.   01-11-2021 No change.       
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   06-09-21 – Still an issue with tyres. A more permanent solution to be looked at. A thin style pontoon could be placed there. To be investigated further.   01-11-2021  To be investigated and reported back on. New photos sent to SC by NK.       
113. Toilet issues at Auchenstary.  Too many non boaters using toilets. Chemical toilet facility blocked more often than not.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21 SC still speaking with all parties concerned. Toilet block to have all new doors fitted and new kepad locking system fitted   Also raw sewage being emptied into chemical toilet disposal system.   CCTV has been purchased and is still to fit. Awaiting quotes for replacement of doors and locks.   01-11-2021  Work progressing on resolving issue. Design issue found. To be rectified.       
114.Incident at Applecross Street where paddle boarder cut foot on object under water. SC aware and have put up barriers at the scene. Will be discussed at next Safety and Navigation meeting.   01-11-2021  Area in question has been isolated to prevent access.     
115.Questions from boaters on when jetty which has hole in it will eventually be fixed. At Applecross Street. Will be discussed at next Safety and Navigation meeting.   01-11-2021 Brought up at User Group Meeting in November. Still to be resolved.     

06/09/21 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
12-07-21 – Hydrographic survey completed, awaiting data to be collated.  
06-09-21 Data now collated. Awaiting final report.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Dredging plan will be shared at next meeting.   Dredging plan still to be completed  
06-09-21 £50,000 put aside for dredging of Union Canal winter works.   06-09-21 New Berky now undergoing sea trials on F&C to check that all safety upgrades working.  
This point is to remain open for a while before further update
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please     Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.        For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.  
06-09-21  No issues as yet as Bistro just opened. LCA will keep an eye on issue and will update at next meeting.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes       12-07-21 Vinyl sticker has been obtained and positioned at Kelpies by T.Thomson. Will be monitored and reviewed at next meeting in September.  
06-09-21 Vinyl sticker holding up well. Will continue trial over winter to see how it works under winter conditions.  
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12/07/21 – Still waiting due to covid restrictions through isolation.   Still resource issue but planned for having completed for over the Summer/Winter.  
06-09-21  SC working on surrounding slabs as they are a safety issue. Will then get to the rubbing strip.  
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Closure due to banking work from 1st Nov 20 to End March 21. There will be additional closures during actual bridge placement between May 21 to October 21.   8/3/21 – Piling finished next stage is the concrete abutments   Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Start of these works delayed awaiting new dates 2/11/20 – still awaiting a new date. 18/01/21 – Still awaiting new dates.   Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to summer/June 2021   Winchburgh – mainline canal now open for navigation. Breakthrough complete. Marina not open yet.   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing 12-07-21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   Union Canal resilience programme.   12-07-21 Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.        Stockingfield Bridge – closures planned for;   27th September 20211st November 2021 to 1st March 2022       These are for lifts over the canal. There will also be videos done to show how you move through Stockingfield during construction this season. First lift carried out on 06-09-21.     Work completed. Awaiting new operator to open.       Highline official opening date is now 24th September between 11-2pm.         Any date for opening of Marina. 06-09-21 Next season most probable date.       06-09-21 Lock 20 and 21 gate survey completed. Awaiting quotes and funding for the other high priority gates along the canal.                             Now back to 2022.     06-09-21 Reservoir inspections completed. Now awaiting contractor to carry out upgrade works.    
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     Needs to be restarted now but working to same plans as before. Get meeting arranged within the next month. Some staff restrictions due to isolating from covid test and trace.  
06-09-21 Training to restart at Edinburgh Quay. Then to continue as resource available. 06-09-21 – Training ongoing on Garscube bridge. Has already been completed for some Glasgow boaters and will continue when bridge finally handed over.
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Go Forth & Clyde have been awarded this and they have been tuped over from Re-Union. This tender is covering the East only.   Still short on seasonals and no volunteers for West as yet. 12-07-21- Scottish Canals will cover the West this season and to be booked through Boat Movements.  
06-09-21 -6 seasonals short.  
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   Evac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.  
06-09-21 – Work on two identified evac points will start beginning of winter period.
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   08/03/21 – CS to email MS. CS emailed MS on 09/03/21 6.30am response 9/3/21 – This is not essential work so is delayed hopefully to be planned for April/May   12/07/21 – still delayed.
06-09-21 – Still delayed.  
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   18/1/21 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates.
Ongoing SC will update when there is more information  
      Will be left on tracker for benefit of transits for information.
93. Q. Process for reporting a nav and safety issue. There is an emergency number and an email address. Please can we have time scales for responses both for acknowledgement and for resolution. The boaters should not be deciding what is and is not an emergency. Is a log being kept of reports and resolutions?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   08/03/21 – the process will be staying the same. SC do have an internal log of issues and resolutions.   12-07-21 Tommy will take this away and speak to Richard Millar on update from call centre discussions.   12-07-21 SC setting up real time testing sessions.  

06-09-21 SC have had no problems with emergency number since initial problem. Problems seem to occur around Christmas time. So real time exercises will be carried out at this time. TT to confirm this with RM.   Dates will not be given out.            
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21 Customer is no longer communicating and legal process  ongoing. SC will take ownership of boat and are going through all protocols for boat removal, including legal.  
06-09-21 – SC now have control of boat and arrangements being made to lift out. No date set yet.  
96. Q. Emergency number was issued on SC website but there should have been communication directly to the boaters informing them. What process will you put in place in future? There seems to be a different number on the skippers guide.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21 – Meeting on 13/07/21 for SC comms and ops to review latest edition and carry out any last minute ammendments. Will then be sent out to Nav and safety for review before publishing on SC website.  
06-09-21 – No sign of updated skippers guide yet. DW to contact Nicola at SC for update.   Some hard copies will be printed when reprint agreed.
100 Q. Biffa bin markings Some of the Biffa bins are not clear on what should be put in each. Biffa have said the labelling request must come from SC as their client. Please can you speak to them about this.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21  SC has discussed this with Biffa  and they have carried out site visits and are collating all of inventory with SC. Bins will be labelled and will show what items can be put in each bin. Much the same as local authority does  
06-09-21 – Progress by Biffa. Now 80% completed.
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   All pontoons in the basin will be completed in order of priority. Linear line first.  
06-09-21 – Linear line completed. Residentials moorings at Facilities block to be started next, then remaining pontoons in marina.
107 Q. Can we have cleats added to the piling between the aqueduct and Kerrs farmFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes     08/03/21 – Banking needs to settle before consideration   12-07-21 Banking has to be monitored for stability over a long period.   Was never intended to be a mooring spot.  CLOSED.  
108 Q. We know the staff are on reduced days and furlough but how many are actually available per day?08/03/21 – 6 people currently will be in flux with covid outbreak and restrictions.   12-07-21 Staff are now back off furlough , but still being affected by isolation through covid test and trace system.  CLOSED
109 Q. Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     Will be worked on through winter 2021.   12-07-21 This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   Will not stop any movement to the canal.

06-09-21 – no change.  
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21 Discussions held with project manager and new plans drawn up. Will not change the positions of any already fitted. These will have protection fitted to prevent damage.  
06-09-21 – Contractor to confirm design and then carry out work.  
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     12-07-21 Tyres have been fitted to wall.   Ask Sean at Glagow end to see if he can moor and disembark/embark at this point in canal.  

06-09-21 – Still an issue with tyres. A more permanent solution to be looked at. A thin style pontoon could be placed there. To be investigated further.          
113. Toilet issues at Auchenstary.  Too many non boaters using toilets. Chemical toilet facility blocked more often than not.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   12-07-21 SC still speaking with all parties concerned. Toilet block to have all new doors fitted and new keypad locking system fitted   Problems with chemical toilet caused by blockage due to sanitary products   Also raw sewage being emptied into chemical toilet disposal system.   Boaters to be reminded to not put sanitary products into chemical toilet and also to use correct chemicals in Elsan type toilets on board.  
06-09-21 –  SC informed that state of sluice is a health hazard. Should be closed until a solution is found. CCTV has been purchased and is still to fit. Awaiting quotes for replacement of doors and locks.  
114.Incident at Applecross Street where paddle boarder cut foot on object under water. SC aware and have put up barriers at the scene. Will be discussed at next Safety and Navigation meeting. 
115.Questions from boaters on when jetty which has hole in it will eventually be fixed. At Applecross Street. Will be discussed at next Safety and Navigation meeting. 

12/07/21 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

QuestionAnswer from SCLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes      Hydrographic survey completed, awaiting data to be collated.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Dredging from linsmill heading west and Broxburn heading east starting next Monday 25th Jan       Dredging plan will be shared at next meeting. This point is to remain open for a while before further updateNew large Berky on way to Auchenstarry for final work to complete this week ending 16th July 2021. 4 weed cutters working on F&C. Truxtor, Berky and new small Berky at work on Union canal.     Dredging plan still to be completed.  
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please.  Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.  LCA will check any see if any issues.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     18/01/21 – Vinyl on the galvanised frame of the pontoon suggested. TT to see what is available and run a test and cost up to end March.    Vinyl sticker has been obtained and positioned at Kelpies by T.Thomson. Will be monitored and reviewed at next meeting in September.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Delayed by Covid – TT will make sure it is on the plan as soon as covid allows.   12/07/21 – Still waiting due to covid restrictions through isolation.Still resource issue but planned for having completed for over the Summer/Winter.
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Closure due to banking work from 1st Nov 20 to End March 21. There will be additional closures during actual bridge placement between May 21 to October 21.   8/3/21 – Piling finished next stage is the concrete abutments   Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Start of these works delayed awaiting new dates 2/11/20 – still awaiting a new date. 18/01/21 – Still awaiting new dates.   Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to summer/June 2021   Winchburgh – Third party subcontractors want to break through to the marina from the canal first two weeks in April 21. SC have objected to this date as it is during the season. Awaiting communication from the contractors. 2/11/20 – Programme still under discussion 18/01/21 – discussion had and break through is still planned for first 2 weeks in April.   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   18/1/21 – Union canal resilience programme. Muir Avonside – pilings in and hope for dams to be removed for start of session 08/03/21 – Dams removed and water returned. 6 Wears to be upgraded, 16 culverts to be repaired and stop plank areas to be put in (currently being surveyed). Monitoring sensors to be put in currently at design stage. Dredging for weirs, stock planks and potentially high spots.Stockingfield Bridge – closures planned for; 16th to the 20th August 2021. 27th September 20211st November 2021 to 1st March 2022   These are for lifts over the canal. There will also be videos done to show how you move through Stockingfield during construction this season.         Work completed. Awaiting new operator to open.         High Line due to open August 2021.   Winchburgh – mainline canal now open for navigation. Breakthrough complete. Marina not open yet. Close.                          
Forth and Clyde locks surveys are complete at Lock 20 and 21. Results completed. Now in design stage for new gates.     Now back to 2022.     No change Resilience plan completed with exception of Banton/ Townhead reservoir works.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – SSOW have being created for the staff to conduct the training safely but due to Covid the role out has to be delayed but will push forward asap.   08/03/21 – Restrictions due to outbreak of covid at one of the depots reducing staff numbersNeeds to be restarted now but working to same plans as before. Get meeting arranged within the next month. Some staff restrictions due to isolating from covid test and trace.
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Tender has been delayed due to staff changes. More detailed information about action for the 2021 season to be provided next meeting.   08/03/21 – With procurement – still in progressGo Forth & Clyde have been awarded this and they have been tuped over from Re-Union. This tender is covering the East only.   Still short on seasonals and no volunteers for West as yet.   Scottish Canals will cover the West this season and to be booked through Boat Movements.
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Dip testing still delayed due to covid   08/03/21 – Still delayedEvac points have been identified. Work to start shortly on these two points.
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – not complete MS to email with update   08/03/21 – CS to email MS. CS emailed MS on 09/03/21 6.30am response 9/3/21 – This is not essential work so is delayed hopefully to be planned for April/May 12/07/21 – still delayed.Still to be started
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the River Carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   18/1/21 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more informationWill be left on tracker for benefit of transits for information.
93.Q. Process for reporting a Nav and Safety issue. There is an emergency number and and email address. Please can we have time scales for responses both for acknowledgement and for resolution. The boaters should not be deciding what is and what is not an emergency. Is a log being kept of reports and resolutions?18/1/21 – process to be reviewed and if there is a way of adding the extra measure it will be done SFARP   08/03/21 – the process will be staying the same. SC do have an internal log of issues and resolutions.Tommy will take this away and speak to Richard Millar on update from call centre discussions.   SC setting up real time testing sessions. Dates will not be given out.
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. 18/1/21 – legal process happening will advise when possible   08/03/21 – Customer in discussion with SC. Working together to get the boat lifted out. Date to be advised.Customer is no longer communicating and legal process  ongoing. SC will take ownership of boat and are going through all protocols for boat removal, including legal.
96. Q. Emergency number was issued on SC website but there should have been communication directly to the boaters informing them. What process will you put in place in future? There seems to be a different number on the skippers guide.18/1/21 – will pass this back to comms.   Skippers guide is being updated and anything that has been spotted as incorrect can we let Paula know by 22/1/21.   08/03/21 – Paula is going to ask for an update from the team.Meeting on 13/07/21 for SC comms and ops to review latest edition and carry out any last minute ammendments. Will then be sent out to Nav and Safety for review before publishing on SC website.   Some hard copies will be printed.
100 Q. Biffa bin markings Some of the Biffa bins are not clear on what should be put in each. Biffa have said the labelling request must come from SC as their client. Please can you speak to them about this.18/1/21 – Procurement is talking to Biffa to rectify this.   08/03/21 – Biffa was contacted and asked to rectify this.SC has discussed this with Biffa  and they have carried out site visits and are collating all of inventory with SC. Bins will be labelled and will show what items can be put in each bin. Much the same as local authority does.
101 Q. Section of Speirs Wharf barriered off due to being unsafe. When will this be fixed?18/1/21 – Is on the list that the length inspectors review every month but currently not a serious risk.   08/03/21 – Metal Crowd barriers in place will be reasonably long term.Metal barriers will remain in place, but seating area has been opened up for use. Final repairs still to complete. Close  
102 Q. Half the bollard lights at Speirs Wharf not working18/1/21 – TT to speak to Frank to inspect   08/03/21 – Team is going to inspect this weekBollard lights appear to be ok after checks by boaters. Close
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.18/1/21 – TT to send plan   08/03/21 – Plan is being revised due to covid restrictions. Further update at next meetingGRP replacement programme will restart at Auchenstarry on 14th July 2021. All pontoons in the basin will be completed in order of priority. Linear line first.
106 Q. Stuff in the canal at the extreme west end nearest Linlithgow. Believed to have been left by the contracts doing the pilling. 08/03/21 – TT to investigate  All debris removed.   Close
107 Q. Can we have cleats added to the piling between the aqueduct and Kerrs farm08/03/21 – Banking needs to settle before considerationBanking has to be monitored for stability over a long period.   Was never intended to be a mooring spot.   Close  
108 Q. We know the staff are on reduced days and furlough but how many are actually available per day?08/03/21 – 6 people currently will be in flux with covid outbreak and restrictions.Staff are now back off furlough , but still being affected by isolation through covid test and trace system.
109 Q. Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.  Will be worked on through winter 2021.This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   Will not stop any movement to the canal.  
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat? Discussions held with project manager and new plans drawn up. Will not change the positions of any already fitted. These will have protection fitted to prevent damage.
  111. Q. Has the decking at Auchinstarry been repaired and remainder checked for damage after accident involving boater. Who fell into canal due to rotting decking plank.    Covered by comments in action 103. Close.
112. Q. Mooring space against wall at Garscube Bridge has rocks sticking out. Preventing boats from mooring up against wall. Photos sent to SC. Tyres have been fitted to wall.   Ask Sean at Glagow end to see if he can moor and disembark/embark at this point in canal.
113. Toilet issues at Auchinstarry.  Too many non boaters using toilets. Chemical toilet facility blocked more often than not.   SC still speaking with all parties concerned. Toilet block to have all new doors fitted and new kepad locking system fitted.   Problems with chemical toilet caused by blockage due to sanitary products.   Also raw sewage being emptied into chemical toilet disposal system.
Boaters to be reminded to not put sanitary products into chemical toilet and also to use correct chemicals in elsan type toilets on board.

10/05/21 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

QuestionAnswer from SC
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   10/05/21 – Hydrographic survey was in last week and awaiting findings to be reported.
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   10/05/21 – These were delivered on Wednesday 5/5/21 – going through testing and training at the moment at the Falkirk Wheel. Both of these will head towards each other on the Union once canal is open at Winchburgh. Starting 17/05/21.   This point is to remain open for a while before further update
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     18/01/21 – Vinal on the galvanised frame of the pontoon suggested. TT to see what is available and run a test and cost up to end March.   08/03/21 – Delayed due to covid (sign maker closed)   10/03/21 – Tommy speaking to Sign Express 17th May and will give it a go.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   10/03/21 – Still resource issue but planned for having completed for over the Summer.
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Closure due to banking work from 1st Nov 20 to End March 21. There will be additional closures during actual bridge placement between May 21 to October 21.   8/3/21 – Piling finished next stage is the concrete abutments   10/03/21 – Stockingfield Bridge – closures planned for; 2nd to the 6th August 2021. 27th September 20211st November 2021 to 1st March 2022   These are for lifts over the canal. There will also be videos done to show how you move through Stockingfield during construction this season. The trial for gap will be 28-29th May   Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Start of these works delayed awaiting new dates 2/11/20 – still awaiting a new date. 18/01/21 – Still awaiting new dates 10/05/21 – Arches into restaurant – June 2021 operator expected to be in place.     Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to summer/June 2021   10/05/21 – High Line due to open June 2021.   Winchburgh – Third party subcontractors want to break through to the marina from the canal first two weeks in April 21. SC have objected to this date as it is during the season. Awaiting communication from the contractors. 2/11/20 – Programme still under discussion 18/01/21 – discussion had and break through is still planned for first 2 weeks in April. 10/05/21 – Winchburgh – mainline canal still planned to open for end of the month. Water going into the canal this week but wont be open to boaters at all this season   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   18/1/21 – Union canal resilience programme. Muir Avonside – pilings in and hope for dams to be removed for start of session 08/03/21 – Dams removed and water returned. 6 Wears to be upgraded, 16 culverts to be repaired and stop plank areas to be put in (currently being surveyed). Monitoring sensors to be put in currently at design stage. Dredging for weirs, stock planks and potentially high spots.   10/05/21 – Forth and Clyde locks surveys and divers were in last week at Lock 20 and 21. Awaiting results coming through.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – SSOW have being created for the staff to conduct the training safely but due to Covid the role out has to be delayed but will push forward asap.   08/03/21 – Restrictions due to outbreak of covid at one of the depots reducing staff numbers   10/05/21 – Needs to be restarted now but working to same plans as before. Get meeting arranged within the next month.
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Tender has been delayed due to staff changes. More detailed information about action for the 2021 season to be provided next meeting.   08/03/21 – With procurement – still in progress   10/05/21 – Go Forth & Clyde have been awarded this and they have been tuped over from Re-Union. This tender is covering the East only.   Scottish Canals will cover the West this season and to be booked through Boat Movements.
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Dip testing still delayed due to covid   08/03/21 – Still delayed   10/05/21 – Alasdair Hamilton to update.
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – not complete MS to email with update   08/03/21 – CS to email MS. CS emailed MS on 09/03/21 6.30am response 9/3/21 – This is not essential work so is delayed hopefully to be planned for April/May   10/05/21 – Mark Smith to update.
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   18/1/21 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information
93. Q. Process for reporting a nav and safety issue. There is an emergency number and an email address. Please can we have time scales for responses both for acknowledgement and for resolution. The boaters should not be deciding what is and is not an emergency. Is a log being kept of reports and resolutions?18/1/21 – process to be reviewed and if there is a way of adding the extra measure it will be done SFARP   08/03/21 – the process will be staying the same. SC do have an internal log of issues and resolutions.   10/05/21 – LCA- We were advised that the emergency number would go through to the person on call but it is going to a call centre. Please discuss.   SC – Tommy will take this away and speak to Richard Millar to see if we can get some testing done on the call centre to see if there are issues there.
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. 18/1/21 – legal process happening will advise when possible   08/03/21 – Customer in discussion with SC. Working together to get the boat lifted out. Date to be advised.   10/05/21 – Customer is no longer communicating and legal process has been unpaused with deadline of mid-June to remove vessel from the canal.  
96. Q. Emergency number was issued on SC website but there should have been communication directly to the boaters informing them. What process will you put in place in future? There seems to be a different number on the skippers guide.18/1/21 – will pass this back to comms.   Skippers guide is being updated and anything that has been spotted as incorrect can we let Paula know by 22/1/21.   08/03/21 – Paula is going to ask for an update from the team.   10/05/21 – Update required from Paula.
100 Q. Biffa bin markings Some of the Biffa bins are not clear on what should be put in each. Biffa have said the labelling request must come from SC as their client. Please can you speak to them about this.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   10/05/21 – SC has discussed this with Biffa and they will be doing a site visit to check this.  
101 Q. Section of spears wharf barriered off due to being unsafe. When will this be fixed?18/1/21 – Is on the list that the length inspectors review every month but currently not a serious risk.   08/03/21 – Metal Crowd barriers in place will be reasonably long term.   10/05/21 – LCA – Signage is needed on the barriers as people are ignoring them to get to the seating. (No admission or Danger)   Can the boaters repair the section?   SC – Can boaters check if access is still an issue as fencing has been reduced.
102 Q. Half the bollard lights at spears wharf not working18/1/21 – TT to speak to Frank to inspect   08/03/21 – Team is going to inspect this week   10/05/21 – Tommy spoke to Frank and sent the team out to fix. If there are any issues to let us know.  
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.18/1/21 – TT to send plan   08/03/21 – Plan is being revised due to covid restrictions. Further update at next meeting   10/05/21- We have ran out of the GRP – we will need to buy more from the budget to continue this work. Powerwashing being done and any repairs being done at present.  
106 Q. Stuff in the canal at the extreme west end nearest Linthgow. Believed to have been left by the contracts doing the pilling. 08/03/21 – TT to investigate   10/05/21 – Keep an eye on this.
107 Q. Can we have cleats added to the piling between the aqueduct and Kerrs farm08/03/21 – Banking needs to settle before consideration   10/05/21 – Alasdair to update.  
108 Q. We know the staff are on reduced days and furlough but how many are actually available per day?08/03/21 – 6 people currently will be in flux with covid outbreak and restrictions.   10/05/21 – Staff are now back off furlough and staffing back to normal.  
109 Q. Linsmill Wharf Wall has collapsed.10/05/21 – This is a big job involving coffer dams and will be expensive so not something that can be resolved quickly.   Will not stop any movement to the canal.  
110. Q. Telemetry system has been installed in front of the water point at Linlithgow.  Is this the right place for it from the point of view of being damaged by a boat?10/05/21 – Tommy and Billy will review and report back to the project manager.

09/03/21 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

QuestionAnswer from SC
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Hydrographic survey ordered to go through the union canal including evac points – Date TBA due to the canal been frozen and awaiting a new slot   08/03/21 – Awaiting supplier confirming for last week in March
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Dredging from linsmill heading west and Broxburn heading east starting next Monday 25th Jan   New Berky now approx. mid April.   Dredging plan will be shared at next meeting. This point is to remain open for a while before further update
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes     Email received – 6/1/21 ‘painting of moorings indicating visitor moorings was discussed with Carol Bell, volunteer coordinator, and it was agreed that a paint solution would not be suitable as it would deteriorate quickly, requiring repetitive reapplication and upkeep.  Other options such as wheelie bin stickers was reviewed.  We would welcome boater input as to what they feel would be the best solution for this and clearest for users to see’   18/01/21 – Vinal on the galvanised frame of the pontoon suggested. TT to see what is available and run a test and cost up to end March.   08/03/21 – Delayed due to covid (sign maker closed)
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Delayed by Covid – TT will make sure it is on the plan as soon as covid allows.   08/03/21 – Still waiting due to covid
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Closure due to banking work from 1st Nov 20 to End March 21. There will be additional closures during actual bridge placement between May 21 to October 21.   8/3/21 – Piling finished next stage is the concrete abutments   Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Start of these works delayed awaiting new dates 2/11/20 – still awaiting a new date. 18/01/21 – Still awaiting new dates   Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to summer/June 2021   Winchburgh – Third party subcontractors want to break through to the marina from the canal first two weeks in April 21. SC have objected to this date as it is during the season. Awaiting communication from the contractors. 2/11/20 – Programme still under discussion 18/01/21 – discussion had and break through is still planned for first 2 weeks in April.   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Replacement of footbridge at Brighton’s. May cause short closure during lifting out and installing. Alsatair to keep us updated. 18/01/21 – Planned for Feb 21. Closure probably overnight and any boat transits should be able to be accommodated if not.   08/03/21 – DONE   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21. 18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing. 08/03/21 – Surveys hopefully March – Covid allowing   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   18/1/21 – Union canal resilience programme. Muir Avonside – pilings in and hope for dams to be removed for start of session 08/03/21 – Dams removed and water returned. 6 Wears to be upgraded, 16 culverts to be repaired and stop plank areas to be put in (currently being surveyed). Monitoring sensors to be put in currently at design stage. Dredging for weirs, stock planks and potentially high spots.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – SSOW have being created for the staff to conduct the training safely but due to Covid the role out has to be delayed but will push forward asap.   08/03/21 – Restrictions due to outbreak of covid at one of the depots reducing staff numbers
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Tender has been delayed due to staff changes. More detailed information about action for the 2021 season to be provided next meeting.   08/03/21 – With procurement – still in progress
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Dip testing still delayed due to covid   08/03/21 – Still delayed
72 Q. Auchinstarry compound looking particularly untidy with lots of scrap metal and two old vehicles. Space could be better utilised.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – Details for car were sent to SC by Don. Details have now been passed to the police. Ongoing – Not a current priority
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   18/1/21 – not complete MS to email with update   08/03/21 – CS to email MS. CS emailed MS on 09/03/21 6.30am response 9/3/21 – This is not essential work so is delayed hopefully to be planned for April/May
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   18/1/21 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing SC will update when there is more information
93. Q. Process for reporting a nav and safety issue. There is an emergency number and an email address. Please can we have time scales for responses both for acknowledgement and for resolution. The boaters should not be deciding what is and is not an emergency. Is a log being kept of reports and resolutions?18/1/21 – process to be reviewed and if there is a way of adding the extra measure it will be done SFARP   08/03/21 – the process will be staying the same. SC do have an internal log of issues and resolutions.
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. 18/1/21 – legal process happening will advise when possible   08/03/21 – Customer in discussion with SC. Working together to get the boat lifted out. Date to be advised.
96. Q. Emergency number was issued on SC website but there should have been communication directly to the boaters informing them. What process will you put in place in future? There seems to be a different number on the skippers guide.18/1/21 – will pass this back to comms.   Skippers guide is being updated and anything that has been spotted as incorrect can we let Paula know by 22/1/21.   08/03/21 – Paula is going to ask for an update from the team.
98. Q. Composting18/1/21 – TT to speak with Julia and Olivia for feedback on possible trial in Auchinstarry.   08/03/21 – Tommy has sent an email for CS to reply to.
99 Q. Breach Update18/1/21 – Union canal resilience programme. Muir Avonside – pilings in and hope for dams to be removed for start of session. 6 Wears to be upgraded, 16 culverts to be repaired and stop plank areas to be put in (currently being surveyed). Monitoring sensors to be put in currently at design stage. Dredging for weirs, stock planks and potentially high spots.   This is being integrated with item 66 so will be removed
100 Q. Biffa bin markings Some of the Biffa bins are not clear on what should be put in each. Biffa have said the labelling request must come from SC as their client. Please can you speak to them about this.18/1/21 – Procurement is talking to Biffa to rectify this.   08/03/21 – Biffa was contacted and asked to rectify this.
101 Q. Section of spears wharf barriered off due to being unsafe. When will this be fixed?18/1/21 – Is on the list that the length inspectors review every month but currently not a serious risk.   08/03/21 – Metal Crowd barriers in place will be reasonably long term.
102 Q. Half the bollard lights at spears wharf not working18/1/21 – TT to speak to Frank to inspect   08/03/21 – Team is going to inspect this week
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.18/1/21 – TT to send plan   08/03/21 – Plan is being revised due to covid restrictions. Further update at next meeting
105 Q. Break water barrier (east – attached to bowling island) running to sea lock needs poles or similar to be visible at all time.18/1/21 – Information to be shared between LCA and SC to make sure boats coming in are getting the best information. CS and SM to discuss. REMOVE as Communications strategy will be covering this
106 Q. Stuff in the canal at the extreme west end nearest Linthgow. Believed to have been left by the contracts doing the pilling. 08/03/21 – TT to investigate
107 Q. Can we have cleats added to the piling between the aqueduct and Kerrs farm08/03/21 – Banking needs to settle before consideration
108 Q. We know the staff are on reduced days and furlough but how many are actually available per day?08/03/21 – 6 people currently will be in flux with covid outbreak and restrictions.

18/01/21 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

QuestionAnswer from SC
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
18/1/21 – Hydrographic survey ordered to go through the union canal including evac points – Date TBA due to the canal been frozen and awaiting a new slot
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
18/1/21 – Dredging from linsmill heading west and Broxburn heading east starting next Monday 25th Jan   New Berky now approx. mid April.  
Dredging plan will be shared at next meeting. This point is to remain open for a while before further update
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
Email received – 6/1/21 ‘painting of moorings indicating visitor moorings was discussed with Carol Bell, volunteer coordinator, and it was agreed that a paint solution would not be suitable as it would deteriorate quickly, requiring repetitive reapplication and upkeep.  Other options such as wheelie bin stickers was reviewed.  We would welcome boater input as to what they feel would be the best solution for this and clearest for users to see’  
18/01/21 – Vinal on the galvanised frame of the pontoon suggested. TT to see what is available and run a test and cost up to end March.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes    
18/1/21 – Delayed by Covid – TT will make sure it is on the plan as soon as covid allows.
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE  

Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Closure due to banking work from 1st Nov 20 to End March 21. There will be additional closures during actual bridge placement between May 21 to October 21.  

Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound 2021 Still planned. Refurb of Customs house due to finish end March 2020 End Aug 2020 complete. 7/9/20 – Tommy is having a progress meeting with the contractors 8/9/20 and will advise. 2/11/20 – Customs house internals complete and externals in progress – Complete and Closed  
Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Start of these works delayed awaiting new dates 2/11/20 – still awaiting a new date. 18/01/21 – Still awaiting new dates  

Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to summer/June 2021  

Winchburgh – Third party subcontractors want to break through to the marina from the canal first two weeks in April 21. SC have objected to this date as it is during the season. Awaiting communication from the contractors. 2/11/20 – Programme still under discussion
18/01/21 – discussion had and break through is still planned for first 2 weeks in April.  

Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.  

Replacement of footbridge at Brighton’s. May cause short closure during lifting out and installing. Alsatair to keep us updated.
18/01/21 – Planned for Feb 21. Closure probably overnight and any boat transits should be able to be accommodated if not.  

Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21.
18/1/21 – Project approved to be organised covid allowing.  

Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021  

18/1/21 – Union canal resilience programme.
Muir Avonside – pilings in and hope for dams to be removed for start of session. 6 Wears to be upgraded, 16 culverts to be repaired and stop plank areas to be put in (currently being surveyed). Monitoring sensors to be put in currently at design stage. Dredging for weirs, stock planks and potentially high spots.
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes Survey results were discussed with Tommy in a separate meeting.
18/1/21 – SSOW have being created for the staff to conduct the training safely but due to Covid the role out has to be delayed but will push forward asap.
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?For older Comments please see previous meeting minutes
8/1/21 – Tender has been delayed due to staff changes. More detailed information about action for the 2021 season to be provided next meeting.
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes    
18/1/21 – Dip testing still delayed due to covid
71 Q. Slippy pontoons – Is there a maintenance schedule.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
18/1/21 – in relation to slippery pontoons – Plan has not been able to be fixed as due to Covid the teams have had to vary (including volunteers) to try and get as much done as possible. It was advised that if we know when maintenance is taking place then we can advise the boaters. TT to jeep us in the loop. CLOSED
72 Q. Auchinstarry compound looking particularly untidy with lots of scrap metal and two old vehicles. Space could be better utilised.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
2/11/20 – Some boaters items still lying (including a car and mophead) and bags of coal lying. Tommy can work round this for now but will need it to be moved at some point. 4 skips have already been moved. The boat storage layout is going to be looked at in the near future. Don to try and find out who the car belongs to. Ongoing.  
18/1/21 – Details for car were sent to SC by Don. Details have now been passed to the police. Ongoing
73 Q. Report of overhanging trees that will eventually impact navigation between bridge 5a and unmarked bridge at Westerhailes.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 7/9/20 – Work started at Hermiston and working down.   2/11/20 – in progress  
18/1/21 – Complete and Closed
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes  
6/7/20 – An engineering solution has been found and awaiting install.  
7/9/20 – To be installed by the end of 2020  
18/1/21 – not complete MS to email with update
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.   18/1/21 – in talks with Forth ports, Northern lighthouse board and crown estates. Ongoing
92 Q. Diesel and Water access at the Falkirk Wheel has been difficult for a long time due to Hire boats taking up the pontoon. We understand that SC has previously agreed that this is a service berth for all canal users (not just the hire boats) and should be kept clear. What can SC do to make sure this berth is accessible?18/1/21 – Book through the BMK at the wheel – 01324 676912 BMK will liase with the hire boats to make sure it is free. Closed
93. Q. Process for reporting a nav and safety issue. There is an emergency number and an email address. Please can we have time scales for responses both for acknowledgement and for resolution. The boaters should not be deciding what is and is not an emergency. Is a log being kept of reports and resolutions?18/1/21 – process to be reviewed and if there is a way of adding the extra measure it will be done SFARP
94. Q. Edinburgh Quay Issue – Old spot. 18/1/21 – legal process happening will advise when possible
95. Q. Process for checking the emergency number is working.18/1/21 – Once a week on a Thursday all numbers including the emergency number is checked. Closed
96. Q. Emergency number was issued on SC website but there should have been communication directly to the boaters informing them. What process will you put in place in future? There seems to be a different number on the skippers guide.18/1/21 – will pass this back to comms.   Skippers guide is being updated and anything that has been spotted as incorrect can we let Paula know by 22/1/21.
97. Q. Boaters putting items on the pontoons leaving the pontoons unsafe.18/1/21 – LCA put out a safety message on the members newsletter to try and encourage boaters to think about the H&S of pontoons in relation to themselves and others. Closed
98. Q. Composting18/1/21 – TT to speak with Julia and Olivia for feedback on possible trial in Auchinstarry.
99 Q. Breach Update18/1/21 – Union canal resilience programme. Muir Avonside – pilings in and hope for dams to be removed for start of session. 6 Wears to be upgraded, 16 culverts to be repaired and stop plank areas to be put in (currently being surveyed). Monitoring sensors to be put in currently at design stage. Dredging for weirs, stock planks and potentially high spots.
100 Q. Biffa bin markings Some of the Biffa bins are not clear on what should be put in each. Biffa have said the labelling request must come from SC as their client. Please can you speak to them about this.18/1/21 – Procurement is talking to Biffa to rectify this.
101 Q. Section of spears wharf barriered off due to being unsafe. When will this be fixed?18/1/21 – Is on the list that the length inspectors review every month but currently not a serious risk.
102 Q. Half the bollard lights at spears wharf not working18/1/21 – TT to speak to Frank to inspect
103 Q. Can we have a copy of the GRP pontoon programme schedule and the schedule for power washing and maintenance of pontoons.18/1/21 – TT to send plan
104 Q. Can we have a copy of the bollard light improvement programme schedule. 18/1/21 – this was a roll out for Auchinstarry which is in progress. Going forward it will be a case by case basis budget allowing so no plan as such. Closed
105 Q. Break water barrier (east – attached to bowling island) running to sea lock needs poles or similar to be visible at all time.18/1/21 – Information to be shared between LCA and SC to make sure boats coming in are getting the best information. CS and SM to discuss.

02/11/20 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

QuestionAnswer from SC
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   07/09/20 – Skipper guide update – Comms priorities are elsewhere at the moment due to COVID and the breach   2/11/20 – Covid 19 caused delay. Alasdair to email update  
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   7/9/20 – New Berky design was finalised today. There have been additions to the design such as depth sonar so it can assist with depth readings. Berky expected to arrive March 2021.   2/11/20 – Budget was spent at bowling. Dredging plan to be sent by Alasdair by end of week.   Next week the new dredger hopper and spud legs are going to be moved round to Twecher from the crane pad at Auchinstarry.   This point is to remain open for a while before further update
60 Q. There are concerns about lighting at Causewayend    For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   7/9/20 – Solution identified and site visit in the next few weeks to check feasibility.   2/11/20 – Paula to email an update as soon as possible.  
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   6/7/20 – Scott is going to push this along. Visitor mooring signage to be completed by end of 2020.   7/9/20 – Discussions are taking place with Carol Bell re volunteers conducting this work. Scott to provide dates.   2/11/20 – Paula to email us or provide an update at next meeting
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   7/9/20 – Still the plan to do this by the end of 2020
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Closure due to banking work from 1st Nov 20 to End March 21. There will be additional closures during actual bridge placement between May 21 to October 21.   Garscube bridge has had a delay and will now be completed at end of April 2020. The boaters most affected have been advised in face to face meetings and a general communication was released on the 25th of February.  Monday 16th September 19 until March 2020 – Channel closure will disrupt navigation along the Glasgow branch between Firhill and Applecross. Sea to sea navigation will be unaffected. Boaters located South of the closure have been offered alternative mooring should they wish. Planned for 24th September opening. No navigation possible until completion. 2/11/20 – Completed and CLOSED     Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound 2021 Still planned. Refurb of Customs house due to finish end March 2020 End Aug 2020. 7/9/20 – Tommy is having a progress meeting with the contractors 8/9/20 and will advise. 2/11/20 – Customs house internals complete and externals in progress   Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Start of these works delayed awaiting new dates 2/11/20 – still awaiting a new date.   Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to summer/June 2021   Winchburgh – Third party subcontractors want to break through to the marina from the canal first two weeks in April 21. SC have objected to this date as it is during the season. Awaiting communication from the contractors. 2/11/20 – Programme still under discussion   Wave bridge planning passed. Tommy to keep us updated.   Replacement of footbridge at Brighton’s. May cause short clousure during lifting out and installing. Alsatair to keep us updated.   Forth and Clyde locks to be assessed and possibly there will be some budget for minor repairs. Divers are doing some cill surveys. Upgrades to gates planned at lock 20 and 21.   Erskine ferry bridge needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021   Bowling lock 40 needing M&E Upgrade – provisional plan for 2021
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes Survey results were discussed with Tommy in a separate meeting. Tommy advised training schedule by 1st October. This has not been received.   2/11/20 – H&S department is checking for safety of the training on the new bridges. New deadline for training schedule for end November.  
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?7/9/20 -Volunteer co-ordinators currently furloughed all but 2 days a week.   Volunteer lock keepers are working on the east lock 3-20. Contract is due for re-tender. Tender planned to include volunteers on the west and east.   2/11/20 – Tender approximately Nov/Dec. Probably multiple lots.
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   2/11/20 – dip testing – postponed due to COVID-19. Alasdair to send an email update
71 Q. Slippy pontoons – Is there a maintenance schedule.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   2/11/20 – Pontoon re-decking with mini mesh. Pontoon power washing and anti-slip strips. Stables pontoons both sides of bridge are having mesh starting end of this week. Auchinstarry liner is next on the list. Tommy to send plan.
72 Q. Auchinstarry compound looking particularly untidy with lots of scrap metal and two old vehicles. Space could be better utilised.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes   2/11/20 – Some boaters items still lying (including a car and mophead) and bags of coal lying. Tommy can work round this for now but will need it to be moved at some point. 4 skips have already been moved. The boat storage layout is going to be looked at in the near future. Don to try and find out who the car belongs to. Ongoing.
73 Q. Report of overhanging trees that will eventually impact navigation between bridge 5a and unmarked bridge at Westerhailes.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 7/9/20 – Work started at Hermiston and working down.   2/11/20 – in progress
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes   6/7/20 – An engineering solution has been found and awaiting install.   7/9/20 – To be installed by the end of 2020
90 Q. When are you removing the second boat at Brightons?2/11/20 – lift out   CLOSED
91 Q. Upgrade needed to lights and Buoys in the river carron. A paper has been passed to senior team with costings and plans. Will update further as the more information is received.   2/11/20 – Scottish canals advised us of this issue.

07/09/20 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

QuestionAnswer from SC
58 Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
06/07/20 – Dredging work at Auchinstarry completed.   Alasdair to look at the length of the evac points – On list of works. Will have an update by next meeting.  
07/09/20 – Alasdair could not attend will up date at next meeting     Skippers guide – Paula to contact comms ref updating online skippers guide – Scott will check on progress as Paula is Furloughed.  
07/09/20 – Comms priorities are elsewhere at the moment due to COVID and the breach  
59 Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – Budget for Lowland canals is approximately £20,000.   Plant is currently working at locks 36-37 working towards Bowling.   Please note: Last year’s budget of £100,00 covered all the canals not just Lowlands   Depth gauging cannot be done until the weed is controlled.  
7/9/20 – New Berky design was finalised today. There have been additions to the design such as depth sonar so it can assist with depth readings. Berky expected to arrive March 2021.   New dredging plan is still to be created.   Alasdair to update us on the dredging programme at next meeting.  
This point is to remain open for a while before further update
60 Q. There are concerns about lighting and path at Causewayend   Please note this question has been condensed to show the current issue. For the origins please see the minutes of the last meeting 2/3/20For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – Path has been completed; however, the corner of the path could do with a little more build up.   The budget for lighting is no longer available due to the current changes created by Covid. There is some budget for a cheaper temporary solution for the winter.  
7/9/20 – Solution identified and site visit in the next few weeks to check feasibility.  
61Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
06/07/20 – LUCS have advised no trips will be running in 2020.  
This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.
62 Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – Scott is going to push this along. Visitor mooring signage to be completed by end of 2020.   7/9/20 – Discussions are taking place with Carol Bell re volunteers conducting this work. Scott to provide dates.
63 Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – Awaiting slot in programme to complete. Will be done by end of 2020  
7/9/20 – Still the plan to do this by the end of 2020
64 Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – New 5yr tenancy currently been signed. Tenancy to start 1st Aug 2020. Work on ventilation system will be completed before re-opening.  
07/09/20 – Boat House manager confirmed ventilation system was completed. SC confirmed works completed.   SC asked if they intended to put a baffle on – Answer was no.  
ITEM CLOSED   If you have any further issues over noise then please refer to North Lanarkshire anti-social response team 01698 403110  
66 Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Hoping plans for this bridge might be delayed until October but no guarantees.  
Garscube bridge has had a delay and will now be completed at end of April 2020. The boaters most affected have been advised in face to face meetings and a general communication was released on the 25th of February.  Monday 16th September 19 until March 2020 – Channel closure will disrupt navigation along the Glasgow branch between Firhill and Applecross. Sea to sea navigation will be unaffected. Boaters located South of the closure have been offered alternative mooring should they wish. Planned for 24th September opening. No navigation possible until completion.    
Scott to see if we can get a copy of the programme of works for Stockingfield and Garscube. Programme of works received from Mark 13/08/20.      
Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound 2021 Still planned. Refurb of Customs house due to finish end March 2020 End Aug 2020.
7/9/20 – Tommy is having a progress meeting with the contractors 8/9/20 and will advise   Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Start of these works delayed awaiting new dates Re-engineering of dredging’s to back fill beach to make new sea wall. Starts in 6 weeks for3 years + – outside boating area. Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to finish early 2021   Winchburgh – Third party subcontractors want to break through to the marina from the canal first two weeks in April 21. SC have objected to this date as it is during the season. Awaiting communication from the contractors.   Communication for the Lowlands during COVID.
7/9/20 – Kathy discussed the information on the website during COVID was miss leading and suggested the website is checked along with the press releases which were correct.  
67 Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? Q. Are we going to re-start meetings for self-locking? We feel there should be one pre-training.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20
If interested in any structure training please contact Tommy Thomson.  
6/7/20 – Volunteer training was completed on Leamington Lift Bridge.   Tommy looking to gather interest levels and organise dates for training on: Leamington lift bridge Locks Garscube bridge Bascule bridge Rolling bridge at spears wharf Pumpouts   LCA will be sending a survey to gauge interest.  
7/9/20 -Tommy received survey results. Chrisy and Tommy are meeting Tuesday 15th September to agree a plan.   Tommy is going to arrange a date for the working group
88 Q. Can we have an update on volunteer lock keepers. West and East?7/9/20 -Volunteer co-ordinators currently furloughed all but 2 days a week.   Volunteer lock keepers are working on the east lock 3-20. Contract is due for re-tender. Tender planned to include volunteers on the west and east.
68 Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – Alasdair is conducting dip testing in identified potential areas in the next 2 weeks.  
7/9/20 – Alasdair to answer at next meeting
69 Q. is there some information that could be put on the evac point signage to be given to 999 as a reference point?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – Scott will check on progress as Paula is Furloughed.  
7/9/20 – There will be no updates on the signage. If/when new signage is required this will be discussed again.  
CLOSED but will keep a watch on the growth of What 3 Words.
70 Q. LCA submitted a proposal for boaters to help with weed control.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20
6/7/20 – ongoing  
7/9/20 – Robin Fryer has emailed Richard Millar on this issue  
CLOSED for NAV and Safety (LCA Management dealing with this)
71 Q. Slippy pontoons – Is there a maintenance schedule.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – New programme being created due to the delays caused by Covid.  
7/9/20 – Tommy to formalise plan and send a copy
72 Q. Auchinstarry compound looking particularly untidy with lots of scrap metal and two old vehicles. Space could be better utilised.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – Ongoing  
7/9/20 – The compound is in progress. One skip load already removed and new skip in place. LCA is to send a message to all boaters that any of their items need to be removed by the 18th September or there is a risk it may be skipped.
73 Q. Report of overhanging trees that will eventually impact navigation between bridge 5a and unmarked bridge at Westerhailes.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/07/20 – Ongoing  
7/9/20 – Work started at Hermiston and working down.
76 Q. There is an escape ladder at Applecross that no longer seems to be in a relevant position (behind Angel share) can we relocate this locally to a more useful position.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/07/20 – Escape ladder been relocated to Ratho Linear line. Tommy to check that there are still enough escape routes at Applecross.  
7/9/20 – There are 2 accessible escape ladders at Apple Cross.
77 Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – An engineering solution has been found and awaiting install.  
7/9/20 – To be installed by the end of 2020
83Q. Would it be an option to use dredging’s to make ‘sand bags’ for flood areas2/03/20 – We are working with other organisations via the SURICATES project to develop sustainable options for the re-use of sediment. The use of material to address flooding and erosion is the driver for the project. Awaiting confirmation of extension of grant to keep working into 2022.  
6/7/20 – The application for grant extension is currently with the EU awaiting response.
84Q. Who what the old dry dock at kirkintilloch and could it be refurbed (maybe a community project)For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  
6/7/20 – Scottish canals do own the old dry dock  
87 Q. issues with cyclist been abusive. What can SC do to create more harmony between cyclists, boaters and other towpath users?          6/7/20 – Social Media + work with Sustrans is been carried out to request more respect from cyclists.   Police are also being contacted in Edinburgh and Linlithgow to discuss options.   The behavioural culture of cyclists needs to be changed. Barriers and other structures are not the ideal solution.  
7/9/20 – Conversation with the police – There have been less reports recently.   Social media messages still being sent out to educate  
CLOSED to be reopened if further complaints
89 Q. What is the short term plan because of the breach?7/9/20 – No short-term plan as such. Water levels on the west of the breach to be increased this week.   The breach should not affect resource allocation as it is mainly contractors fixing the breach.

06/07/20 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

QuestionAnswer from SC
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

06/07/20 – Dredging work at Auchinstarry completed.   Alasdair to look at the length of the evac points – On list of works. Will have an update by next meeting.   Skippers guide – Paula to contact comms ref updating online skippers guide – Scott will check on progress as Paula is Furloughed.  
Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Budget for Lowland canals is approximately £20,000.   Plant is currently working at locks 36-37 working towards Bowling.   Please note: Last year’s budget of £100,00 covered all the canals not just Lowlands
Q. There are concerns about lighting and path at Causewayend   Please note this question has been condensed to show the current issue. For the origins please see the minutes of the last meeting 2/3/20For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Path has been completed; however, the corner of the path could do with a little more build up.   The budget for lighting is no longer available due to the current changes created by Covid. There is some budget for a cheaper temporary solution for the winter.  
Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

06/07/20 – LUCS have advised no trips will be running in 2020.   This item will remain on the tracker but with no updates until 2021 season so we can monitor how the pontoon is being used to see if this is resolved or an ongoing issue.
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Scott is going to push this along. Visitor mooring signage to be completed by end of 2020.
Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Awaiting slot in programme to complete. Will be done by end of 2020
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – New 5yr tenancy currently been signed. Tenancy to start 1st Aug 2020. Work on ventilation system will be completed before re-opening.  
Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Depth gauging cannot be done until the weed is controlled.   This point is to remain open  for  a while before further updates
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted?THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE  
Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021. Hoping plans for this bridge might be delayed untill October but no guarantees.  

Garscube bridge has had a delay and will now be completed at end of April 2020. The boaters most affected have been advised in face to face meetings and a general communication was released on the 25th of February.  Monday 16th September 19 until March 2020 – Channel closure will disrupt navigation along the Glasgow branch between Firhill and Applecross. Sea to sea navigation will be unaffected. Boaters located South of the closure have been offered alternative mooring should they wish. Planned for 24th September opening. No navigation possible until completion.    
Scott to see if we can get a copy of the programme of works for Stockingfield and Garscube.  

Wilcox homes pilling – November to January this impacts the farm to St Michaels and may cause some restriction. Already closed will re-open end March – complete and will be removed from tracker.    

Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound 2021 Still planned. Refurb of Customs house due to finish end March 2020 End Aug 2020. Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Start of these works delayed awaiting new dates Re-engineering of dredging’s to back fill beach to make new sea wall. Starts in 6 weeks for3 years + – outside boating area. Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to finish early 2021  
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20

If interested in any structure training please contact Tommy Thomson.   6/7/20 – Volunteer training was completed on Leamington Lift Bridge.  

Tommy looking to gather interest levels and organise dates for training on: Leamington lift bridge Locks Garscube bridge Bascule bridge Rolling bridge at spears wharf Pumpouts  
LCA will be sending a survey to gauge interest.    
Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Alasdair is conducting dip testing in identified potential areas in the next 2 weeks.
Q. is there some information that could be put on the evac point signage to be given to 999 as a reference point?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Scott will check on progress as Paula is Furloughed.
Q. LCA submitted a proposal for boaters to help with weed control.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20

6/7/20 – ongoing
Q. Slippy pontoons – Is there a maintenance schedule.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – New programme being created due to the delays caused by Covid.  
Q. Auchinstarry compound looking particularly untidy with lots of scrap metal and two old vehicles. Space could be better utilised.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Ongoing
Q. Report of overhanging trees that will eventually impact navigation between bridge 5a and unmarked bridge at Westerhailes.  For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/07/20 – Ongoing  
Q. Lock 2 has an unusable riser. Can we fix this pleaseCompleted and Closed  
Q. There is an escape ladder at Applecross that no longer seems to be in a relevant position (behind Angel share) can we relocate this locally to a more useful position.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/07/20 – Escape ladder been relocated to Ratho Linear line. Tommy to check that there are still enough escape routes at Applecross.
Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at ApplecrossFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – An engineering solution has been found and awaiting install.
Q. As discussed with Tommy please can we look at the possibility of getting water to the bollards at the bottom of Jubilee lock (west)For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

Water to these bollards are not feasible and currently none of these moorings are rented. It will be clear to any new moorers that water is not available on the bollards. CLOSED
Q. Wave Bridge – Edinburgh Council. LCA has spoken with Edinburgh council and advised that we would like to be kept in consultation on the project and want to confirm that the bride will be at the minimum air draft or above of the rest on the system and as plans progress, we need to ensure minimum disruption to navigation. Edinburgh council has advised they have been in discussions with SC. Can you advise on your thoughts and discussions so far in relation to this projectFor older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – We believe this project is currently on hold. It will be removed from the tracker and will be raised again if/when a planning application or new information is received.
Q. Please can you advise on any current conversations you have had regarding the proposed pontoons by Tartan leisure near the wave bridge? LCA thinks this is a good idea but that pontoons are not the most suitable option. We have suggestions we would like to discuss further with Tartan Leisure and SC.For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – We are not expecting anything to happen with this until 2021. It will be removed from the tracker and will be raised again if/when a planning application or new information is received.  
Q. Is there going to be a slipway at Winchburgh?For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – The slipway is part of the legal agreement and therefore should proceed unimpeded.  CLOSED  
Q. Would it be an option to use dredging’s to make ‘sand bags’ for flood areas2/03/20 – We are working with other organisations via the SURICATES project to develop sustainable options for the re-use of sediment. The use of material to address flooding and erosion is the driver for the project. Awaiting confirmation of extension of grant to keep working into 2022.  

6/7/20 – The application for grant extension is currently with the EU awaiting response.  
Q. Who what the old dry dock at kirkintilloch and could it be refurbed (maybe a community project)For older comments please see previous meeting minutes 2/3/20  

6/7/20 – Scottish canals do own the old dry dock
Q. Lock 16 only has two bollard lights working2/03/20 –  Tommy is going to investigate as this has happened twice in the last 6 months.  

6/7/20 – M&E have replaced the faulty parts and this work is now complete. CLOSED
Q. Where can boaters safely dispose of oil, fuel, bilge water, diesel, petrol, coolant etc.2/03/20 – Council amenity sites will take this if contained and labelled correctly. CLOSED
Q. issues with cyclist been abusive. What can SC do to create more harmony between cyclists, boaters and other towpath users?6/7/20 – Social Media + work with Sustrans is been carried out to request more respect from cyclists.   Police are also being contacted in Edinburgh and Linlithgow to discuss options.   The behavioural culture of cyclists needs to be changed. Barriers and other structures are not the ideal solution.

6/3/20 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives

Question Answer from SC LCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?   2/9/19 – Dredging from Linlithgow. St Michaels to Linlithgow basin to Preston road and ending at Causewayend bridge completed. Evac points have been strimmed. Not all evac points were dredged just the ones on the long straights. 1/11/19 – Plant now in Firhill and will be working all winter. Land and water have been contracted to continue reprofiling.   They set up this week with plans to complete by Christmas.   6/1/20 – Dredging is planned at Auchinstarry and Bowling – awaiting prices back and confirmation of budget before dates are confirmed   Dredging works at Auchinstarry will start on Monday 9th March and last for approximately 3 weeks.   Alasdair to look at the length of the evac points.   Skippers guide – Paula to contact comms ref updating online skippers guide.
Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. 1/7/19 – Dredging in Caledonian/Crinan during summer, High spots on Union will be dredged over the winter. Sea lock to be dredged at back of summer due to environmental constraints. Trash cleaning ongoing westwards from Auchinstarry during summer. No date for consultation yet.   2/9/19 – Caledonian/Crinan now planned for start of the season In relation to sealock dredging SC are consulting with the salmon fishery and will provide further updates at next meeting. Trash clearing is now complete Consultation expected by end Sep/early Oct.   1/11/19 – Tender to be issued for River Carron dredging, should budget be available works will be undertaken in early 2020   6/1/20 – Plough dredging tender is being priced. Awaiting confirmation of dredging budget for 2020/21. Will provide an update at a future meeting   We are still awaiting confirmation of the dredging budget for the financial year 20/21 – will be able to provide further update once the budget allocation has been confirmed.   The £100,00 was the budget for the last financial year. Feeder on union canal complete and Auchinstarry in plan.   Is it possible to have a figure for Lowlands when the budget is released? Alasdair says this should be possible.
Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update? Boaters at Causewayend advise that this work would be done when funds become available. With the pier being reinstated there are concerns about lack of disabled access on and to the landing stage. There is also concerns over the lighting.   A. Gravel put down with Wacker plate does not last really needs tarmac. Bistro owns the path. There are on-going discussions but nothing can happen with without agreement from landowners. 1/7/19 – Option for a Gravel path being investigated but drainage solution is the key. Discussions ongoing. Solar lighting fitted some time ago disappeared but new solar lighting triggered by trip switches has now been installed.   2/9/19 – Crusher run to be put down over the winter. Possibility of lighting on a switch and timer so Boaters can activate and then the lights will automatically turn off.   1/11/19 – Will relay gravel surface over the winter to improve access safety. Power supply for improved lighting being looked in to.   6/1/20 – Crusher run would need to be put down when it’s better weather. Due to the current wet weather conditions, it will make it worse under foot.   Carol Bell and the volunteer group are due to attend Causewayend on 27th February to being repairs to the path. This will be in the form of drainage creation and material put down to raise the height of the lowest points of the path where the water is pooling. All boaters and the Bistro have been advised of these works.   Confirmation required from Carol once works have been completed.   Looking at solar powered lamp posts but will cost 8k so this is currently been discussed.
Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.   1/7/19 – No agreement for LUCS to book jetty, they can drop off and then moor up inside basin. If jetty is in use. LUCS can moor inside basin and they are aware of restrictions. Disabled access will only be through the basin and use footpath.   2/9/19 – Scott to discuss this solution with the Bistro and Lucs.   1/11/19 – Scott currently liaising with Bistro and Lucs – update to follow at next meeting Discussions have been had with LUCS and the Bistro for this season and they have advised that they will put out signage only at times when they have a planned trip.   Still think date and time is a good idea but will monitor the situation.
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites? Scott @ SC is looking at the marking of visitor’s moorings. Some ideas have been discussed and Scott is going to produce 3 options which will then be put to the boaters for opinion via the LCA. 1/7/19 – No budget available for general signage improvements but H&S & Visitor signs will be provided. List of all moorings has been prepared, signs will be provided when budget is available   2/9/19 – Scott to provide 3 options by the end of September.   1/11/19 – Attached is a copy of the survey results. The winner is a painted strip in an agreed colour on the wharf wall or pontoon edge.   What options can we have for colour? White would be reflective if someone was reaching a mooring at dusk. A dark colour is unlikely to show.     If so this is currently out for consultation through the LCA website.   6/1/20 – I am unsure if this would be a wise colour choice to use given the implications that it is used when a vessel is in distress. We would not want to cause any undue concern or confusion. It would be helpful if the LCA could suggest two or three colours that would be easily visible from a vessel and we will identify the paint colour that we can easily obtain. We suggest White or a florescent colour   Leaning toward white as easier to maintain    
Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. 2/9/19 – A rubbing straight will be fitted by the start of the season.   6/1/20 – Timber has been purchased.  Awaiting update from maintenance team as to when they can carry out this work.     Timber has been purchase (at Broxburn yard) just needs fitting.  Awaiting on schedule information
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry? A. Scottish canals are taking responsibility for this. The issue is larger than just the baffle. We keep LCA informed. 1/7/19 – SC are now responsible for the ventilation system rather than the tenant. Options for a replacement baffle are being investigated. 2/9/19 – Extraction system to be replaced. Quotes are currently being received. Will update at next meeting. 1/11/19 – Property department are currently reviewing quotes.  No update available at the moment but SC realise the priority this requires   Scottish Canals have quotes however the issue is bigger than first thought and there is a requirement for more investigative work before being able to carry out the required works.    
Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?   A. Depth gauging will take place in Feb 2019. 19/2/19 – Tug with sounder will be going through once the bridges re-open and before flotilla. 15/4/19 – Still planned. Tug will have sonar and device trailing to pick up high points. Trailing device will be the width of a boat. 1/7/19 – Survey from Grangemouth to Hillhead provided info on hotspots. The vessel with 1.6m draft had difficulty with weed/debris but it identified hotspots and debris.   Debris removal up to Twechar, will be continued when staff available.   Hillhead to Bowling will be gauged when a new tug has been commissioned in about 8 weeks. Union will be gauged when resources are available. 2/9/19 – Presentation and information note on this topic will be sent over. 1/11/19 – Remaining gauging works not yet undertaken – scheduled to be undertaken in early 2020, weather and staff availability permitting   6/1/20 – Still TBC – will be dependent on available budget     The commissioning of the tug has not been completed due to staff availability  – date TBC
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted? THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE 2/9/19 – Claypits Local Nature Reserve – Monday 9th September till Sunday 15th September 19 – Work starts on Gascube Bridge which will reduce the number of boats that can pass through the channel (please contact boat movements 07810794467 if you plan to travel through in these dates) extended till end of April due to weather.   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this spring and will impact navigation at some point this year and in 2021.   Wilcox homes pilling – November to January this impacts the farm to St Michaels and may cause some restriction. Already closed will re-open end March.   Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound 2021. Refurb of Customs house due to finish end March 2020. Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug 2020. Re-engineering of dredging’s to back fill beach to make new sea wall. Starts in 6 weeks for3 years + – outside boating area. Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. In progress due to finish early 2021   Garscube bridge has had a delay and will now be completed at end of April 2020. The boaters most affected have been advised in face to face meetings and a general communication was released on the 25th of February.  Monday 16th September 19 until March 2020 – Channel closure will disrupt navigation along the Glasgow branch between Firhill and Applecross. Sea to sea navigation will be unaffected. Boaters located South of the closure have been offered alternative mooring should they wish.          
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? 2/9/19 – Next meeting is 18/10/19 1/11/19 – Tommy Thomson is organising   Further User Operational training has been carried out during Sept/Oct with the Reunion staff at Edinburgh Quay. Further training to be arranged with the boat owners over the winter period.   6/1/20 – T.T Will arrange with the boat owners a couple of training dates for the operation of Leamington Lift Bridge for March 20.   T.T is currently in talks with ReUnion volunteers on arranging refresher and new members training on the F&C canal locks on the Falkirk Flight.   Update please and new date for next meeting due to meeting 19/2/20 cancelled     9th March at 6pm   Leamington Lift Bridge training 24th March   3/3/20 refresher training on F&C Locks for volenteers.
Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area? 2/9/19 – it may be possible to do something at Stockingfield. 1/11/19 – No plans at the moment.  Can be discussed further at next meeting Can LCA suggest appropriate areas.
Q. is there some information that could be put on the evac point signage to be given to 999 as a reference point? 2/9/19 – Looking at the possibility of using the what 3 words app which is currently being trailed by EMS.   Also looking at the possibility of using this as an additional way to report a nav issue that would pick up the location. May be looking to get some boaters to test it in the future.   1/11/19 – No update available at the moment.  Can be discussed further at next meeting.     Looking into signage options with the Comms team at the moment across the network.
Q. LCA submitted a proposal for boaters to help with weed control. 2/9/19 – LCA to suggest an agreeable fuel price for boaters taking part in the programme.   1/11/19 – LCA has provided the requested information LCA submitted FO request for several things and this is part of it so there should be an update in 21 days.    
Q. Slippy pontoons – Is there a maintenance schedule. 2/9/19 – there are plans to upgrade all pontoons to GRP this will depend on suitability for changing to GRP and take time and budget, Priority will be given to lock 16 and Ratho as they have been reported as particularly bad. In the meantime both areas will be pressure washed as a matter of urgency. 1/11/19 – Lock 16 ongoing, Ratho substructure being investigated to accommodate GRP, Auchinstarry linear moorings to follow. 6/1/20 – GRP has been installed on the pontoons at LK16, above Lock 05, Southbank marina due to disabled access issues. A pilot test of a different thickness of GRP has been applied to a pontoon next to the hire boats at the Falkirk Wheel. The three pontoons outside the Jubilee lock have been done. Next areas to be targeted in the spring are Auchinstarry and Ratho.     Programme of jet washing and decking replacement with GRP in place. Ops and volunteering teams in progress. Ratho linear needs a little more engineering consideration, Maintenance Team are working this up.   Tommy to send a copy of the programme.
Q. Auchinstarry compound looking particularly untidy with lots of scrap metal and two old vehicles. Space could be better utilised.   2/9/19 – one vehicle is paying rent, the other will be investigated. Agreed that the compound needs a general tidy up. 1/11/19 – Tommy Thomson arranging this over the winter shut down 6/1/20 – Still ongoing. This job will be slowly picked away at. As and when time, resource and money availability. Still plodding away    
Q. Report of overhanging trees that will eventually impact navigation between bridge 5a and unmarked bridge at Westerhailes.   2/9/19 – This is planned for the winter.   6/1/20 – Carol has plans arranged with the volunteers and SC staff and the workboat to carry out some off side overhangs from now towards spring time.   Will be done after completion of the aqueduct.    
Q. Lock 2 has an unusable riser. Can we fix this please 2/9/19 – It has already been inspected and will be fixed this side of Christmas. 1/11/19 – Scheduled to be repaired during November stoppage works 6/1/20 – Awaiting update   Complete    
Q. There is an escape ladder at Applecross that no longer seems to be in a relevant position (behind Angel share) can we relocate this locally to a more useful position. 1/11/19 – Scheduled to be re allocated during early 2020.   6/1/20 – Yes March/April 20. No information required until April – Tommy Thomson    
Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at Applecross 1/11/19 – Engineering to provide a technical spec for the pontoon/step required and provide costs. Will update. Update required from Mark/Peter      
Q. As discussed with Tommy please can we look at the possibility of getting water to the bollards at the bottom of Jubilee lock (west) 1/11/19 – Will investigate to see what the options are within the area. If a supply is within this area, will cost up the job.   6/1/20 – We have no budget to currently progress this at this stage.   Could volunteers/canal college pick this up as a project?   Tommy to look at options      
Q. Wave Bridge – Edinburgh Council. LCA has spoken with Edinburgh council and advised that we would like to be kept in consultation on the project and want to confirm that the bride will be at the minimum air draft or above of the rest on the system and as plans progress, we need to ensure minimum disruption to navigation. Edinburgh council has advised they have been in discussions with SC. Can you advise on your thoughts and discussions so far in relation to this project 1/11/19 – This will be third party works and ECC will require to comply with our regulations.   Technical spec for bridge and connective walkway agreed and will not restrict Union Canal air draft.   6/1/20 – No further updates at present.   Sustains has agreed to fund the design stage of the bridge and planning application is to be submitted this week or next.
Q. Please can you advise on any current conversations you have had regarding the proposed pontoons by Tartan leisure near the wave bridge? LCA thinks this is a good idea but that pontoons are not the most suitable option. We have suggestions we would like to discuss further with Tartan Leisure and SC. 1/11/19 – We are hoping to gain some moorings at this location through planning gain.  The design of which has not been agreed.  It is expected that any design would include a jetty rather than a pontoon given the width of the Canal.   6/1/20 – No further updates at present.     Tartan Leisure have been very difficult to communicate with and legals are ongoing regarding discharge of water into the canal at this section.   Expected 2nd planning application from tartan leisure for moorings after spring next year.
Q. Is there going to be a slipway at Winchburgh? 6/1/20 – There is provision for a slipway as part of the development proposal however this will not be delivered as part of Phase 1 of the works.   Phase 1 – marina dug out and outline of marina completed by end 2020. The hope is to then have the marina operating by end 2021.   Cannot advise at this stage of further phases.   This is actually a different planning application later down the line probably part of phase 3.
Q. Spot dredging – I was advised at the consultation meeting that I would get a list of where and when the imminent spot dredging was going to take place. Please can you provide this so it can be published.   There are no spot dredging works planned on the Union Canal prior to the start of this coming season.    
Q. Would it be an option to use dredging’s to make ‘sand bags’ for flood areas   We are working with other organisations via the SURICATES project to develop sustainable options for the re-use of sediment. The use of material to address flooding and erosion is the driver for the project. Awaiting for confirmation of extension of grant to keep working into 2022.  
Q. Who what the old dry dock at kirkintilloch and could it be refurbed (maybe a community project)   Scott to check who owns the old dry dock and see if there is any potential land.
Q. Lock 16 only has two bollard lights working A. Tommy is going to investigate as this has happened twice in the last 6 months.  
Q. Where can boaters safely dispose of oil, fuel, bilge water, diesel, petrol, coolant etc. A. Council amenity sites will take this if contained correctly.  

6/1/20 – Meeting between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee representatives (SC provided updates electronically due to physical meeting having to be cancelled due to illness)

Question Answer from SC LCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?   2/9/19 – Dredging from Linlithgow. St Michaels to Linlithgow basin to Preston road and ending at Causewayend bridge completed. Evac points have been strimmed. Not all evac points were dredged just the ones on the long straights. 1/11/19 – Plant now in Firhill and will be working all winter. Land and water have been contracted to continue reprofiling.   They set up this week with plans to complete by Christmas.     Please confirm this is now complete   Jan 2020 – Dredging is planned at Auchinstarry and Bowling – awaiting prices back and confirmation of budget before dates are confirmed
Q. What are the current plans for dredging We previously were told there would be a map with planned dredging marked. 1/7/19 – Dredging in Caledonian/Crinan during summer, High spots on Union will be dredged over the winter. Sea lock to be dredged at back of summer due to environmental constraints. Trash cleaning ongoing westwards from Auchinstarry during summer. No date for consultation yet.   2/9/19 – Caledonian/Crinan now planned for start of the season In relation to sealock dredging SC are consulting with the salmon fishery and will provide further updates at next meeting. Trash clearing is now complete Consultation expected by end Sep/early Oct.   1/11/19 – Tender to be issued for River Carron dredging, should budget be available works will be undertaken in early 2020     Update   Jan 2020 Plough dredging tender is being priced. Awaiting confirmation of dredging budget for 2020/21. Will provide an update at a future meeting  
Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update? Boaters at Causewayend advise that this work would be done when funds become available. With the pier being reinstated there are concerns about lack of disabled access on and to the landing stage. There is also concerns over the lighting.   A. Gravel put down with Wacker plate does not last really needs tarmac. Bistro owns the path. There are on going discussions but nothing can happen with without agreement from landowners. 1/7/19 – Option for a Gravel path being investigated but drainage solution is the key. Discussions ongoing. Solar lighting fitted some time ago disappeared but new solar lighting triggered by trip switches has now been installed.   2/9/19 – Crusher run to be put down over the winter. Possibility of lighting on a switch and timer so Boaters can activate and then the lights will automatically turn off.   1/11/19 – Will relay gravel surface over the winter to improve access safety. Power supply for improved lighting being looked in to.   Update   Crusher run would need to be put down when it’s better weather. Due to the current wet weather conditions, it will make it worse under foot.
Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please   Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.   1/7/19 – No agreement for LUCS to book jetty, they can drop off and then moor up inside basin. If jetty is in use. LUCS can moor inside basin and they are aware of restrictions. Disabled access will only be through the basin and use footpath.   2/9/19 – Scott to discuss this solution with the Bistro and Lucs.   1/11/19 – Scott currently liaising with Bistro and Lucs – update to follow at next meeting Update please
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites? Scott @ SC is looking at the marking of visitor’s moorings. Some ideas have been discussed and Scott is going to produce 3 options which will then be put to the boaters for opinion via the LCA. 1/7/19 – No budget available for general signage improvements but H&S & Visitor signs will be provided. List of all moorings has been prepared, signs will be provided when budget is available   2/9/19 – Scott to provide 3 options by the end of September.   1/11/19 – Attached is a copy of the survey results. The winner is a painted strip in an agreed colour on the wharf wall or pontoon edge.   What options can we have for colour? White would be reflective if someone was reaching a mooring at dusk. A dark colour is unlikely to show.     If so this is currently out for consultation through the LCA website.   An LCA member has suggested that international distress orange is the most visible colour. Is this an option?   I am unsure if this would be a wise colour choice to use given the implications that it is used when a vessel is in distress. We would not want to cause any undue concern or confusion. It would be helpful if the LCA could suggest two or three colours that would be easily visible from a vessel and we will identify the paint colour that we can easily obtain.
Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. 2/9/19 – A rubbing straight will be fitted by the start of the season. Update please   Timber has been purchased.  Awaiting update from maintenance team as to when they can carry out this work.  
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry? A. Scottish canals are taking responsibility for this. The issue is larger than just the baffle. We keep LCA informed. 1/7/19 – SC are now responsible for the ventilation system rather than the tenant. Options for a replacement baffle are being investigated. 2/9/19 – Extraction system to be replaced. Quotes are currently being received. Will update at next meeting. 1/11/19 – Property department are currently reviewing quotes.  No update available at the moment but SC realise the priority this requires   Update please
Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?   A. Depth gauging will take place in Feb 2019. 19/2/19 – Tug with sounder will be going through once the bridges re-open and before flotilla. 15/4/19 – Still planned. Tug will have sonar and device trailing to pick up high points. Trailing device will be the width of a boat. 1/7/19 – Survey from Grangemouth to Hillhead provided info on hotspots. The vessel with 1.6m draft had difficulty with weed/debris but it identified hotspots and debris.   Debris removal up to Twechar, will be continued when staff available.   Hillhead to Bowling will be gauged when a new tug has been commissioned in about 8 weeks. Union will be gauged when resources are available. 2/9/19 – Presentation and information note on this topic will be sent over. 1/11/19 – Remaining gauging works not yet undertaken – scheduled to be undertaken in early 2020, weather and staff availability permitting     Do we have a date for this yet?   Still TBC – will be dependent on available budget
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted? THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE 2/9/19 – Claypits Local Nature Reserve – Monday 9th September till Sunday 15th September 19 – Work starts on Gascube Bridge which will reduce the number of boats that can pass through the channel (please contact boat movements 07810794467 if you plan to travel through in these dates) Monday 16th September 19 until March 2020 – Channel closure will disrupt navigation along the Glasgow branch between Firhill and Applecross. Sea to sea navigation will be unaffected. Boaters located South of the closure have been offered alternative mooring should they wish.   Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this winter and will impact navigation at some point.   Falkirk Wheel winter maintenance – November to Mid December.   Wilcox homes pilling – November to January this impacts the farm to St Michaels and may cause some restriction.   Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound. Refurb of Customs house. Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug. Re-engineering of dredging’s to back fill beach to make new sea wall. Starts in 6 weeks for3 years + – outside boating area. Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches. 19/4/19 – Repairs to lock 31-32 which will not affect navigation. Garscube bridge will be built in October.   Ongoing
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? 2/9/19 – Next meeting is 18/10/19 1/11/19 – Tommy Thomson is organising   Further User Operational training has been carried out during Sept/Oct with the Reunion staff at Edinburgh Quay. Further training to be arranged with the boat owners over the winter period. Update please   T.T Will arrange with the boat owners a couple of training dates for the operation of Leamington Lift Bridge for March 20.   T.T is currently in talks with ReUnion volunteers on arranging refresher and new members training on the F&C canal locks on the Falkirk Flight.  
Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area? 2/9/19 – it may be possible to do something at Stockingfield. 1/11/19 – No plans at the moment.  Can be discussed further at next meeting To be discussed
Q. is there some information that could be put on the evac point signage to be given to 999 as a reference point? 2/9/19 – Looking at the possibility of using the what 3 words app which is currently being trailed by EMS.   Also looking at the possibility of using this as an additional way to report a nav issue that would pick up the location. May be looking to get some boaters to test it in the future.   1/11/19 – No update available at the moment.  Can be discussed further at next meeting.   To be discussed
Q. LCA submitted a proposal for boaters to help with weed control. 2/9/19 – LCA to suggest an agreeable fuel price for boaters taking part in the programme.   1/11/19 – LCA has provided the requested information Update please

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee 04/11/19

Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union
Canal were only dug out to 15m.
Are there any plans to
lengthen these as many
boats cannot fit?
Have you had any
further thoughts on
2/9/19 – Dredging from Linlithgow.
St Michaels to Linlithgow basin to Preston road and ending at Causewayend bridge completed. Evac points have been strimmed. Not all evac points were dredged just the ones on the long straights. Plant now in Firhill and will be working all winter. Land and water have been contracted to continue reprofiling. They set up this week with plans to complete by Christmas.
Q. What are the
current plans for
We previously were
told there would be a map with dredging marked.
1/7/19 – Dredging in Caledonian/Crinan during summer, High spots on Union will be dredged over the winter.
Sea lock to be dredged at back of summer due to environmental constraints.
Trash cleaning ongoing westwards from Auchinstarry during summer.
No date for consultation yet.
2/9/19 – Caledonian/Crinan now planned for start of the season
In relation to sealock dredging SC are consulting with the salmon fishery and will provide further updates at next meeting.
Trash clearing is now complete
Consultation expected by end Sep/early Oct.
4/11/19 – Tender to be issued for river carron dredging, should budget be available works will be undertaken in early 2020
Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?
Boaters at Causewayend advise that this work would be done when funds become available. With the pier being reinstated there are concerns about lack of disabled access on and to the landing stage. There is also concerns over the lighting.
A. Gravel put down with Wacker plate does not last really needs tarmac.
Bistro owns the path. There are on going discussions but nothing can happen with without agreement from landowners.
1/7/19 – Option for a Gravel path being investigated but drainage solution is the key. Discussions ongoing.
Solar lighting fitted some time ago disappeared but new solar lighting triggered by trip switches has now been installed.
2/9/19 – Crusher run to be put down over the winter. Possibility of lighting on a switch and timer so Boaters can activate and then the lights will automatically turn off.
4/11/19 – Will relay gravel surface over the winter to improve access safety. Power supply for improved lighting being looked in to.
Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please
Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.
1/7/19 – No agreement for LUCS to book jetty, they can drop off and then moor up inside basin. If jetty is in use. LUCS can moor inside basin and they are aware of restrictions.
Disabled access will only be through the basin and use footpath.
2/9/19 – Scott to discuss this solution with the Bistro and Lucs.
4/11/19 – Scott currently liasing with Bistro and Lucs – update to follow at next meeting
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?Scott @ SC is looking at the marking of visitor’s moorings. Some ideas have been discussed and Scott is going to produce 3 options which will then be put to the boaters for opinion via the LCA.
1/7/19 – No budget available for general signage improvements but H&S & Visitor signs will be provided.
List of all moorings has been prepared, signs will be provided when budget is available
2/9/19 – Scott to provide 3 options by the end of September.
4/11/19 – Results of the survey show painted strip as the winner. White would be a good colour as it is reflective if someone was reaching a mooring at dusk. a dark colour is unlikely to show.
Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. 2/9/19 – A rubbing straight will be fitted by the start of the season.
Q. As discussed with Mark please can we explore the option of counter leaver pontoon/step at Applecross4/11/19 – Engineering to provide a technical spec for the pontoon/step required and provide costs. will update.
Q. As discussed with Tommy please can we look at the possibility of getting water to the bollards at the bottom of Jubilee lock (west)4/11/19 – will investigate to see what the options are within the area. If a supply is within this area, will cost up the job.
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry? A. Scottish canals are taking responsibility for this. The issue is larger than just the baffle. We keep LCA informed.
1/7/19 – SC are now responsible for the ventilation system rather than the tenant. Options for a replacement baffle are being investigated.
2/9/19 – Extraction system to be replaced. Quotes are currently being received. Will update at next meeting.
4/11/19 – Property department are currently reviewing quotes. No update available at the moment but SC realise the priority this requires.
Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?A. Depth gauging will take place in Feb 2019.
19/2/19 – Tug with sounder will be going through once the bridges re-open and before flotilla.
15/4/19 – Still planned. Tug will have sonar and device trailing to pick up high points. Trailing device will be the width of a boat.
1/7/19 – Survey from Grangemouth to Hillhead provided info on hotspots. The vessel with 1.6m draft had difficulty with weed/debris but it identified hotspots and debris.
Debris removal up to Twechar, will be continued when staff available.
Hillhead to Bowling will be gauged when a new tug has been commissioned in about 8 weeks.
Union will be gauged when resources are available.
2/9/19 – Presentation and information note on this topic will be sent over.
4/11/19 – Remaining gauging works not yet undertaken – scheduled to be undertaken in early 2020, weather and staff availability permitting.
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted? Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound. Refurb of Customs house. Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug.
Re-engineering of dredging’s to back fill beach to make new sea wall. Starts in 6 weeks for3 years + – outside boating area.
Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches.
19/4/19 – Repairs to lock 31-32 which will not affect navigation.
Garscube bridge will be built in October.
2/9/19 – Claypits Local Nature Reserve – Monday 9th September till Sunday 15th September 19 – Work starts on Gascube Bridge which will reduce the number of boats that can pass through the channel (please contact boat movements 07810794467 if you plan to travel through in these dates)
Monday 16th September 19 until March 2020 – Channel closure will disrupt navigation along the Glasgow branch between Firhill and Applecross. Sea to sea navigation will be unaffected. Boaters located South of the closure have been offered alternative mooring should they wish.
Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this winter and will impact navigation at some point.
Falkirk Wheel winter maintenance – November to Mid December.
Wilcox homes pilling – November to January this impacts the farm to st Michaels and may cause some restriction.
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations?4/11/19 – Tommy Thomson is organising
Further User Operational training has been carried out during Sept/Oct with the Reunion staff at Edinburgh Quay. Further training to be arranged with the boat owners over the winter period.
Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area? 2/9/19 – it may be possible to do something at Stockingfield.
4/11/19 – No plans at the moment. can be discussed further at next meeting
Q. is there some information that could be put on the evac point signage to be given to 999 as a reference point?2/9/19 – Looking at the possibility of using the what 3 words app which is currently being trailed by EMS.
Also looking at the possibility of using this as an additional way to report a nav issue that would pick up the location. May be looking to get some boaters to test it in the future.
4/11/19 – No plans at the moment. can be discussed further at next meeting
Q. LCA submitted a proposal for boaters to help with weed control.2/9/19 – With weeding fleet being increased this issue becomes null and void. A general weeding question is to be opened on this tracker to allow for constant monitoring and any weed related question to be raised.
Q. Wave Bridge – Edinburgh Council. LCA has spoken with Edinburgh council and advised that we would like to be kept in consultation on the project and want to confirm that the bride will be at the minimum air draft or above of the rest on the system and as plans progress, we need to ensure minimum disruption to navigation. Edinburgh council has advised they have been in discussions with SC. Can you advise on your thoughts and discussions so far in relation to this project 4/11/19 – This will be third party works and ECC will require to comply with our regulations.
Technical spec for bridge and connective walkway agreed and will not restrict Union Canal air draft.
Q. Please can you advise on any current conversations you have had regarding the proposed pontoons by Tartan leisure near the wave bridge?
LCA thinks this is a good idea but that pontoons are not the most suitable option. We have suggestions we would like to discuss further with Tartan Leisure and SC.
4/11/19 – We are hoping to gain some moorings at this location through planning gain.  The design of which has not been agreed.  It is expected that any design would include a jetty rather than a pontoon given the width of the Canal.
Q. LCA submitted a
proposal for boaters to
help with weed control.
1/7/19 – Feedback required from Tommy for details of trial areas and possible payments to boaters
Q. Slippy pontoons – Is there a maintenance schedule. 2/9/19 – there are plans to upgrade all pontoons to GRP this will depend on suitability for changing to GRP and take time and budget, Priority will be given to lock 16 and Ratho as they have been reported as particularly bad. In the meantime both areas will be pressure washed as a matter of urgency.
4/11/19 – Lock 16 ongoing, Ratho substructure being investigated to accomodate GRP, Auchinstarry linear linear moorings to follow.
Q. Auchinstarry compound looking particularly untidy with lots of scrap metal and two old vehicles. Space could be better utilised.2/9/19 – one vehicle is paying rent, the other will be investigated. Agreed that the compound needs a general tidy up.
4/11/19 – Tommy Thomson arranging this over the winter shut down
Q. Report of overhanging trees that will eventually impact navigation between bridge 5a and unmarked bridge at Westerhailes.2/9/19 – This is planned for the winter.
Q. Lock 2 has an unusable riser. Can we fix this please2/9/19 – It has already been inspected and will be fixed this side of Christmas.
4/11/19 – Scheduled to be repaired during November stoppage works
Q. Possible vermin issue at Lock 16 Please can you investigate? 2/9/19 – Tommy will take a look and report back.
4/11/19 – Servest facilities management are dealing with this issue

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee 02/09/19

Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union
Canal were only dug out to 15m.
Are there any plans to
lengthen these as many
boats cannot fit?
Have you had any
further thoughts on
2/9/19 – Dredging from Linlithgow.
St Michaels to Linlithgow basin to Preston road and ending at Causewayend bridge completed. Evac points have been strimmed. Not all evac points were dredged just the ones on the long straights. Plant now in Firhill and will be working all winter. Land and water have been contracted to continue reprofiling. They set up this week with plans to complete by Christmas.
Q. What are the
current plans for
We previously were
told there would be a map with dredging marked.
1/7/19 – Dredging in Caledonian/Crinan during summer, High spots on Union will be dredged over the winter.
Sea lock to be dredged at back of summer due to environmental constraints.
Trash cleaning ongoing westwards from Auchinstarry during summer.
No date for consultation yet.
2/9/19 – Caledonian/Crinan now planned for start of the season
In relation to sealock dredging SC are consulting with the salmon fishery and will provide further updates at next meeting.
Trash clearing is now complete
Consultation expected by end Sep/early Oct.

Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?
Boaters at Causewayend advise that this work would be done when funds become available. With the pier being reinstated there are concerns about lack of disabled access on and to the landing stage. There is also concerns over the lighting.
A. Gravel put down with Wacker plate does not last really needs tarmac.
Bistro owns the path. There are on going discussions but nothing can happen with without agreement from landowners.
1/7/19 – Option for a Gravel path being investigated but drainage solution is the key. Discussions ongoing.
Solar lighting fitted some time ago disappeared but new solar lighting triggered by trip switches has now been installed.
2/9/19 – Crusher run to be put down over the winter. Possibility of lighting on a switch and timer so Boaters can activate and then the lights will automatically turn off.
Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please
Additional suggestion – Can we get a date and time when the landing stage will be reserved put on the board so it is clear to boaters when they can use the landing stage.
1/7/19 – No agreement for LUCS to book jetty, they can drop off and then moor up inside basin. If jetty is in use. LUCS can moor inside basin and they are aware of restrictions.
Disabled access will only be through the basin and use footpath.
2/9/19 – Scott to discuss this solution with the Bistro and Lucs.
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?Scott @ SC is looking at the marking of visitor’s moorings. Some ideas have been discussed and Scott is going to produce 3 options which will then be put to the boaters for opinion via the LCA.
1/7/19 – No budget available for general signage improvements but H&S & Visitor signs will be provided.
List of all moorings has been prepared, signs will be provided when budget is available
2/9/19 – Scott to provide 3 options by the end of September.
Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina. 2/9/19 – A rubbing straight will be fitted by the start of the season.
Q. What is the current situation with Twechar and Bonnybridge?2/9/19 – SC advised a communication was sent about the short restriction needed for re-calibration and there is no additional work to be done above and beyond general annual maintenance.
Q. What is wrong with Leamington lift bridge and what are the current plans to fix it
CS – Suggest talking to Historic Scotland about removing the bridge and making a feature of it.
A. Structure corrosion and issues with the counter balance. Options being discussed include propping the bridge open and reducing the load on the bridge by changing the road base to aluminium.
26/10/18 – Historic environment Scotland meeting has been held. Awaiting a response. Further discussions and meetings ongoing.
Once a conclusion has been agreed there will be a comms to let people know.
19/2/19 – Repairs are fully funded by Sustrans. Should be fully repaired by August.
15/4/19 – Work Started
1/7/19 – Works should be complete and operational by the end of summer, same operating regime as before.
2/9/19 – work completed.
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry? A. Scottish canals are taking responsibility for this. The issue is larger than just the baffle. We keep LCA informed.
1/7/19 – SC are now responsible for the ventilation system rather than the tenant. Options for a replacement baffle are being investigated.
2/9/19 – Extraction system to be replaced. Quotes are currently being received. Will update at next meeting.
Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?A. Depth gauging will take place in Feb 2019.
19/2/19 – Tug with sounder will be going through once the bridges re-open and before flotilla.
15/4/19 – Still planned. Tug will have sonar and device trailing to pick up high points. Trailing device will be the width of a boat.
1/7/19 – Survey from Grangemouth to Hillhead provided info on hotspots. The vessel with 1.6m draft had difficulty with weed/debris but it identified hotspots and debris.
Debris removal up to Twechar, will be continued when staff available.
Hillhead to Bowling will be gauged when a new tug has been commissioned in about 8 weeks.
Union will be gauged when resources are available.
2/9/19 – Presentation and information note on this topic will be sent over.
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events being restricted? Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound. Refurb of Customs house. Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug.
Re-engineering of dredging’s to back fill beach to make new sea wall. Starts in 6 weeks for3 years + – outside boating area.
Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches.
19/4/19 – Repairs to lock 31-32 which will not affect navigation.
Garscube bridge will be built in October.
2/9/19 – Claypits Local Nature Reserve – Monday 9th September till Sunday 15th September 19 – Work starts on Gascube Bridge which will reduce the number of boats that can pass through the channel (please contact boat movements 07810794467 if you plan to travel through in these dates)
Monday 16th September 19 until March 2020 – Channel closure will disrupt navigation along the Glasgow branch between Firhill and Applecross. Sea to sea navigation will be unaffected. Boaters located South of the closure have been offered alternative mooring should they wish.
Stockingfield Bridge – works expected to begin this winter and will impact navigation at some point.
Falkirk Wheel winter maintenance – November to Mid December.
Wilcox homes pilling – November to January this impacts the farm to st Michaels and may cause some restriction.
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations?2/9/19 – Next meeting is 18/10/19
Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopbriggs. Are there any plans for evac points in that area? 2/9/19 – it may be possible to do something at Stockingfield.
Q. is there some information that could be put on the evac point signage to be given to 999 as a reference point?2/9/19 – Looking at the possibility of using the what 3 words app which is currently being trailed by EMS.
Also looking at the possibility of using this as an additional way to report a nav issue that would pick up the location. May be looking to get some boaters to test it in the future.
Q. Discussion on areas that trucksters can access to be discussed with Tommy at next meeting.2/9/19 – With weeding fleet being increased this issue becomes null and void. A general weeding question is to be opened on this tracker to allow for constant monitoring and any weed related question to be raised.
Q. LCA submitted a proposal for boaters to help with weed control.2/9/19 – With weeding fleet being increased this issue becomes null and void. A general weeding question is to be opened on this tracker to allow for constant monitoring and any weed related question to be raised.
Q. What is the situation with regard to boat access to and mooring in Port Dundas?2/9/19 – No plans; however, conversations are ongoing with Glasgow council. Boats can access this area with advanced (extended) notice.
Q. What can be done to reduce the impact of the Falkirk Wheel winter maintenance on the Flotilla of Lights event on the 23rd November?2/9/19 – Any boats wishing to go before the shut down and return after will be able to stay on the union during the shutdown.
Richard Miller is also investigating if it would be possible to move boats the week before and week after. This is not guaranteed.
Q. LCA submitted a
proposal for boaters to
help with weed control.
1/7/19 – Feedback required from Tommy for details of trial areas and possible payments to boaters
Q. Slippy pontoons – Is there a maintenance schedule. 2/9/19 – there are plans to upgrade all pontoons to GRP this will depend on suitability for changing to GRP and take time and budget, Priority will be given to lock 16 and Ratho as they have been reported as particularly bad. In the meantime both areas will be pressure washed as a matter of urgency.
Q. Auchinstarry compound looking particularly untidy with lots of scrap metal and two old vehicles. Space could be better utilised.2/9/19 – one vehicle is paying rent, the other will be investigated. Agreed that the compound needs a general tidy up.
Q. Report of overhanging trees that will eventually impact navigation between bridge 5a and unmarked bridge at Westerhailes.2/9/19 – This is planned for the winter.
Q. Lock 2 has an unusable riser. Can we fix this please2/9/19 – It has already been inspected and will be fixed this side of Christmas.
Q. There has been reports of security issues including people jumping on and off boats 2/9/19 – Please make sure all incidences are reported to the police and you get an incident number. The more official reports the easier it is to allocate budget for security.
Q. Possible vermin issue at Lock 16 Please can you investigate?2/9/19 – Tommy will take a look and report back.

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee 01/07/19

Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union
Canal were only dug out to 15m.
Are there any plans to
lengthen these as many
boats cannot fit?
Have you had any
further thoughts on
A. Dredging and expanding evacuation points from Bridge 12 towards Linlithgow. Dredging’s going on offside starting November through to approximately March

we will be carrying out dredging on the F&C his winter.

19/2/19 – In Progress

15/4/19 – Still in Progress

1/7/19 – Dredging to start at Linlithgow heading Eastwards next Monday picking up high
points and extending emergency points as they come to them.
Dredging the evacuation points West of Linlithgow is dependent on whether there is any budget left once the new moorings have been cleared.
Q. What are the
current plans for
We previously were
told there would be a map with dredging marked.
A. Will investigate as to a map; however, it may be more appropriate for a stoppages list including dredging instead of a map. Some funding has become available for dredging in front of the new sea lock, Linlithgow and Edinburgh Quay. April-May there will also be Spot dredging on the F+C
15/4/19 – List will be part of the consultation to be released in the near future. Dredging in Linlithgow and Edinburgh Quay complete F+C and Sealock still planned.
1/7/19 – Dredging in Caledonian/Crinan during summer,High spots on Union will be dredged over the winter. Sea lock to be dredged at back of summer due to environmental constraints.
Trash cleaning ongoing westwards from Auchinstarry during summer.
No date for consultation yet.
Q. What are the latest plans to reinstate the pier at
A. Jetty in progress due completion by start of May 

1/7/19 – Jetty now complete and operational, not suitable for disabled.

Q.There has been
discussions to put gravel
down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro
and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?

Boaters at Causewayend advise that this work would be done when funds become available. With the pier being reinstated there are concerns about lack of disabled access on and to the landing stage. There is also concerns over the lighting.

A. Gravel put down with Wacker plate does not last really needs tarmac.

Bistro owns the path. There are on going discussions but nothing can happen with without agreement from landowners.

1/7/19 – Option for a Gravel path being investigated but drainage solution is the
Discussions ongoing.
Solar lighting fitted some time ago
disappeared but new solar lighting triggered by trip switches has now been
Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please

A. LUCS has asked SC to be able to book the pontoon. LUCS has been advised by SC that they could put a sign out stating when they wish to drop passengers off and then move into the basin. There is a free visitors mooring in the basin. Both the jetty and visitors mooring are first come first served. SC will not entre an agreement for booking of the pontoon.

Disabled access to the Jetty will be investigated and reported back.

1/7/19 – No agreement for LUCS to book jetty, they can drop off and then moor up inside basin. If jetty is in use. LUCS can moor inside basin and they are aware of restrictions.
Disabled access will only be through the basin and use footpath.
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?

A. Signage report complete. Costings to be gathered. Report to be shared with LCA Nav and Safety Committee

26/10/18 – Will chase

19/2/19 – Paula is compiling a list of mooring signage

15/4/19 – Paula to provide an explanation of the signage reports being compiled as there seems to be two.

Additional Information – Scott @ SC is looking at the marking of visitor’s moorings. Some ideas have been discussed and Scott is going to produce 3 options which will then be put to the boaters for opinion via the LCA.

1/7/19 – No budget available for general
signage improvements but H&S & Visitor signs will be provided.
List of all moorings has been prepared,
signs will be provided when budget is
Q.Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of
Ratho Marina.
A. Looking at the possibility of using some wood currently at Auchinstarry.

19/2/19 – Ongoing

15/4/19 – Awaiting information from Tommy.

1/7/19 – Tommy to advise
Q. What is the current situation with Twechar and Bonnybridge?

A. Twechar bridge completed. Bonnybridge to be completed Friday 19/4/19

1/7/19 – No outstanding works affecting boaters.
Q. What is wrong with Leamington lift bridge and what are the current plans to fix it. CS – Suggest talking to Historic Scotland about removing the bridge and making a feature of it.

A. Structure corrosion and issues with the counter balance. Options being discussed include propping the bridge open and reducing the load on the bridge by changing the road base to aluminium.

26/10/18 – Historic environment Scotland meeting has been held. Awaiting a response. Further discussions and meetings ongoing. Once a conclusion has been agreed there will be a comms to let people know.

19/2/19 – Repairs are fully funded by Sustrans. Should be fully repaired by August.

15/4/19 – Work started
1/7/19 – Works should be complete and
operational by the end of summer, same
operating regime as before.
Q. Can you provide any timescales/updates on lock 6?

A. Lock gate has been removed and Stanley Ferry will be doing a conditional report in the next few weeks. We will look into what options are available going forward. 26/10/18 – Will be up and running by start of 2019 season. Stanley Ferry can’t make gates. Awaiting award of contract to someone else.

19/2/19 – Still on track – Possibility of running into the first two weeks of April.

15/4/19 – Slight delay due to issues with Cill. Due to be completed by May
1/7/19 – Works complete and operational.
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry?

A. SC is taking responsibility for this. The issue is larger than just the baffle. Will keep LCA informed.

1/7/19 – SC are now responsible for the ventilation system rather than the tenant. Options for a replacement baffle are being investigated.
Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?

 A. Depth gauging will take place in Feb 2019.

19/2/19 – Tug with sounder will be going through once the bridges re-open and before flotilla.

15/4/19 – Still planned. Tug will have sonar and device trailing to pick up high points. Trailing device will be the width of a boat.
1/7/19 – Survey from Grangemouth to Hillhead provided info on hotspots. The vessel with 1.6m draft had difficulty with weed/debris but it identified hotspots and debris.
Debris removal up to Twechar, will be continued when staff available.
Hillhead to Bowling will be gauged when a new tug has been commissioned in about 8 weeks.
Union will be gauged when resources are
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events been restricted? A. There will be winter works on Big man bridge at Maryhill. Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound. Refurb of Customs house. Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug.
Re-engineering of dredging’s to back fill beach to make new sea wall. Starts in 6 weeks for 3years + – outside boating area.
Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches.
19/4/19 – Repairs to lock 31-32 which will not affect navigation.
Garscube bridge will be built in October.
Current Falkirk Wheel works to be completed by end March.
1/7/19 – Stockinfield(Big Man) Bridge, piling the banks will not impede navigation, only short term closures for lifting deck into position. Bowling – Custom house start next few weeks, finished end of year. Arches start soon finish next spring.
Backfilling beach is awaiting approval.
Sustrans project, slight disruption possible from September till July 2020
Lock 31-32 sluices complete.
Garscube Bridge, work to start 16 Sept but some restricted navigation may still be possible until works are complete. Bridge will probably be user operated by trained boaters.
Falkirk Wheel work now complete
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? 15/4/19 – Meeting was held. information from that meeting will be part of the consultation and Paula is organising the next date to be held at Southbank Marina in an evening.
1/7/19 – No date yet, Paula to report back
Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopsbrigg. Is there any plans for evac points in that area?A. Will look at this section in relation to evacuation in an emergency.
1/7/19 – Tommy to advise
Q. it was previously raised that boater keeping a log of movement would be helpful to SC. Please can you say how this data would be useful.A. Data will be used for grants etc. We would like a collation of movements not individual. e.g. in 2019 x boat movements were between x and y.
1/7/19 – No real info on Union movements since no locks or bridges. Suggest using footpath counter or similar to count boat movements.
Q. is there some information that could be put on
the evac point signage to
be given to 999 as a
reference point?
A. Skippers guide will mark evac points when reprinted.
1/7/19 – No funds for reprinting guide,
website version will be updated for use by
boaters. Update on signs to come from
Tommy. Emergency services can locate from satellite info from mobile phones
Q. Discussion on areas
that trucksters can access to be discussed with
Tommy at next meeting.
1/7/19 – Tommy to advise.
Q. LCA submitted a
proposal for boaters to
help with weed control.
1/7/19 – Feedback required from Tommy for details of trial areas and possible payments to boaters
Q. What is the situation
with regard to boat access to and mooring in Port
1/7/19 – Access available through Speaker
Martin’s lock into the basin. Access into
Pinkston Basin may be problematic, unsure who owns the canal and bank. The area is also in the process of redevelopment for
Spiers Wharf is easily accessible.

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair 19/02/19

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?

A. Dredging and expanding evacuation points from Bridge 12 towards Linlithgow. Dredging’s going on offside starting November through to approximately March

we will be carrying out dredging on the F&C this winter.

19/2/19 – In Progress

15/4/19 – Still in Progress

Q. What are the current plans for dredging? We previously were told there would be a map with dredging marked.

A. Will investigate as to a map; however, it may be more appropriate for a stoppages list including dredging instead of a map. Some funding has become available for dredging in front of the new sea lock, Linlithgow and Edinburgh Quay. April-May there will also be Spot dredging on the F+C

15/4/19 – List will be part of the consultation to be released in the near future.

Dredging in Linlithgow and Edinburgh Quay complete

F+C and Sealock still planned.

Q. What are the latest plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?

A. Jetty in progress due to complete by start of May 

Q.There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?

Boaters at Causewayend advise that this work would be done when funds become available. With the pier being reinstated there are concerns about lack of disabled access on and to the landing stage. There is also concerns over the lighting.

A. Gravel put down with Wacker plate does not last really needs tarmac.

Bistro owns the path. There are on going discussions but nothing can happen with without agreement from landowners.

Q. There has been a suggestion that LUCS and the Bistro are intending to ‘book’ the landing stage for their cruises. Can you comment please

A. LUCS has asked SC to be able to book the pontoon. LUCS has been advised by SC that they could put a sign out stating when they wish to drop passengers off and then move into the basin. There is a free visitors mooring in the basin. Both the jetty and visitors mooring are first come first served. SC will not entre an agreement for booking of the pontoon.

Disabled access to the Jetty will be investigated and reported back.
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?

A. Signage report complete. Costings to be gathered. Report to be shared with LCA Nav and Safety Committee26/10/18 – Will chase19/2/19 – Paula is compiling a list of mooring signage15/4/19 – Paula to provide an explanation of the signage reports being compiled as there seems to be two.

Additional Information – Scott @ SC is looking at the marking of visitor’s moorings. Some ideas have been discussed and Scott is going to produce 3 options which will then be put to the boaters for opinion via the LCA.

Q. cutting seems hampered by lack of access points for the trucksters. Would it not be possible to create a portable ramp?

NEW OPEN COMMENT – Discussion on areas that trucksters can access to be had with Tommy at next meeting.
A. We will provide an update on if this is technically feasible

6/9/18 – still in discussion

26/10/18 – Discussions are happening with the TA to get advise of design. Still on going. Will update in due course.

19/2/19 – No plans for a ramp; however, the weed cutting plan is being adapted to have the full fleet working all season. 3 x Berkys and 3 x Trucksters.

Capital bid in for 4th Berky

Q.Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.A. Looking at the possibility of using some wood currently at Auchinstarry.

19/2/19 – Ongoing

15/4/19 – Awaiting information from Tommy.
Q. What is the current situation with Twechar and Bonnybridge?

A. Twechar bridge completed. Bonnybridge to be completed Friday 19/4/19

Q. It was previously raised that boaters keeping a log of movements would be helpful to SC. Please can you say how this information will be useful.

 A. Data will be used for grants etc. SC would like a collation of movements not individuals. e.g. in 2019 x amount of boats moved between x and y.

Q. On the Auchinstarry linar line the boats have been shunted to make space for a widebeam. Instead of shunting everything toward the east end they have shunted INDI further into the diesel berth restricting the length. This is not appropriate and needs to be addresses? A. Customers have been sent a letter asking them to move slightly.

LCA has been made aware that letters were not sent and we do not think that boats should be moved as the issue was created by fitting the widebeam in to a space too small.

19/2/19 – Will look at why the new widebeam was places in that position

Discussion held in relation to making sure this does not happen again. SC will monitor.

Q. What is wrong with Leamington lift bridge and what are the current plans to fix it. CS – Suggest talking to Historic Scotland about removing the bridge and making a feature of it.

A. Structure corrosion and issues with the counter balance. Options being discussed include propping the bridge open and reducing the load on the bridge by changing the road base to aluminium. 26/10/18 – Historic environment Scotland meeting has been held. Awaiting a response. Further discussions and meetings ongoing. Once a conclusion has been agreed there will be a comms to let people know.

19/2/19 – Repairs are fully funded by Sustrans. Should be fully repaired by August.

15/4/19 – Work started
Q. Is there some information that could be put on evac point signage to be given to 999 as a referance point?A. Skippers guide will mark evac points when re-printed.
Q. Can you provide any timescales/updates on lock 6?

A. Lock gate has been removed and Stanley Ferry will be doing a conditional report in the next few weeks. We will look into what options are available going forward. 26/10/18 – Will be up and running by start of 2019 season. Stanley Ferry can’t make gates. Awaiting award of contract to someone else.

19/2/19 – Still on track – Possibility of running into the first two weeks of April.

15/4/19 – Slight delay due to issues with Cill. Due to be completed by May
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry?

A. SC is taking responsibility for this. The issue is larger than just the baffle. Will keep LCA informed.

Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging?

 A. Depth gauging will take place in Feb 2019.

19/2/19 – Tug with sounder will be going through once the bridges re-open and before flotilla.

15/4/19 – Still planned. Tug will have sonar and device trailing to pick up high points. Trailing device will be the width of a boat.
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events been restricted? A. THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE

There will be winter works on Big man bridge at Maryhill.

Bowling – Works on car park becoming a compound. Referb of Customs house. Arches into a restaurant. End of March to End Aug.

Re-engineering of dredging’s to back fill beach to make new sea wall. Starts in 6 weeks for3 years + – outside boating area.

Current Falkirk Wheel works to be completed by end March.

Sustrans funded project to connect current cycle way to old rail bridge over Bowling arches.

15/4/19 – Repairs to locks 31-32 which will not affect navigation. Garsqube bridge will be built in October.
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations?

 A. 3 x internal meetings have been had. Will find out when the next external meeting will be.

19/2/19 – 5th March 2pm

15/4/19 – Meeting was held. information from that meeting will be part of the consultation and Paula is organising the next date to be held at Southbank Marina in an evening.
Q. Maryhill to Cadder only has one pontoon at Bishopsbrigg. Is there any plans for evac points in that area?A. Will look at this section in relation to evacuation in an emergency. 

LCA committee meeting updates in preparation for Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair 19/02/19

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?A. Dredging and expanding evacuation points from Bridge 12 towards Linlithgow. Dredging’s going on offside starting November through to approximately March. We will be carrying out dredging on the F&C this winterUpdate Please
Q. What are the current plans for dredging? We previously were told there would be a map with dredging marked.A. See aboveUpdate Please.
Q. What are the latest plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?A. Pilling could not take place as the digger could not fit under the bridge. OngoingUpdate Please.
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?A. Signage report complete. Costings to be gathered. Report to be shared with LCA Nav and Safety Committee. 26/10/18 – Will ChaseUpdate Please
Q. Weed cutting seems hampered by lack of access points for the trucksters. Would it not be possible to create a portable ramp?We will provide an update on if this is technically feasible6/9/18 – still in discussion




26/10/18 – Discussions are happening with the TA to get advise of design. Still ongoing. Will update in due course.

update Please.
Q.Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.A. Looking at the possibility of using some wood currently at Auchinstarry.Update Please
Q. What is the current situation with Twechar and Bonnybridge?A. McKenzies have been awarded the contract to oversee the work and will be starting mid-October on BonnyBridge. Amongst other things there will be 4 new rams alongside the original 4 being repaired.26/10/18 – In progress to be completed by March. Engineers are currently working with the contractors. Will update when the projects start on site Update Please
Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?  A. Work boat bringing materials to site is on the other side of the stop planks at Linlithgow. We will look into what other options there are on delivering the materials to the site. Will keep the locals in this area updatedUpdate Please
Q. On the Auchinstarry linar line the boats have been shunted to make space for a widebeam. Instead of shunting everything toward the east end they have shunted INDI further into the diesel berth restricting the length. This is not appropriate and needs to be addresses? A. Customers have been sent a letter asking them to move slightly. Update Please
Q. What is wrong with Leamington lift bridge and what are the current plans to fix it. CS – Suggest talking to Historic Scotland about removing the bridge and making a feature of it.A. Structure corrosion and issues with the counter balance. Options being discussed include propping the bridge open and reducing the load on the bridge by changing the road base to aluminium. 26/10/18 – Historic environment Scotland meeting has been held. Awaiting a response. Further discussions and meetings ongoing. Once a conclusion has been agreed there will be a comms to let people know.Update Please
Q. Can you confirm insurance is paying for the repair of lock 6?A. S.C legal team will look into this. S.C H&S are currently investigating
the incident. 26/10/18 – Awaiting release of information
Update Please
Can you provide any timescales/updates on lock 6?A. Lock gate has been removed and Stanley Ferry will be doing a conditional report in the next few weeks. We will look into what options are available going forward. 26/10/18 – Will be up and running by start of 2019 season. Stanley Ferry can’t make gates. Awaiting award of contract to someone else.Update Please
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry?A. Baffle will be replaced in due course. There is currently no one using the boathouse and no noise being produced.Update Please
Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging? A. Depth gauging will take place in Feb 2019. Has this started?
Q. Do sea lock time limits recognise tidal restraints? A. Staff will not deliberately leave someone stranded. They will open the sealock outside time limits if needed.. Closed
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events been restricted? A. THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE  
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? A. 3 x internal meetings have been had. Will find out when the next external meeting will be.Update Please. Is there a date set?
Q. Heard some lock gates have been ordered for west of the F&C  Is this the case and if so which ones? When do you expect them? Are they for immediate replacement or have they been commissioned as spares?

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair 26/10/18 with LCA committee meeting updates

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?A. Dredging and expanding evacuation points from Bridge 12 towards Linlithgow. Dredging’s going on offside starting November through to approximately March Richard Millar has said there will be spot dredging on the F+C this winter. Please confirm. SC update – Yes we will be carrying out dredging on the F&C this winter
Q. What are the current plans for dredging?A. See aboveAs mentioned above on the two canals.
Q. What are the latest plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?A. Pilling could not take place as the digger could not fit under the bridge. We are looking at different options on how to access the site and carry out the works. Will give you an updated in due course.Update Please
Q. Are there any plans for more life rings or throwlines?Lock 16, Long line at Kelpies + East and West F&C pontoons at the wheel have a shortageA. Liferings have been placed 1 x Kelpies and 1 x Lock 16 complete. Closed
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?A. Signage report complete. Costings to be gathered. Report to be shared with LCA Nav and Safety Committee.




26/10/18 – Will Chase

Update Please
Q. Weed cutting seems hampered by lack of access points for the trucksters. Would it not be possible to create a portable ramp?We will provide an update on if this is technically feasible.6/9/18 – still in discussion




26/10/18 – Discussions are happening with the TA to get advise of design.

Still on going. Will update in due course.
Q.Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.A. Looking at the possibility of using some wood currently at Auchinstarry.Update Please
Q. What is the current situation with Twechar and Bonnybridge?A. McKenzies have been awarded the contract to oversee the work and will be starting mid-October on BonnyBridge. Amongst other things there will be 4 new rams alongside the original 4 being repaired.26/10/18 – In progress to be completed by MarchEngineers are currently working with the contractors.
Will update when the projects start on site.
Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?  A. to be done Nov/DecWork boat bringing materials to site is on the other side of the stop planks at Linlithgow. We will look into what other options there are on delivering the materials to the site. Will keep the locals in this area updated.
Q. What latest with the weed cutters and trucksters as the weed cutter in Auchnistarry is on the slipway broken and I have heard that a trickster was sunk or damaged? A. Weed Cutter not working.Closed
Q. On the Auchinstarry linar line the boats have been shunted to make space for a widebeam. Instead of shunting everything toward the east end they have shunted INDI further into the diesel berth restricting the length. This is not appropriate and needs to be addresses? A. Customers have been sent a letter asking them to move slightly. Update Please
Q. What is wrong with Leamington lift bridge and what are the current plans to fix it. CS – Suggest talking to Historic Scotland about removing the bridge and making a feature of it.A. Structure corrosion and issues with the counter balance. Options being discussed include propping the bridge open and reducing the load on the bridge by changing the road base to aluminium. 26/10/18 – Historic environment Scotland meeting has been held. Awaiting a response.Further discussions and meetings ongoing. Once a conclusion has been agreed there will be a comms to let people know.
Q. Boats on the union only have 2 options from diesel either Leamington or bottom of the Wheel. With the above comment in mind and the restricted opening hours of lamington lift bridge the restrictions are causing problems can you think of any way we can reduce the impact e.g. open lamington more or could there be a mid point on the Union where a diesel point could be added?A. Winchbourgh marina will have diesel and pump out.Closed
Q. There is a leaking bollard down the end of the liner line in Auchinstarry can this be fixed?A. Fixed.Closed
Q. Can you confirm insurance is paying for the repair of lock 6?A. S.C legal team will look into this. S.C H&S are currently investigating
the incident. 26/10/18 – Awaiting release of information
Update Please
Q. Can you provide any timescales/updates on lock 6?A. Lock gate has been removed and Stanley Ferry will be doing a conditional report in the next few weeks. We will look into what options are available going forward. 26/10/18 – Will be up and running by start of 2019 season. Stanley Ferry can’t make gates. Awaiting award of contract to someone else.Update Please
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry?A. Baffle will be replaced in due course. There is currently no one using the boathouse and no noise being produced.Update Please
Q. Causewayend: SC are again looking at possibility of moorings on basin wall. Proposal for 2 spaces on outer and 1 on inner NW wall. Improvement to path and permission for rings being reconsidered.Also, SC have now accepted impracticality of leisure moorings at basin due to lack of parking. One boat ‘Blackthorn’ has left for Southern Waters and space will not be re-allocated. Now available as Visitor mooring. A. Blackthorns mooring has been allocated as a winter mooring to a boat that was due to winter at the kelpies but can not due to lock 6.Will get confirmation on the other points and confirmation that after the winter mooring the blackthorn space will be deemed a visitors berth




26/10/18 – Confirmed. Bridge 50 towpath side has also had additional mooring rings.

Q. Has the canal depth been recently gauged to allow best targeting of dredging? A. Depth gauging will take place in Feb 2019. Update Please
Q. Do sea lock time limits recognise tidal restraints? A. Staff will not deliberately leave someone stranded. They will open the sealock outside time limits if needed.. Closed
Q. Would it be possible to have more consultation about winter shut downs so we might be able to avoid organised events been restricted? A. THIS IS TO STAY OPEN ON THE TRACKER TO MAKE SURE ANY WORKS ARE DISCUSSED IN ADVANCE  
Q. When is next working group meeting going to be held regarding self-lock operations? A. 3 x internal meetings have been had. Will find out when the next external meeting will be.Update Please

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair 06/09/18

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?A. Still in the plan for winter 2018. A graduate engineer has also been taken on and has been allocated the task of looking at dredging and evac points to cost up requirements with a view to get more funds.  
Q. What are the current plans for dredging?A. See above 
Q. What are the latest plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?A. Pilling could not take place as the digger could not fit under the bridge. Ongoing 
Q. Are there any plans for more life rings or throwlines?




Lock 16, Long line at Kelpies + East and West F&C pontoons at the wheel have a shortage

A. Liferings have been placed 1 x Kelpies and 1 x Lock 16 will be complete at the end of the week.  
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?A. Signage report complete. Costings to be gathered. Report to be shared with LCA Nav and Safety Committee 
Q. Budget was allocated to twechar and bonnybridge repairs that are now been funded by the government. Please can you advise where this 2018/2019 budget allocation will now be spent?A. The budget that was allocated is now being used to enhance further improvements to the bridge along with the funding from the government. 
Q. Weed cutting seems hampered by lack of access points for the trucksters. Would it not be possible to create a portable ramp?We will provide an update on if this is technically feasible




6/9/18 – still in discussion

Q.Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.A. Cost will be emailed. 
Q. What is the current situation with Twechar and Bonnybridge?A. McKenzies have been awarded the contract to oversee the work and will be starting mid-October on BonnyBridge. Amongst other things there will be 4 new rams alongside the original 4 being repaired. 
Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?  A. Will catch up with this over the Autumn 
Q. There seems to be a sudden increase in Himalayan Bolsum on the canal verges. As this is an aggressive and invasive species is there any plans to tackle this? A. Contractors are already working on controlling this – 6/9/18 Lowland canals are now complete. 
Q. Please can you confirm the rules over filling jerry cans?A. Customers may take a maximum of 20 litres in Jerry cans. Same rules that apply to fore court stations. We will only fill Proper fuel containers that are approved.   
Q. It would appear that some boaters have been told that boats from the Union canal can not go down and up the wheel on the same day and they can not moor in the basin overnight? Can you confirm or deny this?A. Boats CAN go up and down on the same day. As long as they arrange the boat movement and plan it through the Bmk at the wheel. As long as it doesn’t interfere with the timed slots of the trip boats.  
Q. What latest with the weed cutters and trucksters as the weed cutter in Auchnistarry is on the slipway broken and I have heard that a trickster was sunk or damaged?A. Hiab next week to put conveyer belt back on and have the cutter back working in the next few weeks. 
Q. On the Auchinstarry linar line the boats have been shunted to make space for a widebeam. Instead of shunting everything toward the east end they have shunted INDI further into the diesel berth restricting the length. This is not appropriate and needs to be addresses?A. This has been discussed with moorings who is looking at re-allocating the spaces correctly. Will chase for update.  
Q. What is wrong with Leamington lift bridge and what are the current plans to fix it
CS – Suggest talking to Historic Scotland about removing the bridge and making a feature of it.
A. Structure corrosion and issues with the counter balance. Options being discussed include propping the bridge open and reducing the load on the bridge by changing the road base to aluminium 
Q. Boats on the union only have 2 options from diesel either Leamington or bottom of the Wheel. With the above comment in mind and the restricted opening hours of lamington lift bridge the restrictions are causing problems can you think of any way we can reduce the impact e.g. open lamington more or could there be a mid point on the Union where a diesel point could be added?A. Winchbourgh marina plans have had diesel and pump out put in as a request.Update Please
Q. Any news on the missing hotel baffle on the Boathouse in Auchinstarry?A. We are trying to find out what the contractor has done with it when they removed it and get it replaced. 
Q. There is a leaking bollard down the end of the liner line in Auchinstarry can this be fixed?A. Servest looking into this this week as two attempts to repair the bollard has failed.  
Q. Can you confirm insurance is paying for the repair of lock 6? A. S.C legal team will look into this.
S.C H&S are currently investigating the incident.
Q. Can you provide any timescales/updates on lock 6?A. Lock gate has been removed and Stanley Ferry will be doing a conditional report in the next few weeks. We will look into what options are available going forward. 
Q. We appreciate that the incident with lock 6 happened on a Sunday however I would like to know why a boater booked to transit were not immediately informed to re-arrange their plansA. Contact was not made earlier as the priority was dealing with the seriously injured crew member which took till 9.30pm. SC apologies for any inconvenience.  
Q. There has been some questions raised over the price of diesel in regards to the propulsion/heating split. Please can you confirm the current SC policy?A. It is up to the boater to declare the diesel split. SC has pre-pared prices for 0, 60/40 and 100%. 
Q. Causewayend: SC are again looking at possibility of moorings on basin wall. Proposal for 2 spaces on outer and 1 on inner NW wall. Improvement to path and permission for rings being reconsidered.




Also, SC have now accepted impracticality of leisure moorings at basin due to lack of parking. One boat ‘Blackthorn’ has left for Southern Waters and space will not be re-allocated. Now available as Visitor mooring.

 A. Blackthorns mooring has been allocated as a winter mooring to a boat that was due to winter at the kelpies but can not due to lock 6.




Will get confirmation on the other points and confirmation that after the winter mooring the blackthorn space will be deemed a visitors berth


Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair 21/06/18

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?A. Budget has meant that this did not happen and there are no plans for before March. Will have more information over the next 6 weeks and will provide an update on this and dredging plans




21/6/18 – This has been pushed back to winter 2018.

Is this still in the plan for 2018?
Q. What are the current plans for dredging?A. See above 
Q. What are the latest plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?A. Pier still in discussion. Mooring rings have been put in the towpath westside of the marina.Has there been any further discussions?
Q. Are there any plans for more life rings or throwlines?




Lock 16, Long line at Kelpies + East and West F&C pontoons at the wheel have a shortage

A. Liferings are in stock, poles and holders are on order and permits have been applied for. 




To be completed by end July.

 Is this now complete?
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?A. 15% of the signage report is completed to date and will provide an update on progress at next meeting (6/4/18)




21/6/18 – Length inspectors were reassigned. Will push for completion

 Update Please
Q. Causeway End outside basin moorings could use so light improvements e.g. mooring rings, path and vegetation cut back. Would this be possible?A. Mooring rings can not go in the marina side wall due to many trip hazards Closed
Q. Weed cutting seems hampered by lack of access points for the trucksters. Would it not be possible to create a portable ramp?A. We will provide an update on if this is technically feasible  Update Please
Q.Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.A. Will get a cost in the next few weeks




21/6/18 – Ongoing

 Update Please
Q. What is the current situation with Twechar and Bonnybridge?A. Money allocated in 2019 budget £1.6 million has been promised by Scottish Government as of 28/6/18 Update Please
Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?  A. Will look into this Update Please
Q. There seems to be a sudden increase in Himalayan Bolsum on the canal verges. As this is an aggressive and invasive species is there any plans to tackle this? A. Contractors are already working on controlling this Update Please
Q. Auchinstarry Marina is particularly bad for weed making it difficult to manoeuvre. What is the plan for this? A. Trucksters working from today 21/6/18 one with cutting blade and one with basket.CLOSED
Q. Weed is an issue across the whole system. What plans are in place? A. Weed cutter working on Glasgow branch at the minute and one union. CLOSED
Q. What latest with the weed cutters and trucksters as the weed cutter in Auchnistarry is on the slipway broken and I have heard that a trickster was sunk or damaged?A. Will be back in working order start of JulyI believe the weed cutter is still out of action please provide an update
Q. On the Auchinstarry linar line the boats have been shunted to make space for a widebeam. Instead of shunting everything toward the east end they have shunted INDI further into the diesel berth restricting the length. This is not appropriate and needs to be addresses?A. Will look in to this Update Please
Q. What is wrong with Leamington lift bridge and what are the current plans to fix it A.  
Q. Boats on the union only have 2 options from diesel either Leamington or bottom of the Wheel. With the above comment in mind and the restricted opening hours of lamington lift bridge the restrictions are causing problems can you think of any way we can reduce the impact e.g. open lamington more or could there be a mid point on the Union where a diesel point could be added?A. Will look in to this Update Please
Q. Clearing of the bank seems to be the responsibility of the Scottish canals staff but there is a contractor that is only cutting a narrow strip on the bank so we have high growth between the towpath and canalbank restricting visibility of the edge. What is the point in the contractor doing this?A. Will ask the union staff to look out for this and reportCLOSED
Q. There is a leaking bollard down the end of the liner line in Auchinstarry can this be fixed?A. Will be looked at 22/6/18Update Please

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair 31/01/18

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions – 5/3/18
Q. Please confirm date of implementation of escape ladder at Auchinstarry and confirm position.




More escape ladders – Ongoing please keep us updated.

A. A new ladder has now been fitted




A. Plan is to install a minimum of 4 per year, based on the visitor’s risk assessments, until requirements have been met.

Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?A. Budget has meant that this did not happen and there are no plans for before March. Will have more information over the next 6 weeks and will provide an update on this and dredging plans Update Please
Q. What are the current plans for dredging?A. See above Update Please
Q. What are the latest plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?A. looking at the possibility of installing sheet piling – will advise if this is feasible by the end of Feb. Update Please
Q. Are there any plans for more life rings or throwlines?




Lock 16, Long line at Kelpies + East and West F&C pontoons at the wheel have a shortage

A. Liferings are in stock, poles and holders are on order and permits have been applied for. 




To be completed by end March.

 Update Please
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?A. 15% of the signage report is completed to date and will provide an update on progress at next meeting (6/4/18)  Update Please
Q. Causeway End outside basin moorings could use so light improvements e.g. mooring rings, path and vegetation cut back. Would this be possible?A. Will speak again with the M&E team. However, this is not a priority. We have looked at improving the lighting but this would entail approximately £10k We have been advised moorings are going ahead and permission for rings have been granted. Can you advise on time scales?
Q. Camera on the Swing bridge at the Falkirk Wheel seems to be out of operation.A. Upgrades are now complete CLOSED
Q. Weed cutting seems hampered by lack of access points for the trucksters. Would it not be possible to create a portable ramp?A. We will provide an update on if this is technically feasible at next meeting Update Please
Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.  A. Will get a cost in the next few weeks Update Please
Q. Winding holes on the Union canal could do with clearing on the towpath side. Can this be put in to the schedule.  A. Some already completed and will now be in the schedule. CLOSED
Q. Causeway end – can we install an emergency water supply before a stop-cock supplying water to the vulnerable pipes under the pontoon. Currently, any burst pipe necessitates shutting entire water supply to the basin. Such a tap would provide water until the work was done to restore pontoon supply. A. Trace heating fuse was broken and wire had dropped. Isolator switch was also broken. This has now all been fixed.We still think this is a good idea but understand this is not a priority.





Q. What is the current situation with Twechar and Bonnybridge? A. Both bridges currently not in use. There will be an opening booked to allow re-positioning of boats. Twechar bridge will be first priority. Nav licence to be reduced for boats located between the bridges. If you wish to go to an alternative mooring temporarily please contact Paula Carson.  Update Please
Q. There has been discussions to put gravel down and Wacker plate the path between the bistro and moorings at Causeway end. Is there any update?   

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair 27/11/17

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions – 21/01/18
Q. Please confirm date of implementation of escape ladder at Auchinstarry and confirm position.




More escape ladders – Ongoing please keep us updated.

A. We have appointed a new contractor to manufacture the ladder. Installation date 11.12.17. 




Awaiting more budget – each ladder costs approximately £250

Awaiting confirmation of completion




Please keep us informed

Q. We previously raised concerns about the uneven paving slabs in Ratho Marina. We were advised SC will fix this in November. Can you confirm this is complete?A. The staff completed the areas outside the toilet block and will keep an eye out for any movement.CLOSED
Q. Some metal strips on pontoons are dangerously raised. Can you confirm this is complete?A. This has been completed on the linear line whilst the staff were powerwashing the pontoons. They also applied some non slip strips from Indy down to the end of Swallow. They were strips left from another job.  CLOSED
Q. The toilets at the Falkirk wheel seem to have reoccurring issues ranging from general maintenance and hygiene to flooding. Is there any update on this?A. These were upgraded last year. They are cleaned twice daily by the cleaner based at the Falkirk Wheel. Any maintenance tasks are carried out as and when required.New showers, handles and seats have been installed last month (Oct 17)CLOSED
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?A. The Union canal evac points will be lengthened this winter (2017) along with the Forth & Clyde work. Update Please
Q. Are there plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?




We were advised that Scottish Canals are intending to reinstate the pier using in house staff.

Please advise the intended date for the works?

A. Nothing to update at present. This works has not been budgeted for in this years budget.SC has advised that they will not have the funds to reinstate the pier after all. There was a proposal sent to RT of a cost effective way the LVG could help to get something in place.




Please can you advise on your current thoughts?

Q. There is a lack of life rings or throwlines currently at lock 16 and east and west forth and clyde pontoons at the wheel. Please can we see about installing some?A. We will look into these Update please
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?A. We are currently carrying out a review of all our signage along the lowland canals with a view of prioritising which ones are to be updated and replaced.Can we have a copy of the report once complete?
Q. There have been comments that mooring pins should not be used in the banks but subsequent comments have suggested pins are okay. Please confirm the current position on thisA. it is fine to use mooring pins unless otherwise stated by signage CLOSED
Q. Causeway End outside basin moorings could use so light improvements e.g. mooring rings, path and vegetation cut back. Would this be possible? A. Vegetation has been cut back and put on the monthly maintenance list. Weed spraying will take place. The addition of mooring rings needs to be raised with Historic Scotland which we will do.




Billy King has had a discussion with Pat on site. A review of the site lighting is planned with our M&E team w/c 2nd week in Dec to see the issues and if anything can be achieved in the short term.

Update Please
Q. Grip strip on to diesel berth at Auchinstarry is the wrong way around. Has this been fixed? A. They have now all been completed. Turned around to the right way.CLOSED
Q. Camera on the Swing bridge at the Falkirk Wheel seems to be out of operation. A. All the cameras are being upgraded along the Lowlands network over this winter period. Update Please
Q. There are concerns over some of the actions taken/not taken by the volunteer lock keepers in respect of not removing all the anti-vandal gear which reduces the ability to respond quickly in an emergency. Thoughts please. A. This was brought up and discussed at a meeting with Reunion on Tue 21st Nov 17. They are going to make sure that any current staff and new staff are briefed going forward. CLOSED
Q. Weed cutting seems hampered by lack of access points for the trucksters. Would it not be possible to create a portable ramp?A. Still ongoing at present. Update Please
Q. What are the current plans for dredging ?A. F&C will have high spots dredged this winter whilst creating the evac points and further dredging will take place on the F&C in the winter of 2018. 




Will provide a copy of the planned high spot dredging and weed removal for the Union this winter

The plan was never received. Can you provide a plan of what has been achieved to date and what is still planned this winter 2017/2018?
Q. Causeway end – can we install an emergency water supply before a stop-cock supplying water to the vulnerable pipes under the pontoon. Currently, any burst pipe necessitates shutting entire water supply to the basin. Such a tap would provide water until the work was done to restore pontoon supply.A. There is already enough stop cocks in the live line. It was agreed that we don’t require any further stop cocks.CLOSED but Billy King to speak with Robin Fryer to confirm
Q. You advised a rubbing straight at Ratho was not possible as there was no budget. Please can you give us a cost so we can explore possible options.A. This is with the Maintenance team and engineers to cost up.Update Please
Q. Please can the tractor tyres be removed from by the 750m sign just west of Seagul trust Ratho. There is one in the centre of the canal (boats are hitting this) and one on the banking that could be pushed in. A. This has been removedCLOSED 

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair 4/10/17

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions – 24/10/17
Q. Please confirm date of implementation of escape ladder at Auchinstarry and confirm position.




Please can you provide an update on the Kelpie ladder and position

More escape ladders – Ongoing please keep us updated.

A. Auchinstarry will have a new ladder fitted on the liner line on the 6/10/17 this was slightly delayed from the original 21/8/17 due to manufacture.




Kelpies has had a ladder fitted on the commercial line (left hand pontoon as you exit lock 3)

Awaiting more budget – each ladder costs approximately £250

Awaiting confirmation of completion





Please keep us informed

Q. We previously raised concerns about the uneven paving slabs in Ratho Marina. We were advised SC needed to assess who was responsible for correcting these and when. Is this still on schedule for November?A. SC will be fixing these slabs. The maintenance manager for the Lowland canals has this scheduled on the plan for November.We believe this has started – Please can you confirm current status




Awaiting confirmation of completion

Q. Causeway end have some concerns over their water pipes in relation to Mink damage. A suggestion of introducing a new tap and stop cock at the end of the pontoon for emergencies has been proposed. Can anything be done? The boater in question has not been contacted please advise.A. SC maintenance has been in contact with a different boater on site and has advised there are currently 2 stop cocks, one on the land by the bridge and one on the pontoons at the start of the bollards. We see no need for additional stop cocks but have provided the boater with a mink trap and we will reinsulate the pipe work next month. CLOSED
Q. Some metal strips on pontoons are dangerously raised. Please can we get this looked at and a plan to rectify?A. Auchinstarry Linear line will be repaired as best possible by the onsite SC team starting week commencing 9th October 2017. Length inspectors have been asked to make sure these types of issues are included in their report.Awaiting confirmation of completion
Q. The toilets at the Falkirk wheel seem to have reoccurring issues ranging from general maintenance and hygiene to flooding. Is there any update on this?A. In the short term the maintenance manager at the wheel has been asked to tidy these up and we are working on plans and budgeting to refurbish these in the near future. Update Please
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit? Have you had any further thoughts on this?A. There will be a review of the appropriate length of evac points before commencement of work on the F&C. The Union canal evac point will be looked at again winter 2018. Please keep us informed
Q. Are there plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?Is there away the LCA could assist with raising part of the funds needed.




Is there any news on costings for this project?

A. Permission has been granted from Historic Scotland to reinstate the pier. Currently budget constraints mean we cannot plan the work.




We will re-ask for costings and get back to you.

 Update Please
Q. Are there any plans for more life rings or throwlines?A. Can you advise where you feel there are a lack of liferings/throwlines and we can look at this Ongoing
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?A. We will investigate  Update Please
Q. There have been comments that mooring pins should not be used in the banks but subsequent comments have suggested pins are okay. Please confirm the current position on thisA. We will confirm soon Update Please
Q. There seems to be some inaccuracies in the Skippers guide. We have prepared some comments. Please can this be looked at and advise a date when the guide may be updatedA. We will take on board your comments for the next addition being prepared this winter. Closed – will re-open if changes do not seem to be taken onboard
Q. Causeway End outside basin moorings could use so light improvements e.g. mooring rings, path and vegetation cut back. Would this be possible? A. Vegetation has been cut back and put on the monthly maintenance list. Weed spraying will take place. The addition of mooring rings needs to be raised with Historic Scotland which we will do. Update Please
Q. Dredging operations signage is not large enough for skippers to read. Comments please A. We will make a more suitable, readable sign. CLOSED
Q. Evac point on the East of Bridge 52A perceived as navigational hazard. Please discuss A. Evac point sign has now been moved to the west of the bridge. CLOSED
Q. Grip strip on to diesel berth at Auchinstarry is the wrong way around. Will this be fixed? A. We will get this changedAwaiting confirmation of completion
Q. Camera on the Swing bridge at the Falkirk Wheel seems to be out of operation. A. We will investigate and speak to the Falkirk wheel manager Update Please
Q. There are concerns over some of the actions taken/not taken by the volunteer lock keepers in respect of not removing all the anti-vandal gear which reduces the ability to respond quickly in an emergency. Thoughts please. A. We will speak to the reunion team leader about this Awaiting confirmation of completion and results of conversation
Q. Weed cutting seems hampered by lack of access points for the trucksters. Would it not be possible to create a portable ramp?A. We will look in to this Update Please
Q. What are the current plans for dredging ?A. F&C will have high spots dredged this winter whilst creating the evac points and further dredging will take place on the F&C in the winter of 2018. Ongoing
Q. Can a rubbing straight be fitted to the back wall of Ratho Marina.A. Won’t be installing a rubbing straight as we don’t have funds. Boats have fenders to keep them off the wallsCould we have a cost so we can look in to this please

LCA Nav & Safety Meeting update 16/9/17 in preparation for follow up meeting with SC 4/10/17

QuestionAnswerLCA Nav and Safety comments and further questions
Q. There would appear to be some areas with a lack of escape ladders. Do you have plans for more?
A. Auchinstarry will have a new ladder fitted on the linear line on the 21st August. A ladder for the Kelpies is currently being manufactured and Causeway end received a new ladder. There are plans for more ladders when more budget becomes available.Please confirm date of implementation of escape ladder at Auchinstarry and confirm position.




Please can you provide an update on the Kelpie ladder and position.

Causeway end – CLOSED 

More escape ladders – Ongoing please keep us updated.

Q. The ladder at causeway end was put in place but there seemed to be issues securing it. Is there any update on this?A. The new pontoon ladder that was installed had an issue with the brackets/fixing to the pontoon on the day of install. The contractor came back the next day and fixed it, and it’s now secure.CLOSED
Q. We previously raised concerns about the uneven paving slabs in Ratho Marina. We were advised SC needed to assess who was responsible for correcting these and when. Is there any update?A. SC will be fixing these slabs and currently we hope to have achieved this by the end of November.Is this still on target for November?
Q. What is the official procedure for reporting accidents and near missed to SC?A. For non-emergency situations an email should be sent to our Head Of Health & Safety and his team at




For out of hours and in hours our Emergency Response number is 0800 072 9900.

For emergences that are life-threatening, injury threat, fire or criminality please call 999.

Q. Causeway end have some concerns over their water pipes in relation to Mink damage. A suggestion of introducing a new tap and stop cock at the end of the pontoon for emergencies has been proposed. Can anything be done?A. Someone will be in contact with the boater that raised this issue and arrange to visit site and see what options are available.No-one has contacted the boater in question please advise
Q. Some metal strips on pontoons are dangerously raised. Please can we get this looked at and a plan to rectify?A. We will look at this, starting with the Auchinstarry Linear line.Please can we have an update on this
Q. The toilets at the Falkirk wheel seem to have reoccurring issues ranging from general maintenance and hygiene to flooding. Would it be possible to look in to this?
A. This will be investigated.Please can we have an update on this
Q. We have received reports that some of the lock landing stages are in a dangerous condition. Is there plans to rectify this?A. All the lock landing stages were power washed in May and no issues were reported. Please can you let us know if there are any specific pontoons and we can take a further lookCLOSED – LCA Members have been reminded to report to
Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit?A. There is no plan to extend these as they are for emergency use only! If they were extended then they may be mistaken as mooring areas that some might moor up at! This Autumn/winter we will be creating the same Evac points on the Forth & Clyde Canal.Email was sent to TT (SC) 4/9/17 advising of boater’s concerns in relation to the current Evac points.
Please can you provide an update with this in mind.
Q. Are there plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?A. Permission has been granted from Historic Scotland to reinstate the pier. Currently budget constraints mean we cannot plan the work.Awaiting costings and any other information that may allow us to look at funding for this project. Please can we have an update.
Q. Is there away the LCA could assist with raising part of the funds needed.A. We can look at potential collaborations for this project. I will find out the costing involvedAS ABOVE
Q. Are there any plans for more life rings or throwlines?  
Q. What plans are there for signage at mooring sites?  
Q. There have been comments that mooring pins should not be used in the banks but subsequent comments have suggested pins are okay. Please confirm the current position on this  
Q. There seems to be some inaccuracies in the Skippers guide. We have prepared some comments. Please can this be looked at and advise a date when the guide may be updated  
Q. Causeway End outside basin moorings could use so light improvements e.g. mooring rings, path and vegetation cut back. Would this be possible?  
Q. Dredging operations signage is not large enough for skippers to read. Comments please  
Q. evac point on the East of Bridge 52A perceived as navigational hazard. Please discussSign post to be moved to west of Bridge 52aCan you confirm this is done?

Meetings between Scottish Canals and the LCA Nav and Safety committee Chair.

Questions and Answers 1/8/17

Q. There would appear to be some areas with a lack of escape ladders. Do you have plans for more?

A. Auchinstarry will have a new ladder fitted on the liner line on the 21st August. A ladder for the Kelpies is currently being manufactured and Causeway end received a new ladder. There are plans for more ladders when more budget becomes available.

Q. The ladder at causeway end was put in place but there seemed to be issues securing it. Is there any update on this?

A. The new pontoon ladder that was installed had an issue with the brackets/fixing to the pontoon on the day of install. The contractor came back the next day and fixed it, and it’s now secure.

Q. We previously raised concerns about the uneven paving slabs in Ratho Marina. We were advised SC needed to assess who was responsible for correcting these and when. Is there any update?

A. SC will be fixing these slabs and currently we hope to have achieved this by the end of November.

Q. What is the official procedure for reporting accidents and near missed to SC?

A. For non-emergency situations an email should be sent to our Head Of Health & Safety and his team at

For out of hours and in hours our Emergency Response number is 0800 072 9900.

For emergences that are life-threatening, injury threat, fire or criminality please call 999.

Q. Causeway end have some concerns over their water pipes in relation to Mink damage. A suggestion of introducing a new tap and stop cock at the end of the pontoon for emergencies has been proposed. Can anything be done?

A. Someone will be in contact with the boater that raised this issue and arrange to visit site and see what options are available.

Q. Some metal strips on pontoons are dangerously raised. Please can we get this looked at and a plan to rectify?

A. We will look at this, starting with the Auchinstarry Linear line.

Q. The toilets at the Falkirk wheel seem to have reoccurring issues ranging from general maintenance and hygiene to flooding. Would it be possible to look in to this?

A. This will be investigated.

Q. We have received reports that some of the lock landing stages are in a dangerous condition. Is there plans to rectify this?

A. All the lock landing stages were power washed in May and no issues were reported. Please can you let us know if there are any specific pontoons and we can take a further look.

Q. The Emergency Landing Evac points on the Union Canal were only dug out to 15m. Are there any plans to lengthen these as many boats cannot fit?

A. There is no plan to extend these as they are for emergency use only! If they were extended then they may be mistaken as mooring areas that some might moor up at! This Autumn/winter we will be creating the same Evac points on the Forth & Clyde Canal.

Q. Are there plans to reinstate the pier at Causewayend?

A. Permission has been granted from Historic Scotland to reinstate the pier. Currently budget constraints mean we cannot plan the work.

Q. Is there away the LCA could assist with raising part of the funds needed.

A. We can look at potential collaborations for this project. I will find out the costing involved.